O Fortune! 'tis a scandal for thee To smile on those who are least worthy: Weigh but the merits of the three, His slaves have ten times more than he. Proud baronet of Nova Scotia!
The Dean and Spaniard must reproach ye: Of their two fames the world enough rings: Where are thy services and sufferings? What if for nothing once you kiss'd, Against the grain a monarch's fist? What if, among the courtly tribe, You lost a place and sav'd a bribe? And then in surly mood came here To fifteen hundred pounds a-year, And fierce against the Whigs harangu'd? You never ventur'd to be hang'd. How dare you treat your betters thus? Are you to be compar'd with us?
Come, Spaniard, let us from our farms Call forth our cottagers to arms: Our forces let us both unite, Attack the foe at left and right; From Market-Hill's* exalted head, Full northward let your troops be led; While I from Drapier's-Mount descend, And to the south my squadrons bend. New-River-walk with friendly shade Shall keep my host in ambuscade; While you, from where the basin stands, Shall scale the rampart with your bands. Nor need we doubt the fort to win; I hold intelligence within.
* A village near Sir Arthur Acheson's.--F.
True, Lady Anne no danger fears, Brave as the Upton fan she wears; Then, lest upon our first attack Her valiant arm should force us back, And we of all our hopes depriv'd; I have a stratagem contriv'd. By these embroider'd high-heel shoes She shall be caught as in a noose: So well contriv'd her toes to pinch, She'll not have power to stir an inch : These gaudy shoes must Hannah * place Direct before her lady's face;
The shoes put on, our faithful portress Admits us in, to storm the fortress, While tortur'd madam bound remains, Like Montezume, in golden chains; Or like a cat with walnuts shod, Stumbling at every step she trod. Sly hunters thus, in Borneo's isle, To catch a monkey by a wile, The mimic animal amuse;
They place before him gloves and shoes; Which when the brute puts awkward on, All his agility is gone :
In vain to frisk or climb he tries; The huntsmen seize the grinning prize. But let us on our first assault
Secure the larder and the vault: The valiant Dennis* you must fix on, And I'll engage with Peggy Dixon:† Then, if we once can seize the key And chest that keeps my lady's tea,
*My lady's waiting-maid.---F. The housekeeper.---F.
They must surrender at discretion! And, soon as we have gain'd possession, We'll act as other conquerors do, Divide the realm between us two; Then (let me see) we'll make the knight Our clerk, for he can read and write; But must not think, I tell him that, Like Lorimer* to wear his hat: Yet, when we dine without a friend, We'll place him at the lower end. Madam, whose skill does all in dress lie, May serve to wait on Mrs Leslie But, lest it might not be so proper That her own maid should overtop her, To mortify the creature more,
We'll take her heels five inches lower.
For Hannah, when we have no need of her,
'Twill be our interest to get rid of her : And when we execute our plot,
'Tis best to hang her on the spot; As all your politicians wise,
Dispatch the rogues by whom they rise.
ROBIN to beggars with a curse, Throws the last shilling in his purse; And when the coachman comes for The rogue must call another day.
+ Sons of Dr Leslie. Harry was a colonel in the Spanish service. See p. 172.---N.
Grave Harry, when the poor are pressing, Gives them a penny and God's blessing; But, always careful of the main,
With twopence left, walks home in rain. Robin from noon to night will prate, Run out in tongue, as in estate: And, ere a twelvemonth and a day, Will not have one new thing to say. Much talking is not Harry's vice: He need not tell a story twice: And, if he always be so thrifty, His fund may last to five-and-fifty. It so fell out, that cautious Harry, As soldiers use, for love must marry, And, with his dame, the ocean cross'd; (All for Love, or the World well Lost!) Repairs a cabin gone to ruin,
Just big enough to shelter two in; And in his house, if any body come, Will make them welcome to his modicum. Where Goody Julia milks the cows, And boils potatoes for her spouse; Or darns his hose, or mends his breeches, While Harry's fencing up his ditches. Robin, who ne'er his mind could fix, To live without a coach and six, To patch his broken fortunes, found A mistress worth five thousand pound; Swears he could get her in an hour, If gaffer Harry would endow her; And sell, to pacify his wrath, A birth-right for a mess of broth.
Young Harry, as all Europe knows, Was long the quintessence of beaux : But, when espoused he ran the fate, That must attend the married state;
From gold brocade and shining armour, Was metamorphos'd to a farmer;
His grazier's coat with dirt besmear'd; Nor twice a-week will shave his beard. Old Robin, all his youth a sloven, At fifty-two, when he grew loving, Clad in a coat of paduasoy, S
A flaxen wig, and waistcoat gay, iron Powder'd from shoulder down to flank, In courtly style addresses Frank; Twice ten years older than his wife,}}.77 Is doom'd to be a beau for life; Supplying those defects by dress,
Which I must leave the world to guess..
GOOD cause have I to sing and vapour, For I am landlord to the Drapier: He, that of every ear's the charmer, Now condescends to be my farmer, And grace my villa with his strains Lives such a bard on British plains? No; not in all the British court; For none but witlings there resort,
Whose names and works (though dead) are made Immortal by the Dunciad;
And, sure as monument of brass,
Their fame to future times shall pass; How, with a weakly warbling tongue, Of brazen knight they vainly sung;
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