: " both glorified it, and will glorify it again," xii. 28. that to glorify is to make the Divine, may be seen, N. 1603. 1999. By Circumcifion in the Antient Church, there is no other Thing represented and signified, than that Man should be purified from the Loves of Self and the World, and this also successively and continually, as may be seen N. 2039. 2046. at the End. 2049. 2056, especially when he was born a-new, or when he is regenerated, for then the Lord flows in by the internal Way, that is, by the Good of Confcience, and separates those Things successively and continually, which adhere from the Hereditary, and from actual Evil. 2633. His Son being eight Days old, that it signifies Beginning and Continuance, appears from the Signification of the eighth Day, on which they were circumcifed, which is all Manner of Beginning, so Continuance of which Ν. 2044. 2634. As God had commanded him, that it signifies according to Divine Order, appears from the Signification of, God to command, or of Commandments; the Commandments of God, or those Things which God has commanded, are all and fingular of the Divine Order, infomuch that the Divine Order cannot be other than the perpetual Commandment of God; wherefore to live according to the Commandments of God, and in the Commandments of God, is according to the Divine Order and in the Divine Order; hence it is, that, by God commanded him, here is signified according to Divine Order. It was according to Divine Order, that every Male Child should be circumcised at eight Days old, not that Circumcifion could do any Thing, or that they who are circumcised enter into the Kingdom of the Lord before the Uncircumcised; but because such a Rite in the Church Representative corresponded to the Purification of the Heart, of which Correspondence, by the Divine Mercy of the Lord, we shall speak of elfe-where. That the Heart, that is, the Interiors of Man, are to be successively and continually purified from the Evils which are of Lufts, and from the Falsities which are of Phantasfies from thence, is according to Divine Order, the Commandments concerning the Purification of the Heart are all and fingular of the Divine Order; so much therefore as Man lives in those Precepts, so much he lives in the Divine Order; and so much as he lives in this, so much in him are all Things disposed by the Lord according to the Order which is by Him in the Heavens, as well with regard to his Rationals as Scientifics; hence Man becomes a little Heaven correspondent to the Greatest. 2635. Ver. 5. And Abraham was an hundred Years old when his Son Ifaac was born unto him. Abraham was an hundred Years old, signifies the full State of Union. When Ifaac was born unto him, signifies when the Rational of the Lord was made Divine. 2636. Abrabam was an hundred Years old, that it signifies the full State of Union, appears from the Signification of an Hundred, which is Fulness, of which presently in the following, and from the Signification of Years, which is State, of which N. 482. 487. 488.493.893, here the State of Union. What the full State of the Union of the Divine of the Lord with his his Human is, or which is the same Thing, with his Rational, for the Human begins from the Intimate of the Rational, N. 2106. 2194, cannot so well be declared to the Apprehenfion, but yet may be illustrated by those Things which in Man are called a full State when he is reformed and regenerated. It is known, that he cannot be regenerated but in an adult Age, because he then first becomes capable by Reason and Judgment, and so can receive Good and Truth from the Lord; before he comes into that State, he is prepared by the Lord for it, that such Things may be infinuated into him, that may serve him for a Ground of receiving the Seeds of Truth and Good, which are more States of Innocence and Charity, as also the Knowledge of Truth and Good, and from thence Thoughts, which is done in many Years before he is regenerated; when a Man is instructed in these, and so is prepared, then his State is faid to be full, for then the Interiors are disposed to receive; in Man, all these Things with which he is endowed by the Lord before Regeneration, and by which he is regenerated, are called Remains, which in the Word are signified by the Number Ten, Ν. 576. 1738. 2284; likewise by an Hundred, when there is the full State for Regeneration, N. 1988. These Things may be taken for an Illustration of what is signified by the full State of the Union of the Human with the Divine in the Lord, namely, when He by his own Power, by the Fights of Temptations and Victories, and by the Powers of Divine Wisdom and Understanding, acquired to himself so much of the Divine in the Human, that is, in the Rational, that he might unite the Divine Itself to the Divine acquired. That this State might be represented, it was so order'd, that Ifaac should not be born to Abraham, altho' he continued many Years in the Land of Canaan, before he was an hundred Years old. These are the Secrets which are contained in the Number of an hundred Years. That the Number an Hundred signifies Plenitude, may also appear from other Places in the Word, as in Ifaiab, "There shall be