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Part 2. this is now a doing: France making herself the executioner of those thundring Arrests, which she had procured at the Court of the Duke: which perhaps is the most singular example of the spirit of perfecution, which was ever feen. All other perfecutors have been content to perfecute their own Subjects, or Countrey-men. But behold persons, who after they have reduced the Subjects of their own King, to the utmost extremities, go and make themselves the Hangmen & Murtherers of the Subjects of Forreign Princes. If the three years and a half of the death of the Witnesses, must be reckon'd from the deItruction of these Waldenses; here is one years delay of the deliverance of the French Churches. knows, whether there be not other Countries, which we do not know, or are not willing to name, in which the Profession of the Truth must be extinguisht, before we enter upon the three years of the death of the Witnesses? Who knows, if God will not reckon these three years and a half, from the time in which there shall not be so much as one in France who stands firm, and is not fallen? We know not, whether such a miserymustcome, I hope it shall not. There areas yet in Francemore then a hundred thousand persons, who either have not figned, or have repented after their signing. If all these must fall off, there is yet a long time to tarry. Lastly, who knows, whether God will not begin to reckon the three years and a half, untill other Princes have wholly extinguisht the Reformation in their Dominions? 'Tis therefore rashness to affirm, that deliverance must exactly come in fuck year. But that which I am perswaded of, and believe that others may be perswaded of without rashness, is, that we are now in the laß perfecution 3 that this perfecution shall be most effectual, as it is the


the most terrible that was ever seen; that the Wit-Part 2. nesses of the truth, that is to say, all preaching of the purity of the Gospel under the Cross, and under popish Princes, will shortly be suppressed: that, from that time the three years and a half must be reckon'd, at the end of which we shall see come to pass the most wonderful events ofour days. Many now alive, shall without doubt see them: for I believe the thing is very near at hand.

Among the confiderations laid down by me in the Preface, which induce me to believe, that this persecution is the last. I mention'd the fingularities of it, Inamed several fuch; Behold one, which in my judgement deserves to be added to the reft. 'Tis the horrible Edict, which commands, that the new Converts being fick, shall communicate after the popish way: This is the worst effect that ever was produced by the spirit of rage and reprobation. And 'tis not conceivable, how a Clergy that will be called Christian, can do fuch horrible actions. The Edict ordains, that they who will not communicate, shall be fent to the Galley's, if they recover. There is none who is so mortally fick, that is fure that he shall dye, and fearing to recover, he willalso fear to go to the Gallies; and this affrighting object, is able to induce a fick man to communicate without faith, and to worship that which he judgeth to be a piece of bread: that is to say, to commit a horrible Sacriledge, and an act of Idolatry, and confequently - to damn himself certainly. So that properly this Edit is a trick of the Clergy, to procure the damnation of all the new Converts. This is perfectly to imitate that Italian, who, that he might take a compleat vengeance, having his enemy in his power, promis'd him his life, on condition, that he would deny God; which having done, he murther'd

Part 2. ther'd both his body and soul. Will men never open their eyes, to behold such objects as

foretold by




The Refor- And the spirit of life from God entred into them mations These words teach us, how the Reformation shall three fi- be re-establisht in France: for in these Prophecies nifying Buying fig I find three ways, by which the Truth is efta three Me-blisht, or re-establisht The first is by lightnings, voyces and thunders; thus after the seventh viol was pour'd on the air, the Reformation in the last Age was made by lightnings, voyces and thunders, the preaching of the Divine Oracles. And the feventh Angel pour'd out his viol into the air, and there were voyces, and lightnings, and thunders. In this Prophecy thunders always fignify the Divine Oracles. The seven thunders that uttered their voyces in the tenth Chapter, are the Oracles of God, which ought to be uttered in the sequel. Thus the Reformation was made in the laft Age, in a most sensible manner, by the preaching of the word.

The Reformation

But behold a fecond way of retorming: A Spirit shall come of life from God enters again into the dead Witinto France neffes; i. e. by way of those who are at this day under opprefinternal fion, shall fuddenly rife up again by a fecret opera


tion of grace, and an extraordinary motion; not by the means of preaching the word, not by the ministry of some new Preachers, but by a heavenly operation, that shall open the eyes of them who are as yet in darkness, and strengthen again the hearts of those who at this day have fallen through weakness. At that time in all appearance, the yoke of the Perfecutor shall be broken, a time of ease shall come, and all those who at thisday groan under the Captivity of Babylon, shall lift up their heads, and shall improve that season of calm to repair that which they are now forced to do by violence. 'Tis, thefe


hese words signify, a Spirit of life from God, not Part 2. rom any man, nor by the ministry of any man, but From God, entred into them, and their zeal was enLivened again. But things shall not stay there, God is preparing other wonders. There is a third Reformation, which shall be fet on foot by way of Authority, by the Royal power, and this is expressed in the words that follow.


And the Witnesses heard agreat voyce from beaven, saying unto them, Come up hither; and they afcended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them. In the style of the Prophets, heaven, what hea and lifted up to heaven, is the Throne, and to be lien and lifting up exalted to dignity, greatness and power, even in to heaven the language of heathen Prophets: for Apomafar fignifyin in his Apostelismata infomniorum, faith, If a King phecies. dreams that he fits upon the clouds, and is carried where ever be pleaseth, this fignifies that his enemies shall serve him. But if he fancieth, that he is carried up to heaven, where the stars are, this presages that he shall be lift up above all Kings. The Prophets of God do also make use of these representations to fignify the fame thing. Ifaiah describes the exaltation of the King of Babylon, by anafcen- Ifa. 14.13. ding up into heaven. I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my Throne above the stars. And Jesus Chrift faith of Capernaum, that she had been lift up unto heaven, but should be brought down unto hell. 'Tis therefore evident, that God does herë fignify, that fome time after these three years and a half of death, the Reformation shall be lifted up to a great glory, but not every where; 'tis only in that place, which is called the street of the great City, and is after called the tenth part of the City: for the total deftruction of the Antichriftian Kingdom must not happen untill fome years afterward.


shortly be

Part 2. And after; These words fignify, that when the There will Reformation thall be establisht again in France, b a Reforma- way of Divine immediate operation, by which th tion in, by zeal of the Apostates, and of others who know th the Royal truth, but with-hold it in unrighteousness, sha Authority be quickned again; some space of time shall pals probably some years, before France shall wholl throw off the yoke of popery. That Kingdom sha hot be entirely Reformed by way of Authority, immedately after our Reformation shall be again set on foot by way of infpiration, and recovering of zeal. For, and after, signifies an interval o time; but whether it shall be short, or long, is not expressed: notwithstanding, I see no likelihood, that it shall be very long, nor do I believe so. They heard a great voyce from heaven. Yet once again, Heaven is the Throne, 'tis the Soveraign dignity, which in a State is exactly the same: that Heaven is to the Earth, in light, in luftre, in good or bad influences, in scituation, and in elevation. From Heaven, i.e. from Authority, and the Prince who reigns; they heard a voyce, they received an order; not a small clandestin silent voyce, but a great voyce, i.e. a publick command, a folemn Edict; and this voyce faid to them, Come up hither. Then the Truth fhall get up into the Throne; and as God hath con trary to all probability, given a popish Prince to England, fo God will give a Protestant Prince to France, in spight of all oppositions of the Papists. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, i.e. Their elevation, and that of the Reformed Religion, shall be made publickly; as the elevation of Elijah, and of Jesus Chrift, who were lift up above the clouds. And their enemies beheld them. Popery shall not as yet be destroy'd in France, when this shall happen. The Priests, the Clergy, and Monks shall be spectators

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