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Of Foreign Literature and Science,

Is published monthly, by E. LITTELL, 136, Chesnut street, Philadelphia, at Siz Dollars a year, payable in advance,

or Seven Dollars and a Half, if not in advance.

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A New Series was begun in January, 1826, so greatly enlarged as to enable the proprietors to include in it every thing that it was desirable to republish from the Foreign Journals. Every Review, or Magazine of any pretension to talent, is re gularly imported from England, for the use of the work-and it is believed that no subject of leading importance will be omitted.

It is composed entirely, as its title implies, of selections from foreign Journals. A few words may show that it is however far from being adverse to our own in stitutions or literature-and that, on the contrary, it may have an important effect in preventing the dissemination of doctrines in discordance with the principles upon which our society is constituted. Some of the British Reviews and Magazines are reprinted in this country exactly as they appear at home, and they, as well as those which are not published here, embrace much matter of little interest and no advantage to our readers and which is not unfrequently fitted to vitiate their literary taste, their morals, or their political principles. But while it cannot be denied that there is in ail these foreign Journals a large part which consists of details and speculations which are uninteresting to American readers, or mischievous in their political or moral tendency, it is equally certain that a considerable portion of their contents is of general application and of interest and value, and that they embrace much that is in a very high degree interesting and curious-practical, sound and able-refined and elegant; much that will excite thought and refine the imagination-that will "raise the genius and mend the heart." And when we consider that the greatest philosophers and statesmen, as wel as poets, critics, and all other men of literature, now find the periodical press the channel through which their opinions ean be conveyed with the greatest certaintv and effect to the greatest number of men, it will appear very evident, that a knowledge of what is thus written and done abroad is necessary to the successful cultivation of our own literature, and important to the politician, scholar and man of business, as well as to him who reads only for amusement.

To persons who reside at a distance from the great depositories of New Books and New Inventions, a work conducted upon this plan is peculiarly important, as affording to them an opportunity of keeping pace, in some degree, with the progress of knowledge, at a very trifling expense of money or time.

When it is added, that most of the l.terature of the day is not easily accessible in ary other than this form to cur families, it will readily be acknowledged that a work conducted upon the plan of the MUSEUM may be in a very considerable degree interesting and valuable. How far this Journal has been successful in endeavouring to merit these appellations, must be determined by the public; and the rapid increase of the subscription list is the most gratifying proof of success.

From the New-York Daily Advertiser.

"This Magazine, consists wholly of selections from foreign periodical publications, and is the most valuable publication of the kind with which, we are acquainted. The articles are selected with great care and good taste from a large number of Reviews and Magazines, giving to the readers of this work a great proportion of the most instructive, entertaining, and interesting portions of the work from which they are taken. We have recently had opportunity to examine the preceding volumes, and were surprised to find that a publication of so much merit should not have been more generally known, and more extensively circulated.

"The number for January, 1826, contains 96 pages, closely printed in double columns, and of course its contents must be equal to a book of nearly double the size printed in the ordinary manner. The publishers may safely rest reputation for judgment and taste upon the character of the articles which it comprises.

"The great advantages of such a publication as this, conducted in such a judi cious manner, consist in the opportunity it affords us in this country of obtaining the most interesting articles from foreign journals, at a moderate price, unincumbered with the useless matter which will always be found mingled with the good, in such publications. The expense of importing a single Review or Magazine from England, would be at least equal to the price of this; and yet, this contains selections from more than twenty, and will be found to comprise the essential

articles of them all.







"The February number of this Magazine is published, and fully justifies the opinion we expressed upon the appearance of the preceding number.-In our judgment, this is the best Miscellaneous Magazine that we have ever met with. The plan which the publishers have adopted is very judicious, and will always give them a great advantage over other publications of this description. They import large number of of periodical works, nearly thirty in the whole; and from these select such articles, as in their opinion, will be entertaining and instructive, and discard every thing that is frivolous or hurtful. In this way they give their readers the valuable contents of a great number of Magazines and Reviews, at as low a rate as a single publication would be imported. Besides, the quantity which they publish is much greater than that of ordinary monthly publications. They print 96 pages, with a double column, and on a small but neat type, making each number contain as much as some quarterly periodical work with nearly double the number of pages, and a much larger type.

"We have heard the opinions of many good judges who have read this work, and ther all pronounce it the best Magazine of the kind they are acquainted with."






In the Years 1798, 1799, 1800 and 1801.





Printed by Thomas Kite,


Two doors above the Bank of the United States.


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