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***BE it remembered, that on the twenty first day of December, in the fifty fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Rev. DANIEL O. MORTON, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit :

"Memoir of Rev. LEVI PARSONS, first Missionary to Palestine, from the United States; containing sketches of his early life and education, his Missionary labours in this country, in Asia Minor and Judea, with an account of his last sickness and death. Second Edition: Containing two Discourses in defence of Missions and Revivals of Religion, written in Palestine, and now first published. Also, extracts from a Farewell Address delivered before "the society of Enquiry upon the subject of Missions," at Andover, September, 1819. Compiled and prepared by-Rev. DANIEL O MORΤΟΝ, Α. Μ."

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned."


Clerk of the District of Vermont.

A true Copy of Record. Examined and sealed by me.

J. GOVE, Clerk.

CHAUNCEY GOODRICH, Printer, Burlington, Vt.




Ir an apology be necessary for the delay that has attended the publication of this work, it will be proper to state that a great part of the materials of which it is composed were at Alexandria in Egypt, when Mr. Parsons died, and were not received till one year from that time. This circumstance, together with parochial cares and duties, ill health and other hindrances, has deferred the appearance of this work much beyond the time anticipated by the writer and many friends of Mr. Parsons.

When the idea first occurred that a memoir of the deceased might be both acceptable and useful to the christian public, the writer had not the remotest thought of undertaking the business of compilation. But being advised to it by a gentleman in whose judgment he placed great confidence, he consented; not however without great fear and diffidence. Whatever opinions may be entertained respecting the labours of the compiler, it is hoped, as Mr. Parsons is in a great degree his own biographer, that a pretty full and fair view is given of his character.

If it should appear that the compiler has been only a "hewer of wood and drawer of water for the house of God," he would count it an undeserved honor. If by the perusal of this volume some christian should be comforted; if some sinner should be roused from his fatal slumber; if there should be excited in any bosom a truly apostolic zeal in the cause of missions, the writer will have lasting occasion to rejoice that he has had an agency, however feeble, in giving this work to the public.

The prayers of the pious reader are earnestly solicited that the beloved Parsons, being dead, may yet speak to the edification of many; and that this work may extensively promote that glorious cause to which he was sacredly and supremely devoted.



Shoreham, July 1, 1824.

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