SOCINIANISM UNMASKED: 1 N FOUR LETTERS TO THE LAY-MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF AYR: OCCASIONED BY DR. M'GILL'S PRACTICAL ESSAY on the DEATH Of PROVING, That he denies the great Doctrines of the ATONEMENT, of To which are added, A LETTER TO THE DOCTOR, And an HUMBLE ADDRESS to the Members of the General BY A FRIEND TO TRUTH. THE SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED: Wth REFLECTIONS on the Influence of the Socinian Doctrine PROV. xxvi. 25. When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there LUKE Xxii. 48. Judas, betrayeft thou the Son of man with a kifs? EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR W. LAING; W. MILLAR, GLASGOW; J. MATTHEWS, M DCC XC. 130. f. 27. To the Lay Members of the Church of SCOTLAND, and especially to thofe of the COLLEGIATE CHURCH of Ayr. MY BRETHREN, T may feem strange that an unknown, and at beft, an inconfiderable perfon, fhould addrefs you in this public manner. You undoubtedly form a very refpectable body of profeffing Chriftians; and are therefore entitled to the moft refpectful treatment. It would be inconfiftent with your juft claims to call your attention on a trivial occafion. As members of the state, you are often fummoned, by the friends of their country, to a laudable concern about your rights as men and citizens. If you, when addreffed in that capacity, although you may not coincide in every point with those who claim your regard, yet deign to weigh what they fubmit to your judgment, and at least, to form a charitable opinion of their intentions; we hope that you will not entirely turn a deaf ear to us. We call not your attention, indeed, to the valuable rights which you poffefs as citizens; but to thofe higher privileges which are conferred on you as Chriftians. We endeavour not to awaken your zeal with refpect to civil liberty; but to that far more glorious liberty, wherewith Chrift hath made us free." If you patiently bear with thofe who put you in mind of the laws and rights, which were handed down to you from your illuftrious forefathers, at the expence of their blood; will you not extend your indulgence to us, while we vindicate thofe, which have been purchased for you by the blood of the Son of God? Nor is it a fubject of comparatively A |