Volume That this Faith of the Gofpel, whicht XII. I have described, is truly and properly a Sanctifying, and Justifying, and Saving Faith. I. I shall shew that it is properly a Sanctifying Faith. II. A Justifying and Saving Faith. I. It is truly Sanctifying. I know that this term of a Sanctifying Faith, is not much in use among Divines, and therefore it may seem a little more strange: but they might have used it if they had pleased, for it is every whit as proper to call Faith fanctifying, as justifying or saving. It is true indeed, this express term of a fanitifying Faith is no where in Scripture; no more are the very terms of justifying and saving Faith: but we are faid to be justified and saved by Faith in Scripture, which is as much as if the terms had been used. And we are said also to be Sanctified by Faith, as well as justified and saved, Acts 15. 9. Our hearts are faid to be purified by Faith. And so likewise, our victory over the world, that VIII. that is, our conquering and fubduing of our covetous, and ambitious, and Sermon sensual lufts and defires, are in a peculiar manner ascribed to this Faith which I have described, 1 John 5. 4, 5. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our Faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? II. That this Faith is truly and properly justifying and saving Faith. I put these, Justification and Salvation, together, partly because they are of the fame confideration, as to the influence which Faith hath upon them; and the latter follows upon the former; for if we be justified by Faith, that is, have our fins pardoned, by the fame act of Faith we are faved from Hell, and confequently made capable of eternal life; I say, by the very fame act of Faith that we obtain the pardon of our sins, we are saved from Hell, that is the punishment due to fin; for pardon removes the guilt, and guilt is nothing else but an obligation to punishment: and partly, because I find the Scripture useth them promifcuoufly. Q3 نده ~culoufly. When St. James disputes Volume about Juftification by Faith, he uses XII. the term of being faved by Faith, Jam. 2. 14. Can Faith fave him? Sometimes, of being justified, ver. 24. So that a man is not justified by Faith only. In speaking to this Proposition, that the Faith of the Gospel, which I have described, is properly Juftifying and Saving Faith, I shall do these fix things. 1. Shew that Justification in Scripture signifies no more than the Pardon and Remiffion of fins. 2. That Faith can in no propriety of Language be said to be the inftrument of our Pardon. 3. That the influence that the Faith of the Gofpel which I have described, hath upon the Pardon of fin, is this, that it is the whole and entire condition required on our parts, upon the performance of which God hath promised to Pardon our fins, and to save us, 4. That 4. That the Scripture, where it treats Sermon of Juftification by Faith, speaks of this VIII. Faith which I have described, and no other. 5. That no metaphorical descriptions of justifying Faith are allowable, any farther than as they serve to illustrate and make clear the plain and fimple notion of the thing. For if Metaphors once come to be infifted on, and strained, and confequences come to be drawn from them, and Do&rines founded, and Theories built upon them, they are of very ill consequence, and serve to no other purpose but to blind and obfcure the plain and fimple notions of things, and to feduce and mif-lead the understandings of men, and to multiply controverfies without end. And I the rather take notice of this abuse of Metaphors upon this subject, because I do not know any other head of Divinity which hath fuffered so much by them, as the Doctrine of Justifying Faith; whereby the plain truth hath been very much obfcur'd, and occafion minifter'd to many enddifputes. Q4 6. That Volume 6. That if this plain and fimple XII. notion of Justifying Faith were admitted, it would supersede all those controverfies about Justification, which have fo much troubled the Church. These particulars I shall by Gods afsistance speak to, not out of a mind to oppose and contradict others; (what a pitiful design is that! and how much below one that is to speak to men, in the name and fear of God!) but out of a hearty defire to bring the truth to light, and to contribute something to the clearing of that which is of fo great importance and concernment to Chriftian Religion. 1. That Justification of a finner in Scripture, fignifies no more than the Pardon of fin. That there are several acceptations of the word Juftification in the new Testament, I deny not. Sometimes it fignifies approbation in general of a thing, or person. So the word is ufed, Luke 7. 29. And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the Baptism of John. Justified God, How is that? that is, they approved and |