Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts: ... Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond, Volumen1

R.F. Walker, 1875

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Página 266 - Captain and you are also to observe and follow such Orders and Directions as you shall from time to time receive from...
Página 272 - Colonel by doing and performing all manner of Things thereunto belonging. And we do strictly charge and require all Officers and Soldiers under your Command, to be obedient to your Orders as Colonel.
Página 312 - Bayley, and several other brave subalterns. You must be sensible of the feeling that I have for those brave officers and soldiers that are determined to share my fate, let it be what it will. I know the case is desperate ; but, sir, we must either quit the country or attact Mr.
Página 413 - Skinner and the other papers referred be transmitted to the commander in Chief and that he be directed to enquire into the manner in which our people who are prisoners are treated by the Enemy and that he give immediate orders to the commanding officers...
Página 317 - ... carried to Philadelphia while in possession of the British army and to New York, have perished miserably from that cause only; and that this fact is as well established with us, as any historical fact which has happened in the course of the war. A Gentleman of this Commonwealth in public office, and of known and established character, who was taken on...
Página 139 - Whereas many lewd Women that have been delivered of Bastard Children, to avoid their Shame, and to escape Punishment, do secretly bury or conceal the Death of their Children, and after, if the Child be found dead, the said Women do...
Página 334 - I am not clear but the Spaniards would fondly suffer their Settlements in the Illinois to fall with ours for the Sake of having the opertunity of Retaking Both. I doubt they are too fond (of) Territory to think of Restoring it again.
Página 319 - November last, on the address, the minister, speaking of General Burgoyne (and in his presence) says he is "a prisoner," and General Burgoyne calls himself "a prisoner under the terms of the Convention of Saratoga," intimating that tho' a prisoner, he is a prisoner of a particular species entitled to certain terms.
Página 312 - I know the case is Desperate, but sir we must Either quit the Country or attact Mr Hamilton. No time is to be lost, was I shoar of a Reinforcement I should not attempt it. Who knows what fortune will do for us: Great things have been effected by a few men well conducted. Perhaps we may be fortunate.
Página 371 - Pennsylvania, be ratified and finally confirmed, to wit: "that the line commonly called Mason's and Dixon's line, be extended due west five degrees of longitude, to be computed from the river Delaware for the southern boundary of Pennsylvania; and that a meridian drawn from the western extremity thereof, to the northern limits of the said States respectively, be the western boundary of Pennsylvania forever...

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