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der several Soyeraigns, as the West is at this day, it had been as it were impossible, but that divers of. them, if not the most part, would have denied entrance to the Apostles, who were the new Preachers. Little Lords, who have not much to do, concern themselves more particularly about every part of their Territories, than great Emperors, who having the Government of the whole World to mind, are forc't to remit the care of less important matters, to their Deputies and Lieutenants. 3.The dispersion of the Jews by their frequent Captivities, was also a means which God made use ofto prepare the way for the Conversion of the Gentiles: they gave them the knowledge of the true God. 4. Another thing which contributed very much to this design of God, was the Tranflation of the Bible into the Greek Tongue; whereby the facred Oracles became common among the Heathens. And about the time of our Saviour's appearance in the World, there were multitudes of those Profe lites, which are called Profelites of the Gate. Such as were not really lews, but they ceas't to be Pa gans. They renounc't their Idolatry, they were present every Sabbath day at the reading of Mofes and the Prophets; they had a diftinct place in the Synagogues. 'Tis of them we so often read in the Book of the Acts, under the name of devout, and such as feared God among the Gentiles: Cornelius was of that number. It could not be difficult for them to abandon Paganism, for they had already left it, and they could not be hindred from becoming Chriftiansby Judaism, for they had never imbrac't it; So that they became Chriftians without change or violence; The greatest part of the converted Gentiles were such as these. 5. And

by the fame good Providence of God,





lofophy began to flourish among the Pagans, alittle before the coming of Chrift, which was of great ufe to refine the minds of men, and render them capable of receiving celeftial and fublime Truths. 6. Lastly, God poffeft the Heathen with a contempt of Idolatry aud Idols: They were disgusted and fick of their Gods: The false Oracles of Damons ceas't, their Priests loft their reputation, and all the World breath'd after a change, without knowing why.

I find fomething like this at present. 1. Since the last Age God hath revived the Light and knowledge of the Sciences, which was almoft itifled and extinguisht under the barbarism of Scholastick Learning. In the last Century, God caused the knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew Tongues to revive, which was ofsuch use for the understanding of the Holy Scripture, and the confutation of Heresy and Idolatry, that the Papists do not scruple to say, that tis that which hath undone them. In this Century the Providence of God hath carried the acuteness and delicacy of mens minds to that degree, that it may truly be faid, that the most inlightned and refined Ages paft, were barbarous in comparison with this. The fpeculative Sciences and true Philosophy are brought to that Perfection, that all that we had before may be reckoned fimplicity and ignorance. This new Philofophy doth open and inlarge the mind, and the light we receive from modern Philosophers doth help very much to scatter that thick darkness, which the Philosophy of the Schools had caft upon the Doctrines of Religion. We shall shortly know of what use the new Philosophy may be to destroy those Monstersof Transsubstantiation and the Real Presence.

2. I look upon the long Voyages of our Europaans the


the discoveries made of new Countries in the Eat and West, and the improvement of the Art of Navigation, to be a means which God prepares for the fullfilling that great Promife that concerns the full Conversion of the Gentiles. Why did God reserve the Invention of the Sea Compass to these last times? why was it not known three or four hundred years ago, what it was to fail upon the Ocean far from the shore? was there less curiofity, covetousness , or industry among men formerly than now? for what reason would God that one half of the World should live in ignorance of the other for so long a time? Why hath God in these latter days more visibly favour'd the designs which men have always had, to inrich themselves by Commerce and Trade, going in pursuit of riches to the end of the World? for my own part, I cannot but look upon this as a work of a most wife Providence, 'discovering to us unknown People, whose Converfion he intends to bring about within a short Time.

3. I confider the great number of half Christians which the Popish Missions make in the Indies, tobe just as those Proselytes of the Gate, which the lews made; they were properly neither lews nor Chripians, but were the feed of Chriftianity. These Eastern Converts, which are madeby Papists, are neither Heathens, nor Christians: but they will be the first part of the Harvest, which God intends to have among those People; and after they are fully converted, they will be very ferviceable for the Conversion of those who as yet are altogether Pagans.

4. I admire the depth of Divine Providence, that by insensible steps and degrees, disposeth the Mahumetan Nations for Converfion. For this weneed but confult the second Book of the Present State of the

Lib. 2.

Chap, 12.

the Ottoman Empire, by Mr. Ricant. In that HiChap.2. story we meet with a Sect of Mahumetans, called Haictites; who believe that the Meffiah took a truc natural Body, and that being Eternal, he became Incarnate, as the Christians believe : Wherefore they have inferted this Article into their confeffion of Faith, that Chrift shall come to judge the World at the last day. For the proof whereof they cite a Text out of the Alckoran in these words, O Mahomet! thou shalt see thy Lord, who shall come again in the Clouds. "For though they dare not positively "interpret this of J. Christ, yet they boldly affirm, "that this is fore-told of the Meffiah; and in their "ordinary difcourse, they confefs, that this Meffiah "can be no other than Iefus, who is to return into "the World with the same flesti which he affum'd. The fame Author tells us, "That there is an opi"nion generally received among the Turks within a "few years, which is entertained by the best people "of the Seraglio, & common enough at Conftantino"ple. They who profess to believe it, are called Chup "Meffabites, i. e. the good Partisans or followers of "the Meffiah. They hold that Chrift is God, and "that he is the Redeemer of the World. The young "Scholars in the Court of the grand Seignior are ge"nerally of this opinion: perticularly the most po"lite and civilized, and wellbred among them. In"somuch that 'tis a form of speech very much in ufe "among them, when they would praise any one, to " say to him, Chup Messahifen, you are very civil and "obliging, as he should be who makes profession of "the service of the Meffiah. There are a multitude "of these People Constantinople; and there have "been some who have maintained this Doctrine, "with fomuch courage, that rather than quit it, they "have chosen to fuffer martyrdom:


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There is another Sect, called Eschrakites. "They P.407. twho profess it, addict themselves very much to the contemplation of the Idea of the Divinity, and "the numbers that are in God. For though they "hold the Unity of God, they nevertheless admit "the Trinity also, as a number proceeding from "Unity. They explain that thought by the exam"ple of three Pleats, or folds in an Handkerchief, "which may be called three, though it be butone "piece of cloth when it is unfolded. These areno "great Admirers of the Alchoran, they only make " use of that which they find agrees with their Prin"ciples, and reject the rest, as if it were abolisht.Be"lieving, that the chief Good of man consists in the "Contemplation of the Majesty of God; they de"spise the dreams and gross imaginations of Mahomet, concerning the Pleasures of Paradife. All "the Sthers, and the most able Preachers of the “Royal Mosques, are of this Sect. They are very diligent in their devotions, and fober in their "dyet, &c. They have also a great deal of Charity "for their Neighbours, faying, they are the Creatures of God,&c. They instruct their Scholars to "be moderate, wife and grave; in a word toabstain "from all evil Actions, and to practise all Vertues. One step farther, and these People will be much better Chriftians than the Greeks, who have the name and Profeffion of Christians.


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5. The fenfible Fall and declension of the Papacy, general is a fifth sign of that great work which God is ma- in the king way for. It seems to be furious, to reign, and world to despise and get ground; nevertheless, in truth it is falling; for forfake Poas God difcredited the Religion of the Pagan Idols, pery. a little before the coming of our Lord Iefus Chrift; fo he makes this renewed Paganism of Popery, to be in less credit and efteem than formerly. Men begin


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