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their city had decreed to all fair perfonages, as being Lacred to their Goddefs. The Angels being afkt by the priest whence they are, fay they are of Salem; the prieft inveighs against the ftrict reign of Melchizedec. Lot, that knows their drift, answers thwartly at last, of which notice given to the whole affembly, they haften thither, tax him of prefumption, fingularity, breach of city-customs; in fine, after violence, the Chorus of fhepherds prepare resistance in their master's defense, calling the reft of the ferviture; but being forc'd to give back, the Angels open the door, rescue Lot, discover themselves, warn him to gather his friends and fons in law out of the city. He goes and returns, as having met with fome incredulous. Some other friend or fon in law out of the way, when Lot came to his house, overtakes him to know his business. Here is difputed of incredulity of divine judgments, and fuch like matter: at laft is defcribed the parting from the city; the Chorus depart with their master; the Angels do the deed with all dreadful execution; the King and Nobles of the city may come forth, and ferve to set out the terror; a Chorus of Angels concluding, and the Angels relating the event of Lot's journey and of his wife. The first Chorus beginning, may relate the course of the city each evening every one with mistress or Ganymed, gitterning along the ftreets, or folacing on the banks of Jordan, or down the ftream. At the priest's inviting the Angels to the folemnity, the Angels pitying their beauty may difpute of love, and how it differs from luft, seeking to win them.

them. In the laft fcene, to the King and Nobles, when the fierce thunders begin aloft, the Angel appears all girt with flames, which he faith are the flames. of true love, and tells the King, who falls down with terror, his juft fuffering, as alfo Athane's, i. e. Gener, Lot's fon in law, for defpifing the continual admonitions of Lot: then calling to the thunders, lightnings, and fires, he bids them hear the call and command of God to come and destroy a godlefs nation: he brings them down with some short warning to other nations to take heed.

Chrift born.

Herod maffacring, or Rachel weeping, Matt. 2.
Chrift bound.

Chrift crucified.

Christ risen.

Lazarus. Joan 11.


The Angel Gabriel either defcending or entring, fhowing fince this globe was created, his frequency as much on earth, as in Heaven: defcribes Paradife. Next the Chorus fhewing the reason of his coming to keep his watch in Paradise after Lucifer's rebellion, by command from God, and withal expreffing his defire to fee and know more concerning this excellent new creature, Man. The Angel Gabriel, as by his name fignifying a prince of power, tracing Paradise with a


more free office, paffes by the ftation of the Chorus, and defired by them relates what he knew of Man, as the creation of Eve, with ther love and marriage. Af, ther this Lucifer appears after his overthrow, bemoans himself, feeks revenge on Man. The Chorus prepare resistance at his first approach. At last, after discourse of enmity on either fide, he departs; whereat the Chorus fings of the battel, and victory in Heaven against him and his accomplices; as before, after the first Act, was fung a hymn of the creation. Here again may appear Lucifer relating and infulting in what he had done to the deftruction of Man. Man next, and Eve having by this time been feduc'd by the ferpent appears confufedly cover'd with leaves. Conscience in a shape accuses him, Justice cites him to the place whither Jehovah call'd for him. In the mean while the Chorus entertains the stage, and is informed by fome Angel the manner of his fall. Here the Chorus bewails Adam's fall. Adam then and Eve return, accufe one another, but especially Adam lays the blame to his wife, is ftubborn in his offense. Juftice. appears; reasons with him, convinces him. The Chorus admonisheth Adam, and bids him beware Lucifer's example of impenitence. The Angel is fent to banish them out of Paradife; but before causes to pass. before his eyes in shapes a Mask of all the evils of this life and world. He is humbled, relents, defpairs; at laft appears Mercy, comforts him, promifes the Meffiah; then calls in Faith, Hope, and Charity; inftructs him; he repents, gives God the glory, fubmits


to his penalty: The Chorus briefly concludes. Com. pare this with the former draught.

Scotch ftories, or rather British of the North parts.

ATHRICO flain by Natholochus, whofe daughter he had ravisht, and this Natholochus ufurping thereon the kingdom, feeks to flay the kindred of Athrico, who scape him and confpire against him. He fends to a witch to know the event. The witch tells the meffenger, that he is the man fhall flay Natholochus : he detefts it, but in his journey home changes his mind, and performs it. Scotch Chron. English, p. 68. 69.

DUFFEE and DONWALD, a strange ftory of witchcraft, and murder difcover'd and reveng❜d. Scotch Story, 149, &c.

HAIE, the Plowman, who with his two fons that were at plough running to the battel that was between the Scots and Danes in the next field, ftaid the flight of his countrymen, renew'd the battel, and caus'd the victory, &c. Scotch ftory, p. 155.

KENNETH, who having privily poifon'd Malcolm Duffee, that his own fon might fucceed, is flain by Fenella. Scotch Hift. p. 157, 158, &c.

MACBETH, beginning at the arrival of Malcolm at Mackduffe. The matter of Duncan may be exprefs'd by the appearing of his ghost.


The Epitafis whereof may lie in the contention, first between the father of Zimri and Eleazer, whether he


[ought] to have flain his fon without law. Next, the embaffadors of the Moabites expoftulating about Coshi a ftranger and a noble woman flain by Phineas. It may be argued about reformation and punishment illegal, and, as it were by tumult, after all arguments driven home, then the word of the Lord may be brought, acquitting and approving Phineas.


The scene in the garden beginning from the coming thither till Judas betrays, and the officers lead him The reft by meffage and Chorus. His agony may receive noble expreffions.




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