| Jean Le Clerc - 1701 - 650 páginas
...MAR K. L u K B. JOHN. *HA* xtv. CHAP. XVH. have known that thou hafl fent me. 26 And I hate dedared unto them thy name, and will declare it : that the....-wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. CHAP. XVIII. t \ftJHEN Jefus VV hadfpokea thefe words, he went forth with his difciples... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...them thy NAME, and fi. to , n THRONES,judgingthetwclvc • M i ' . L. 'I nbts ot Ifraelfill declareit: that the Love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I tth Gocd in them. R<m. ii. 10. Hut GLORY, Honour, and Peace, to every Man that workl. By whom slfb... | |
| John Cennick - 1742 - 92 páginas
...that they may be one even as we are one. I in 'fhem, and 'Thou in me. Alfo he adds^ / have He, clar'd unto them thy Name $ and will declare it $ that .the...loved me may be in them, and I in them, John xvii, 20, 2i, 22, 23, 26. In this Scripture 'tis plain our Saviour pray'd for all Believers with the Apoftles,... | |
| United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - 828 páginas
...the world hath not known thee : but I have known thee, and thefe have known that thou haft fent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare...wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. 96. Our Lord's loft will. GO ye into all the world : and preach the gofpel to every creature.... | |
| Thomas Hartley - 1754 - 456 páginas
...which he had given him, faith ; / /» them, and thou in me, that they may be made .per/eft in one. I have declared unto them thy. Name, and •will declare it, that the Love wherewith- thou baft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. u«,, .. .. ..j.cn-i*'/ Behold, my Brethren, what Manner... | |
| William Law - 1760 - 252 páginas
...that they alfo may be one in us — I in them and thou in me, that they be made per/eft in one, and that the Love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. Now for the Truth and Certainty of this fpiritual Kingdom, in which are only Ipiritual Wormippers... | |
| Carl Heinrich von BOGATZKY - 1761 - 302 páginas
...name, in his word and faith ; and will fecure us from all wanderings ; he himfelf, fays John xvii. 26. I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it, that tbe love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and 1 in them. The more God's name, God's word,... | |
| George Whitefield - 1771 - 494 páginas
...in.thee, that they alfo may be one in us, I in them, and they in me, that they may be made perfe& in one : that the love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them." But indeed your Lordfhip's definition of entluftafmt when examined, does not convey any... | |
| Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 páginas
...world hath not known thee ; but I have known thee, and thefe yd have known that thou haft fent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare...wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. . CH AP XVIII.. Jefus had fpoken thefe words, he went forth with his difciples over the... | |
| 1788 - 598 páginas
...world hath not known thee : but I have known thee, and thefe have known that thou haft fent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare...love wherewith thou haft loved me may be in them, and I in them. CHAP. XIX. THEN Pilate therefore took Jefus and fcourged htm. 2 And the foldiers platted... | |
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