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Approaching Deliverance of


A work, wherein it is proved, that the Papism is the Antichriftian Empire; that that Empire is not far from its ruin; that the present perfecution may end in three years and a half. After which, the destruction of Antichrist shall begin, which shall be finished in the beginning of the next Age; and lastly, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ shall come on the Earth.

The second Edition Corrected and Enlarged by almost a third part, and the explication of all the Visions of the Revelation, and of many Chapters concerning mystical Theology.

Tome the second.

Written in French by Mr. PETER JURIEU, the present Minister of the French Church at Rotterdam. And from this second Edition faithfully Englished.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1687.

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Approaching Deliverance of



Of the end of the Antichristian Empire; when
it must be destroyed; the circumstances
of its ruin, and what shall be the
Estate of the Church after the
ruin of that Empire.

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of the duration of the Kingdom of Antichrist. A refutation of that dream, that it must last but three years and a half. Ten Arguments which demonstrate, that that fuppofition is false and impossible.

N the First Part of this Work, we have found Antichrist and the Antichristian Empire; in this we proceed to feek out the time and the circumstances of its end. That we may succeed well in this enquiry, we must do four things. I. We must know, how long the Antichristian Empire must last. II. We

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Part. must see, where we ought to begin the 1260 days, which the Holy Spirit assigns it. III. Afterwards we shall fee, where they must end. IV. And lastly, we shall seek for that which hath not yet been found in the Revelation, that is, the circumstances of the fall of that Antichristian Empire. We shall begin with that question, which we have above laid down as the chiefest one; that is, The time of the duration of that Antichriftian Empire.

The im

of this


or 1260 years,

The Roman Church supposeth, that this duraportance tion cannot be above three years and a half, i. e. question, 1260. natural days; and we pretend, this must be whether understood of 1260. prophetical days, which are must reign 1260. years. "Tis so important a matter, that on 1260 days, this all the reft depends. If this fuppofition of the duration of Antichrift meerly and fimply for three years and a half, be false, all that the Roman Church faith of Antichrist, is false. And if we have reason to say, that the Antichristian Empire must endure 1260. years, this Empire must of neceffity have begun a long time since; and having begun a long time ago, it must of neceffity also be the papism. This is therefore a particular, which we must carefully mind; and in the beginning we muft lay down these three indisputable principles.


42 months.

I. That the duration of the 1260. days, wherein the woman in the 12th Chapt. of the Revelatión, must be fed in the defart; which is also calThe 1260 led in the fame place a time, times, and half a time: days. The. The 42 months, during which the Court must be The three left to the Gentiles, according to what is faid in the 11th Chap. The 1260 days, during which the times, and two witnesses are to prophecy clothed in fackhalf a time cloth, as 'tis fore-told in the fame 11th Chapter. fame pe. And lastly, the 42. months given to the first beaft

years and half;atime,




of the 13th Chapter of the Revel, to exercise his Part. 2. power. All these different periods, I say, are one and the fame period, and signify the duration of the Antichriftian Empire. This can't be disputed.


count the

The second principle is this, that in that Pro phecy, the days, the years, and the months, may be taken for natural days, months, and years; or for prophetical ones, a day for a year. This might the Profignify natural days: for sometimes the Prophets phets do so speak; they reckon the time as other men time as do. Jeremy reckon'd 70 years for the duration of other men the captivity; and these years are natural ones, 'Tis certain also, that in the period of the thoufand years, designed for the reign of the Church after the destruction of Antichrist, the years are taken for natural years.


can not


But it is not less certain, that these days and The Papists these years may be taken mystically for propheti- deny, but cal days and years. "Tis confest, that the 70 that theys weeks of Daniel fignify 70 weeks of years. God may fignify faid to Ezekiel, Thou shalt sleep on thy left side, Chap and lay the iniquity of the house of Ifrael upon it; Chap 4 according to the number of the days that thou shalt V. 4. 6. lye upon it, thou shalt bear their iniquity. I have appointed thee each day for a year. God faid to the Numb. 14. Ifraelites, according the number of the days in 3+ which ye searched the Land, even 40 days, each day for a year, shall you bear your iniquities, even 40 years. This could not be obscure to the Ifraelites, who were accustom'd to this style; and who knew there were weeks of years in their Calendar, as well as weeks of days; and that a week of years anfwered to that of days, one year for one day?


The third principle is this, that here the number of three years and a half, 42 months, and 1260




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