That we walk all about like a horse in a pond, rant, To give us your measures of line by a quadrant, But we took our dividers, and found your d―n'd metre, In each single verse, took up a diameter. But how, Mr Sheridan, came you to venture George, Dan, Dean, and Nim, to place in the * centre? 'Twill appear, to your cost, you are fairly trepann'd, For the chord of your circle is now in their hand. The chord, or the radius, it matters not whether, By which your jade Pegasus, fixt in a tether, As her betters are us'd, shall be lash'd round the ring, Three fellows with whips, and the Dean holds the string. Will Hancock declares, you are out of your compass, And is not afraid your worship will grumble, That she make of your verses a hoop for Miss Tam, ‡ Which is all at present; and so I remain— * There were four human figures in the centre of the circular verses.-F. + Daughter of the Earl of Drogheda, and married to George Rochfort, Esq.-F. Miss Thomson, Lady Betty's daughter, then, perhaps, about a year old; afterwards married to Gustavus Lambert, Esq. of Paynstown, in the county of Meath. ON DR SHERIDAN'S CIRCULAR VERSES. BY MR GEORGE ROCHFORT. WITH music and poetry equally blest, To the airs I produce from the pen or the gut. Though the Dean and Delany transcendently shine, O brighten one solo or sonnet of mine! With them I'm content thou should'st make thy abode; But visit thy servant in jig or in ode; Apollo look'd pleas'd; and, resolving to jest, Reply'd, "Honest friend, I've consider'd thy case; Nor dislike thy well-meaning and humorous face. Thy petition I grant: the boon is not great; Thy works shall continue; and here's the receipt. On rondeaus hereafter thy fiddle-strings spend: Write verses in circles: they never shall end." ON DAN JACKSON'S PICTURE, CUT IN SILK AND PAPER. To fair Lady Betty Dan sat for his picture, But flatter'd himself with a secret conceit, That his thin lantern jaws all her art would defeat. Well, that's but my outside, says Dan with a vapour; Say you so, says my lady; I've lin'd it with paper. PATR. DELANY, sculp. ON THE SAME PICTURE. CLARISSA draws her scissars from the case 2 THO. SHERIDAN, sculp ON THE SAME. T IF you say this was made for friend Dan, you belie it, I'll swear he's so like it that he was made by it. THO. SHERIDAN, sculp. ON THE SAME PICTURE. DAN's evil genius in a trice G. ROCHFORT, Sculp. 1 ON THE SAME PICTURE. WHILST you three merry poets traffic I spend my time in making sermons, But when I would find rhyme for Rochfort, Bid Lady Betty recollect her, I must confess, that as to me, Sirs, d 1 1 |