forbid that they fhould folemnize Worship on Mountains and in Groves. That the Antients folemniz'd, Worfhip upon Mountains may appear from Chap. xii. Gen. concerning Abraham, "And he removed from thence unto a Moun "tain on the Eaft of Bethel and pitched his Tent, having Bethel in the Weft, "and Hai on the Eaft; and there be builded an Altar unto Jehovah, and called upon the Name of Jehovah," Ver. 8. N. 1449 to 1455; and from the Signification of Mountains, which is the Celeftial of Love. N. 795. 796. 1430; that they likewife celebrated holy Worship in Groves, appears from thofe Things which are contained in this Verfe. "Abraham planted a Grove in Beer-fheba, and called there on the Name of the everlasting God," as also from the Signification of Orchard, which is Understanding, N. 100, 108. 1588, and of Trees, which are Perceptions, N. 103. 2163. That they were forbid, appears from what follows; in Mofes, "Thou shalt not plant thee a Grove of any Trees near unto the Altar of Jehovah thy God, which thou fhalt make cc unto thee. Neither fhalt thou fet thee up any Image, which Je"hovah thy God hateth," Deut. xvi. 21, 22. In the fame, "Ye fhall deftroy their Altars, break their Images, and cut down their Groves, Exod. xxxiv. 13. and "that they fhould burn their Groves with "Fire," Deut. xii. 3. And because the Jews and Ifraelites, among whom the Rite reprefentative of the Antient Church was introduced, were only in Externals, nor lefs than Idolaters in their Heart, being ignorant of and not willing to know what is the Internal, and what is Life after Death, as well as what the Celestial Kingdom of the Meffiah fhould be, as often as they were at Liberty, they folemniz'd prophane Worship upon Mountains and Hills, as alfo in Groves and Woods, as likewife inftead of Mountains and Hills they made to themselves High Places, and instead of Groves the graven Image of a Grove, as may appear in many Places in the Word, as in the Book of Judges, "The Children of Ifrael ferved Baalim and the Groves," iii. 66 In the Book of Kings," Ifrael made Groves, provoking Jehovah to "Anger," xiv. 15. and elsewhere "Judah built themfelves High Places, and. "Images, and Groves, on every high Hill, and under every green Tree," 1 Kings xiv. 23. Elfe-where, "The Children of Ifrael built themselves High Places "in all their Cities. And they fet them up Images and Groves on every high Hill, and under every green Tree," 2 Kings xvii. 9, 10. And elsewhere, 66 Manaffeh King of Judah reared up Altars to Baal, and made a Grove, as "did Ahab King of Ifrael. And he fet a graven Image of the Grove that he "had made, in the House of God," 2 Kings xxi. 3, 7. from which it is plain they made Images of a Grove; which that they were deftroyed by King Jofiah, fee there, "Jofiah order'd to be brought out of the Houfe of Jehovah all the Veffels that were made for Baal, and for the Grove, and for the "Sun, and for the Moon, and for all the Hoft of Heaven, and burnt them "without Jerufalem, and the Houses where the Women wove Hangings for "the Grove. And he brake in Pieces the Images, and cut down the Groves, "which Solomon had made, alfo the Grove which was in Bethel, which Jeroboam had made," 2 Kings xxiii. 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15. Besides, that fuch Things were were deftroyed by Hezekiah, in the fame Book, "He removed the High "Places, and brake the Images, and cut down the Groves, and brake in Pieces "the brazen Serpent which Mofes had made," 2 Kings xviii. 