no more thence an Infant of " Days, nor an old Man that hath not filled his Days; for the Child shall " die an hundred Years old, but the Sinner being an hundred Years old shall " be accursed," xlv. 20. where an Hundred is manifestly put for Fulness, for it is faid, there shall be no more an Infant of Days, nor an old Man that hath not filled his Days, and the Child and the Sinner of an hundred Years old, that is, when his State is full. In Matthew, "And every one that " hath forsaken Houses, or Brethren, or Sifters, or Father, or Mother, or "Wife, or Children, or Lands for my Name's Sake, shall receive an Hundred-fold, and shall inherit everlasting Life," xix. 29. Mark x. 29, 30. where an Hundred-fold is put for Fulness, or good Measure, pressed down, shook together and running over, Luke vi. 38. In Luke, "And other fell " on good Ground, and sprang up, and bare Fruit an Hundred-fold,” viii. 8. Matt. xii. 8. 23. Mark iv. 20. where also an Hundred is put for Fulness, which Number would not have been faid, unless it had fignified that. In like Manner where the Lord speaks of the "Debtors, that one owed an bundred " " hundred Measures of Oil, and another an hundred Measures of Wheat," Luke xvi. 5, 6, 7. fo alfo in other Places where an Hundred is named ; so it is with a Thousand, of which Number see N. 2575. 2637. When his Son Ifaac was born unto him, that it signifies when the Rational of the Lord was made Divine, appears from the Signification of, to be born, which is, to exist, of which N. 2584. 2621. 2629; and from the Representation of Ifaac, which is the Divine Rational, of which N. 2630; this is faid to be born to Abraham, when his Divine was made holy, as also above, Ver. 3. "Abraham called the Name of his Son which was born unto "him," as may be seen N. 2628. 2638. Ver. 6, 7. And Sarab faid, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me. And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given Children fuck ? for I have borne him a Son in his old Age. Sarah faid, signifies Perception from the Divine spiritual. God hath made me to laugh, signifies the Affection of Truth celestial. So that all that hear will laugh with me, signifies that all there should have an Affection. And she said, signifies Thought. Who would have said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given fuck, signifies should of his own Power implant the Human Divine. For I have borne him a Son in his old Age, signifies that this would be done when the Days should be compleated. 2639. Sarah faid, that it signifies Perception from the Divine spiritual, appears from the Signification of, to say, which is to perceive, of which often; and from the Representation of Sarah, which is the Divine spiritual, or the Divine Truth, of which N. 2622. 2640. God hath made me to laugh, that it signifies the Affection of Truth celestial, appears from the Signification of Laughter, which is the Affection of Truth, of which, N. 2072. 2216; and from God to make, which is the Celestial from which. 2641. So that all that hear shall laugh with me, that it signifies all Things there that should have Affection, appears from the Signification of, to hear and to laugh; to hear in the Word is predicated of those Things which are of the Affection, but to fee, of those Things which are of Thought, which may appear from very many Places in the Word, as also from. Correfpondencies, as may be seen N. 2542; here because the Affection of Truth celestial is treated of, it is said, every one that hears, by which are fignified all Things of Affection. That to laugh is to be affected with Truth, or to have the Affection of Truth, may be seen N. 2072. 2216. 2640. 2642. And she said, that it signifies Thought, appears from the Signification of, to say, of which often, see 2619 at the End. 2643. Who would have faid unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given fuck, that it signifies that the Lord by his own Power should implant the Human in the Divine, appears from the Representation of Abraham, also of Sarah, : Sarab, also from the Signification of, to give fuck, and of Children; that Abraham represents the Divine Good, and Sarah the Divine Truth, has been shewn; that Milk is spiritual from a celestial Original, or Good from Truth, may be seen N. 2184, so to give fuck is to implant that; that Sons are Truths, here those Things which are in the Rational, may appear from the Signification of Sons, N. 489.490.491.533. That these Things in the internal Sense signify, that the Lord by his own Power should implant the Human in the Divine, is because the Divine Truth is the fame as the Divine Human, of which when it is said, that it should give fuck to Abraham's Children, it is fignified that he would implant the Human in the Divine, and because the Human, it is of his own Power. But these Things can hardly be explained more clearly to the Understanding; if we were to insist more largely, it would obfcure the Sense yet more, for they are Divine, which can only appear before Angels by Celestials and Spirituals, if they were presented before Man in any Style more elevated, they would fall into the material and corporeal Ideas which Man has. Moreover, it must be known, that the Divine Rational of the Lord with respect to its Quality when it is first born, may be described in these Words, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that bear will laugh with me. And she said, who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarab should have given fuck; for it was according to antient Custom, when an Infant was born, to give it a significative Name, and that its State should then also be described; as when Cain was born to Eve and Adam, Gen. iv. 1. when Seth was born to them, Gen. iv. 25. Noah to Lamech, Gen. v. 29. the twelve Children to Jacob, Gen. xxix. 32, 33, 34, 35. Chap. xxx. 