LORD's-DAY Evening ENTERTAINMENT, Containing Fifty-two Practical Discourses On the most Serious and Important SUBJECTS in DIVINITY, Intended for the USE of FAMILIES. In FOUR VOLUMES. By JOHN MASON, A. М. 14.496 VOL. II. The SECOND EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J. BuCKLAND, at the Buck in Pater-nofter CONTENTS. SERMΟΝ Χ. The Prayer of the Pharifee and the Publican. Luke xviii. 10, 13. Two Men went up SERMON ΧΙ. The Principle and Practice of Religion, the Ecclef. xii. 13. Let us hear the Conclufion of the whole matter; fear God, and keep Deuteron. viii. 2. And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty Years in the Wilderness, to humble 323. SER- SERMON I. The Duty of an inoffensive CONDUCT. I COR. X. 32. Give none Offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of GOD. T HE Apostle, in the latter part of this chapter, is giving his Opinion upon a point of Controversy which was warmly debated in his day; viz. "whether or no it was lawful for Chrif"tians, on any Occasion, to eat of that "Meat which had been offered in facrifice "to Idols." This some denied; fuppofing that it gave countenance to the pagan Idolatry, was inconfiftent A 3 |