4. That the brazen Serpent was holy in the Time of Mofes is evident, but when the External was worshipped, it was made prophane, and was broke to pieces; for the fame Reason Worship was forbid upon the Mountains and in Groves. These Things appear moreover in the Prophets. In Ifaiak, "Enflaming your"felves with Idols under every green Tree, flaying the Children in the Valleys "under the Clefts of the Rocks. Among the fmooth ftones of the Stream is thy Portion; they, they are thy Lot; even to them haft thou poured a "Drink offering, thou haft offered a Meat-offering. Upon a lofty and high "Mountain haft thou fet thy Bed; even thither wenteft thou up to offer Sacri"fice," lvii. 5, 6, 7. In the fame, "At that Day fhall a Man look to his "Maker, and his Eyes fhall have refpect to the Holy One of Ifrael. And "he fhall not look to the Altars, the Work of his Hands, neither fhall respect "that which his Fingers have made, neither the Groves, nor the Images,' xvii. 7, 8. In Micah, " And I will cut off Witchcrafts out of thine Hand; "thy graven Images alfo will I cut off, and thy ftanding Images out of the "Midst of thee; and will pluck up thy Groves out of the Midft of thee; fo "will I deftroy thy Cities," v. 12, 13, 14. In Ezekiel, "When their Slain "fhall be among their Idols round about their Altars, upon every bigh Hill in "all the Tops of their Mountains, and under every green Tree, and under every thick Oak," vi. 13. From hence it is evident, from what Original, proceeded idolatrous Worship, namely, that Objects reprefenting and fignifying were worshipped; the Antients who lived before the Flood, faw fomething reprefentative and fignicative of the Kingdom of the Lord, in every Thing, as well in Mountains, as in Hills, in Fields, in Valleys, in Gardens, Groves, Woods, in Rivers and Waters, in Paftures and Flocks, in Trees of every Kind, in Animals alfo of every Sort, in the Luminaries of Heaven, but never with their Eyes, lefs their Minds, fixt to the Object, but they were the Means of thinking of the celeftial and fpiritual Things which are in the Kingdom of the Lord; and this to that Degree, that there was nothing in univerfal Nature which did not ferve them for Means; thus alfo it is in itfelf, that all and fingular Things are Reprefentatives, which at this Day is a Secret, and scarce can be believ'd by any Body. But after the Celestial, which is of Love toward the Lord, perifh'd, then Mankind was no longer in that State, namely, that by Objects, as Means, they could fee the celestial and spiritual Things of the Kingdom of the Lord; but yet the Antients after the Flood knew from Traditions and the Collections of fome that thofe Things were fignified, and because they fignified, accounted them alfo holy, hence was the representative Worship of the Antient Church, which Church, because Spiritual, was not in the Perception, that fo it fhould be, but in the Knowledge, for it was in Obfcurity refpectively, N. 2715, yet they did not worship Externals, but by Externals were put in Remembrance of Internals, and when they were in those Representatives and Signicatives, they were in the Holy of Worship; this No VI. I they they could likewife do, because they were in fpiritual Love, that is, in Charity, which they made the Effential of Worship; wherefore the Holy from the Lord might flow into their Worship: But when the State of Mankind was become fo changed and perverted from the Good of Charity, that they no longer believed that a heavenly Kingdom would be given, or Life after Death, but that they fhould be in a like State with Animals, befides what they only thought, as likewife at this Day, then the holy representative Worship was turned into Idolatry, and Externals were worshipped; from hence among many Nations, even among the Jews and Ifraelites, Worship was not representative, but of Reprefentatives and Signicatives, that is, of Externals without Internals. With refpect to Groves in particular, they were among the Antients of a various Signification, and indeed according to the Species of Trees which were there; Groves, where there were Olive-Trees, fignified the Celestials of Worship; Groves, where there were Vines, fignified its Spirituals; but Groves, where there were Fig-trees, where there were Cedars, where there were Fir-trees, where there were Poplars, where there were Oaks, the various Things which belong to Celestials and Spirituals; here Grove or Arbour is fimply named, and fignifies thofe Things which are of Rationals, which are joined to Doctrine and the Knowledge thereof; for Trees in general fignify Perceptions, N. 103. 