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 20, 24. Chap. xxxv. 18. Pharez and Zarah to Thamar, Gen. xxxviii. 29, 30. Manasses and Ephraim to Jofeph, Gen. xli. 51, 52. Gershom and Eliezer to Mofes, Exod. ii. 22. Chap. xviii. 4. what all these represent and what they signify in the internal Sense, is involved in the Description added to the Name which was given them; so here what Ifaac; but what is involved appears a little from the summary Explanation, but deeper Secrets are concealed, for they are Divine, which are inexpressible by any Forms or Fashion of Words. 2644. For I have borne him a Son in his old Age, that it signifies that this would be done when the Days should be compleated, appears from the Explanation of almost the same Words in Ver. 2. of which N. 2621. 2622. 2623. 2624. 2645. Ver. 8. And the Child grew and was weaned, and Abraham made a great Feast the Same Day that Isaac was weaned. The Child grew, fignifies the ulterior Perfection of the Rational of the Lord. And was weaned, fignifies the Separation of the Rational merely human. Abraham made a great Feast, signifies Cohabitation and Union. The same Day that Ifaac was weaned, signifies the State of Separation. 2646. The Child grew, that it signifies the ulterior Perfection of the Rational of the Lord, appears from the Signification of, to grow, which is No. VI. C to to be perfected; and from the Signification of Child or Son, which is the Rational Divine of the Lord, of which N. 2623. 2647. And was weaned, that it signifies the Separation of the Rational merely human, appears from the Signification of, to be weaned, which is to be separated, as Infants are from the Breasts of the Mother. That the Rational merely human was separated, is further described in this Chapter, and represented by the Son of Hagar, that he was cast out from Home. 2648. Abraham made a great Feast, that it signifies Cohabitation and Union, appears from the Signification of Feast, which is Cohabitation, of which, N. 2341, here also Union, because the Lord is treated of, whose Human was united to the Divine, and his Divine to the Human, and because this Union is discussed, it is called a great Feast. 2649. The Day that Ifaac was weaned, that it signifies a State of Separation, appears from the Signification of Day, which is State, of which, Ν. 23.487.488.493.893, and from the Signification of, to wean, which is to be separated, of which N. 2647. From the first Verse of this Chapter the Union of the Divine Essence with the Human of the Lord has been treated of in this Order: Of the Presence of the Divine in the Human, the Cause of the Union, Ver. 1. Of the Presence of the Human in the Divine, so of the reciprocal Union, of which, N. 2004, Ver. 2. That from that Union the Human was made Divine, Ver. 3. And this successively and continually when the Lord lived in the World, Ver. 4. And that this should begin, when the State of the Rational should be fuch, as that it would receive, Ver. 5. The State of the Union, with respect to its Quality, is described, with its Secrets, Ver. 6. 7. now follows concerning the Separation of the human Maternal, and is continued to Ver. 12. which Separation in this Verse is signified by the Weaning of Ifaac, and in the following it is represented by the Son of Hagar that he was fent away; and because the Union of the Divine of the Lord with his Human, and of the Human with the Divine, is the very Marriage of Good and Truth, and from thence is the Marriage Celestial, which is the fame as the Kingdom of the Lord, therefore a great Feast is mentioned, which Abraham made when Ifaac was weaned, by which the first Part of the Marriage or the first Union is signified, which Feast, unless it had fignified a Secret, would never have been mention'd. Because it now follows concerning the Separation of the first Human, which the Lord had from his Mother, and the Length of his plenary Exuition or putting it off, it must be known, that the Lord successively and continually till the last Moment of his Life, when he was glorified, was separating from himself and putting off that which was merely Human, namely, that which he drew from his Mother, till at length he was no longer her Son, but the Son of God, as well with regard to his Conception as his Nativity, and so was one with the Father, and Jehovah Himself. That he should feparate from himself and put off the Human, which he had from his Mother, fo that he should be no longer her Son, appears clearly from the Words of the Lord, In John, " And |