and they all believe I differ from them in that point. Mr Addison, who goes over first secretary, is a most excellent person; and being my most intimate friend, I shall use all my credit to set him right in his notions of persons and things. I spoke to him with great plainness upon the subject of the test; and he says, he is confident my Lord Wharton will not attempt it, if he finds the bent of the nation against it. *—I will say nothing farther of his character to your grace at present, because he has half persuaded me to have some thoughts of returning to Ireland, and then it will be time enough: but if that happens otherwise, I presume to recommend him to your grace as a person you will think worth your acquaintance... My Lord Berkeley begins to drop his thoughts of going to Vienna; and indeed I freely gave my opinion against such a journey for one of his age and infirmities. And I shall hardly think of going secretary without him, although the emperor's ministers here think I will, and have writ to Vienna. I agree with your grace, that such a design was a little too late at my years; but, considering myself wholly useless in Ireland, and in a parish with an audience of half-a-score, and it being thought necessary that the queen should have a secretary at that court, my friends telling me it would not be difficult to compass it, I was a little tempted to pass some time abroad, until my friends would make me a little easier in my fortunes at home. Besides, I had hopes of being sent in time to some other court, and in the meanwhile the pay would be forty shil * i. e. the abolition of the test. lings a-day, and the advantage of living, if I pleased, in Lord Berkeley's family. But, I believe, this is now all at an end. I am, my lord, with the greatest respect, Your grace's most obedient and most humble servant, JON. SWIFT. My Lord Wharton says, he intends for Ireland the beginning of March. A MONSIEUR MONSIEUR HUNTER, SIR, GENTILHOMME ANGLOIS, A PARIS. London, Jan. 12, 1708-9. I KNOW no people so ill used by your men of business, as their intimate friends. About a fortnight after Mr Addison had received the letter you were pleased to send me, he first told me of it with an air of recollection, and after ten farther of grace, thought fit to give it me; so you know where to fix the whole blame that it was no sooner acknowledged. 'Tis a delicate expedient you prisoners have of diverting yourselves in an enemy's country, for which other men would be hanged. I am considering, whether there be no way of disturbing your quiet by writing some dark matter, that may give the French court a jealousy of you. I suppose, Monsieur Chamillard, or some of his commissaries, must have this letter interpreted to them, before it comes to your hands; and therefore I here think good to warn them, that if they exchange you under six of their lieutenant-generals, they will be losers by the bargain. But, that they may not mistake me, I do not mean as viceroy de Virginia, mais comme le Colonel Hunter. I would advise you to be very tender of your honour, and not fall in love; because I have a scruple, whether you can keep your parole, if you become a prisoner to the ladies; at least it will be scandalous for a free Briton to drag two chains at once. I presume, you have the liberty of Paris, and fifty miles round, and have a very light pair of fetters, contrived to ride or dance in, and see Versailles, and every place else, except St Germain. * I hear the ladies call you already notre prisonnier Hunter, le plus honnête garçon du monde. Will you French yet own us Britons to be a brave people? Will they allow the Duke of Marlborough to be a great general? Or, are they all as partial as their gazetteers? Have you yet met any French colonel whom you remember to have formerly knocked from his horse, or shivered at least a lance against his breast-plate? Do you know the wounds you have given, when you see the scars? salute your old enemies with Do you "Stetimus tella aspera contra, Contulimusque manus." + VIRG. XI. 283. Vous savez que-Monsieur d'Addison, notre bon ami, est fait secrétaire d'état d'Irelande; and unless you make haste over and get my Virginian bishoprick, he will persuade me to go with him, for the * Then the palace of the queen-dowager of James II. and the pretender.-H. t In war oppos'd, with threat'ning arms we rag'd, Vienna project is off; which is a great disappointment to the design I had of displaying my politics at the emperor's court. I do not like the subject you have assigned me to entertain you with. Crowder is sick, to the comfort of all quiet people, and Frowde, is rêveur à peindre. Mr Addison and I often drink your health, and this day I did it with Will Pate, a certain adorer of yours, who is both a bel esprit and a woollen-draper. The whigs carry all before them, and how far they will pursue their victories, we underrate whigs can hardly tell. I have not yet observed the tories noses; their number is not to be learnt by telling of noses, for every tory has not a nose. 'Tis a loss, you are not here to partake of three weeks frost, and eat gingerbread in a booth by a fire upon the Thames. Mrs Floyd* looked out with both her eyes, and we had one day's thaw: but she drew in her head, and it now freezes as hard as ever. As for the convocation, the queen thought fit to prorogue it, though at the expence of Dr Atterbury's displeasure, who was designed their prolocutor, and is now raving at the disappointment. I amuse myself sometimes with writing verses to Mrs Finch, and sometimes with projects for the uniting of parties, which I perfect over night, and burn in the morning. Sometimes Mr Addison and I steal to a pint of bad wine, and wish for no third person but you; who, if you were with us, would never be satisfied without three more. You * See Journal to Stella, Sept. 17, Oct. 6, 1710.-H. + The Biddy Floyd of his lively verses. See Vol. XIV. p. 70. See Vol. XIV. p. 74. know, I believe, that poor Dr Gregory* is dead, and Keil* solicits to be his successor; but party reaches even to lines and circles, and he will hardly carry it, being reputed a tory, which yet he utterly denies. We are here nine times madder after operas than ever; and have got a new castrato from Italy, called Nicolini, who exceeds Valentini, I know not how many bars length. Lords Somers and Halifax are as well as busy statesmen can be in parliament time. Lord Dorset is nobody's favourite but yours and Mr Prior's, who has lately dedicated his book of poems to him; which is all the press has furnished us of any value since you went. Mr Pringle, a gentleman of Scotland, succeeds Mr Addison in the secretary'soffice; and Mr Shute, † a notable young presbyterian gentleman under thirty years old, is made a commissioner of the customs. This is all I can think of, either public or private, worth telling you: perhaps you have heard part or all of both, from other hands, but you must be content pray let us know what hopes we have of seeing you, and how soon; and be so kind, or just, to believe me always Your most faithful humble servant, P. S. Mr Steele presents his most humble service to you and I cannot forbear telling you of your méchanceté to impute the "Letter on Enthusiasm” to me; when I have some good reasons to think the author is now at Paris. ‡ * Two famous mathematicians who published several treatises in that science and in astronomy.---H. + See p. 287. The "Letter on Enthusiasm," written by the third Earl of |