2163; but when they are predicated of the Church fpiritual, fignify Knowledge, for this Reafon, because the Man of the fpiritual Church has no other Perceptions than those which he acquires by Knowledge from Doctrine or the Word, for thefe become his Faith, fo his Confcience, from which is Perception. 2723. But with refpect to Beer-fheba, Beer fheba fignifies the State and Quality of Doctrine, namely, that it is Divine, to which are joined human Rationals, as may appear from the Series of Things that are treated of from Ver. 22, to this, N. 2613. 2614; also from the Signification of the very Word in the original Tongue which is the Well of the Oath and feven; that Well is the Doctrine of Faith, may be feen N. 2702. 2720; that Oath is Conjunction, N. 2720, as alfo Covenant which is made by Oath, N. 1996. 2003. 2021. 2037, and that Seven is Holy, fo Divine, N. 395. 433. 716. 881, from which it may appear, that it fignifies the Doctrine which is Divine in itself with Rationals joined or with human Appearances; that from hence Beer-Sheba is derived, is plain from the Words of Abraham, "Abraham said, For these seven Ewe Lambs fhalt thou take of my Hand, that they may be a Witness unto me that I have digged this Well; wherefore be called that Place Beer-fbeba; because there they fware both of them; thus they made a Covenant in Beer-Sheba," Ver. 30, 31, 32. In like Manner from the Words of Ifaac in the following Chap. xxvi. "And it came to pass the fame Day, that Ifaac's Servants came and told him concerning the Well which they had digged, and faid unto him, we have found Water. And he called it Sheba; (Oath and feven) therefore the Name of the City is Beer-Sheba unto this Day," Ver. 32, 33. There alfo the Wells are treated treated of, al out which Abraham had a Contention with Abimelech, and of the Covenant made with him, and by Beer-fheba are fignified human Rationals again joined to the Doctrine of Faith, and because again joined, and fo made Doctrine for human Apprehenfion, it is called City, that City is Doctrinal in its Complex, may be feen N. 402. 2268. 2450. 2451. Befides, BeerSheba is named in a like Signification with refpect to the Internal Sense, Gen. xxii. 19. Chap. xxvi. 22. Chap. xxviii. 10. Chap. xlvi. 1, 5. Jof. xv. 28. xix. 1, 2. 1 Sam. viii. 2. 1 Kings xix. 3. and in an oppofite Senfe, Am. v. 5. viii. 13, 14. The Extenfion of Celestials and Spirituals, which are of Doctrine, is fignified in the internal Senfe, where the Extenfion of the Land of Canaan is defcribed, from Dan to Beer-fheba; by the Land of Canaan is fignified the Kingdom of the Lord, as likewife the Church, confequently the Celestials and Spirituals which are of Doctrine; as in the Book of Judges, "Then all the Children of Ifrael went out, and the Congregation was gathered together, as one Man, from Dan to Beer-fbeba, xx. 1. In .. 66 the Book of Samuel, "All Ifrael from Dan to Beer-Sheba," 1 Sam. iii. 20. Again, "To tranflate the Kingdom from the Houfe of Saul, and to fet up the Throne of David over Ifrael, from Dan even to Beer-fheba," 2 Sam. iii. 10. Again, "Hufhai counfelled Abfalom, that all Ifrael might be gathered together from Dan even to Beer-fheba, 2 Sam. xvii. 11. Again, "David faid to Joab, Go thro' all the Tribes of Ifrael from Dan even to BeerSheba, 2 Sam. xxiv. 2, 7. Again, "There died of the People from Dan even to Beer-fheba seventy thousand Men," 2 Sam. xxiv. 15. In the Book of Kings, "And Judah and Ifrael dwelt fafely, every Man under his Vine, "and under his Fig-tree, from Dan even to Beer-Sheba, all the Days of Solomon," 1 Kings iv. 25. t 2724. And he called there on the Name of the everlafting God, that it fignifies Worship from thence, appears from the Signification of, to call on the Name of God, which is Worship, of which, N. 440. They who were of the Antient Church, by Name did not understand Name, but every Quality, N. 144. 145. 768. 1754. 1896. 