| John Austin - 1675 - 484 páginas
...that will lofe his '£ forWy fake, aud the Ghofpel's, mall jind it. And, what willit prolita Man, 't he gain the whole World, and lofe his own Soul ? or what fhall a man give in ^change for liis Soul? For, he that afliam a of We andltty words, in this adulterous... | |
| Richard Lucas - 1710 - 378 páginas
...Profit from his Sins, yet he muft believe all the while, that he muft one day pay dear for them 5 for what is a man profited if he gain the whole world and loofe his own foul .<? or what fljalta/ftan give in exchange for his foul? Ah! were this point gain'd,... | |
| Matthew Hole - 1716 - 540 páginas
...fell an everlafting Inheritance ? and for a fmall fpot of Earth, to part with a Kingdom in Heaven ? What is a Man profited, if he gain the whole World, and lofe his own Soul ? And if the whole World can be no Recompence or Exchange for the Soul, fure to lofe it for a little... | |
| Zachary Grey - 1737 - 560 páginas
...all thefe his Dominions, which is no " Waies in his Power to helpe. For you know who «« faies, Wbat is a Man profited, if he gain the whole « World) and lofe bis own Soule. Whereas by the «* thefe Particulars, puts him in a right way for the " contrary, the... | |
| Jeremiah Seed - 1747 - 482 páginas
...andSERM-Iirbeautiful is this parallel Thought of our bleffed Saviour ! What is a Man profited, if. he Jhall gain the whole World, and lofe his own Soul ? Or what Jhall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul? Matt. xvi. 26. Befides thefe Arguments for Infpiration, from Miracles... | |
| William Shepheard - 1748 - 410 páginas
...unto Right e oufnefs ? 225 SER M. VIII. St. Matth. xvi. 26. For what is a Man profited, if he Jhall gain the whole World, and lofe his own Soul ? Or what Jhall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul? 261 SER M. IX. St. Luke xi. 42. Tbefe ought ye to have done, and... | |
| John Tillotson - 1748 - 438 páginas
...Suppofe a man fhould gain the whole world, and ruin himfelf for ever, what would be the advantage of it ? What is a man profited, if he gain the -whole world, and lofe himfelf? Secondly, Suppofe a man had made fuch a bargain, and undone himfelf for ever, to gain the... | |
| Thomas Halyburton - 1751 - 552 páginas
...author treats as the great encouragement of believing ; and this is the one thing necejjary : for, What is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and loie his own foul ? This falvation is fct forth in fcripture-light, accounted for in its. parts and... | |
| Edmund Law - 1755 - 512 páginas
...The Son of Man came to give his ^Life a ranfom for many. Mark viii. 36,37. What {hall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lofe his own Soul ? Or what fhall a man give in exchange for his Soul? Add x. 45. Luke viii. 55. — her c Spirit came again. Add... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - 482 páginas
...world can ftand againft that argument of our SAVIOUR, if it bz (crioufly weighed and confidered ; " what is a man *' profited; if he gain the whole world, and lofe " his own foul ?" or what fhall a man give in ex" change for his foul ? If he would confider things impartially,... | |
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