Sheds Tears at the fight of thofe he had involved inMifery ib. ibid. His addrefs to the Sun, feafon'd with Remorfe and Self- 340 The Character of the Meffiah, his Power and Justice, tem- Terrible to his Enemies only Defcription of his Works of Creation 341 ibid. 342 His Afcent into Heaven after the World was created 343 ibid. 344 The Sentiments admirably adapted to the Characters Some Defects pointed out ibid. 345 The Language raised and fupported with wonderful Art ibid. ibid. The Method he took to enrich his Style and render his 346 Some Defects in his Diction pointed out 347 Of the Spirits contracting their Stature, so as to find room ibid: The Difpute on that Subject stated 348 Of the Difficulty of writing a modern Epic Poem 349 Of Taffo's Jerufalem delivered ibid. The Portion of History on which this Poem is founded ib. The Images he gives us of Armida, and her Behaviour That Profe ought to be confider'd in oppofition to Verfe, ibid. That Poetry does not wholly confift in the Number and ibid. In the English Language the Harmony and Beauty of Verse ibid. If there is no Poetry without Verfe, there can be none in ibid. 359 The Scheme of Minerva's affuming the form of Mentor, Of Voltaire's Henriade ibid. ibid. The Portion of History on which this Poem is founded ibid. and often noble and fublime Some Defects in the Fable The Machinery extravagant The Hero's changing his Religion, abfurd Of Mr. Glover's Leonidas ibid. ibid. ibid. 364 ibid. 365 The Portion of History on which this Poem is founded ib. the Love of Liberty, public Virtue, and Patriotifim 369 ibid. ibid. The Abfurdity not removed, by giving thofe Paffages an al- 370 The Beauty and Propriety of his Fictions, Incidents, and ibid. 371 Of the Fable The clofe of this Poem, as well as that of the Iliad and ibid. The Characters well fustained, and some of them finely Of the Character of Leonidas ibid. 372 His Addrefs to the Spartans, on receiving the Anfwer from ibid. His Reply to the Perfian Ambaffador 373 The affecting manner in which he takes Leave of his Wife ibid. Of the Character of Xerxes 375 The Poet has more exalted his Heroes the Greeks, by Of the Character of Teribazus Leffen'd by the manner of his Death 'The Adventure of Ariane to the Grecian Camp Her Conference with Leonidas ibid. 377 ibid. 378 Lamentation over the Body of Teribazus, and her Death 380 The Sentiments of the Poem are confiftent with the Charac- 381 ibid. The Numbers are in fome Places diffonant, and inharmo- nious ibid. Reflections on Shakespeare ibid. His Volumes a Repofitory of true Wit, and of the fublimest ibid. ibid. ibid. 382 ibid. As he confulted Nature more than Books, his Thoughts are, ERRATA то VOL. I. Page 41, Line 7. dele We come now to. P. 49, 1. 12. for ERRATA TO VOL. II. 250, Page 19, Line 2. for lays read lies. P. 96, 1. 2, of the Note, **** THE **** INTRODUCTION. F the fciences were to be estimated by their anti from all others, fince it is, we may fuppofe, nearly as old as the Creation, and had its being almoft with the firft breath of mankind. When Adam came from the hands of his all-bountiful Creator, and found himfelf in the plains of Paradise, amidst an infinite number of creatures, fo fearfully and wonderfully made; when he faw every herb, plant, and flower rife up for his ufe and pleafure, and every creature fubmit to his will; when he heard the morning's dawn ushered in with the orifons of birds, and the evenings warbled down with notes of thanks and gratitude; when all nature exulted in praife of the omnipotent Creator; when the morning flars fang together, and all the fons of God fhouted for joy t, could man, thus highly favoured of heaven, withold his tribute?—No, when all things that breathe From th' earth's great altar fend up filent praise To the Creator, and his noftrils fill With grateful fmell: forth came the human pair, And join'd their vocal worship to the Choir both flood Both turn'd, and under open sky ador'd The God that made both sky, air, earth and heaven Poetry in its infant ftate was the language of devotion and love. It was the voice and expreffion of the heart of man when ravished and transported with a view of the numberlefs bleffings that perpetually flowed from God the fountain of all goodness. --all things fmild With Fragrance, and with Joy their hearts o'erflow'd. † Enraptured thus with the love of God, and filled with an awful idea of his power, glory, and goodnefs; the foul, incapable of finding words in common language fuitable to its lofty conceptions, and difdaining every thing low and vulgar, was obliged to invent a language intirely new. Tropes and figures were called in to exprefs its fentiments, and the diction was dignified and embellished with metaphors, beautiful defcriptions, lively images, fimilies, and whatever elfe could help to exprefs, with force and grandeur, its paffion and furprife: difdaining common thoughts and trivial expreffions, it explores all Nature and afpires at all that is fublime and beautiful, in order to approach perfection and beatitude. Nor was this fufficient.-The mind diffatisfied with culling only the most noble thoughts, arrayed in forcible and luxuriant terms, and perceiving the sweetness which arofe from the melody of birds, called in mufic to its aid; when these illuftrious thoughts, dignify'd and drefs'd with pomp and fplendor, were + Ibid. *Milton's Para life Loft. |