2009; fo by the Name of God every Thing in one Complex by that, God was worshipped, and fo every Thing of Love and Faith; but when the Internal of Worship was loft, and only the External remain'd, then by the Name of God they began to understand nothing more than the Name, fo that they worshipp'd the Name itself, not regarding from what Love, or from what Faith; therefore the Nations began to diftinguish themselves by the Names of Gods, and the Jews and Ifraelites above the reft, by that which they fhould worship Jehovah, placing the Effential of Worship in naming and invocating the Name, whereas the Worship of the Name only is no Worship, but practicable by the worst of Men, who by that prophane it the more. But because by the Name of God is fignified every Thing of Worship, that is, every Thing of Love and Faith, which are the Effentials of Worship, hence appears what is understood by hallowed be thy Name, in the Lord's Prayer, Matt. vi. 9. by these Things which the Lord faid, "Ye fhall be hated of all Men for my Name's fake," I 2 "Matt. "Ho Matt. x. 22. "If two of you agree on Earth as touching any Thing that they fhall afk, it fhall be done for them of my Father which is in "Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, "there am I in the midst of them," Matt. xviii. 19, 20. "And every one "that hath forfaken Houses, or Brethren, or Sifters, or Father, or Mother, "or Wife, or Children, or Lands for my Name's fake, fhall receive an "hundred-fold, and fhall inherit everlasting Life," Matt. xix. 29. "fannah to the Son of David, bleffed is he who cometh in the Name of the "Lord," Matt. xxi. 9. "For I fay unto you, ye fhall not fee me hence"forth, till ye fhall fay, Bleffed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord," Matt. xxiii. 39. "Ye fhall be hated of all Nations for my Name's fake. And "then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate "one another, and all these Things for my Name's fake," Matt. xxiv. 9, 10. "But to as many as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Sons "of God, even to them that believe in his Name," John 1. 12. "He that "believeth not, is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the "Name of the only begotten Son of God," iii. 18. "Jefus faid, whatsoever ye "fhall afk in my Name, that I will do," John xiv. 14, 15. Chap. xv. 16. Chap. xvi. 23, 24, 26, 27. "Jefus faid, I have manifefted thy Name to the "Men which thou gaveft me," John xvii. 6. "Holy Father, keep thro' "thine own Name thofe whom thou haft given me, that they may be one, as we are," John xvii. 11, 12. “And I have declared unto them thy Name, " and will declare it; that the Love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be "in them, and I in them," John xvii. 26. "That ye might believe that Jefus is the Chrift the Son of God, and that believing ye might have Life "thro' his Name," John xx. 31. befides in many Places in the Old Teftament, in which by the Name of Jehovah and of God, is not understood Name, but every Thing of Love and Faith, from which is Worship; but they who worship the Name only, without Love and Faith, of thofe thus it is faid in Matthew, "Many fhall fay unto me in that Day, Lord, Lord, have we not "prophefied in thy Name, and in thy Name caft out Devils, and in thy Name "done many wonderful Works; and then will I profefs unto them I know you not; depart from me ye that work Iniquity," vii. 22, 23. When, as it has been faid, the Man of the Church from an Internal is made an External, and has begun to place Worship in Name alone, then they no longer acknowledge one God, but many; for it was ufual with the Antients to add fomething to the Name of Jehovah, and from thence to remember fome Benefit or Attribute of His, as here." He called on the Name of the Everlafting God," In the following Chap. xxii. "Abraham called the Name of "that Place, Jehovah Jireh, that is, he will fee," Ver. 14. "Mofes built an Altar, and called the Name of it, Jehovah Niffi, that is, my Standard, Exod. xvii. 15. "Gideon built an Altar to Jehovah, and called it Jehovah Schalom, that is, Peace," Judg. vi. 24. befides other Places. Hence it was, that those who place Worship in Name alone, acknowledged so many 66 Gods; |