WORD of the LORD, LAID OPEN: Here, those which are in the Twenty-First Chapter OF GENESIS. Together with the WONDERFUL THINGS Which have been seen and heard in the World of Spirits, and Heaven of Angels: Here at the End, concerning Marriages, how they are VI. M DCC L. [Price Nine-pence.] Books (3) 2606. 1 The SECOND PART. The TWENTY-FIRST CHAPTER of the Book of GENESIS. T HE Word of the Old Testament was formerly call'd the Law and the Prophets; by the Law were understood all Historicals, which are the five Books of Mofes, Judges, Samuel and Kings; by the Prophets, all the Prophecies which are of Ifaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hofea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, as also the Pfalms of David. The Historicals of the Word are also call'd Mofes, thence occasionally are put for the Law and the Prophets; it is said, Moses and the Prophets; and the Prophecies Elias; fee the Preface to Chap. xviii. Gen. 2607. With regard to Historicals, all Things there are historically true; besides those Things which are in the First Chapter of Genesis, which are Historical Facts, of which in the First Part; and altho' they are historically true, yet have they an internal Sense, and in that Sense, like the Propheticals, treat only of the Lord, they also treat of Heaven and the Church, and also of those Things which are of Heaven and the Church, but those Things are of the Lord, wherefore by them they look to the Lord, and from thence are the Word; all the Historicals there are Representatives, and all the Words, with which they are defcribed, are Significatives; that Historicals are Repre |