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piness, and fufficiently revealed to Volume them the way to it, and the terms XII. and conditions of it? Now let any Man produce any Book in the World, that pretends to be from God, and to do this; that for the Matter of it is so worthy of God, the DoArines whereof are so useful, and the Precepts so reasonable, and the Arguments so powerful, the truth of all which was confirmed by fo many great and upquestionable Miracles, the relation of which hath been tranfmitted to Pofterity in Publick and Authentick Records, written by those who were Eye and Ear Witnesses of what they wrote, and free from fufpicion of any Worldly Intereft and Design; let any produce a Book like to this, in all these respects; and which, over and befides, hath, by the Power and Reafonableness of the Doctrines contained in it, prevail'd so miraculoufly in the World, by weak and inconfiderable means, in opposition to all the Wit and Power of the World, and under fuch discouragements, as no other Religion was ever affaulted with; fet any Man bring forth such a Book, and he hath my leave to Sermon believe it as foon as the Bible. But VI,

if there be none such, as I am well afsur'd there is not, then every one that thinks God hath revealed himfelf to men, ought to embrace and entertain the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures, as revealed by God.

And now having presented men with fuch Arguments and Confiderations as are proper, and I think fufficient to induce belief, I think it not unreasonable to entreat and urge men diligently and impartially to confider these matters; and if there be weight in these Confiderations to fway reasonable men, that they would not fuffer themselves to be byassed by prejudice, or paffion, or intereft, to a contrary perfwafion. Thus much I may with reason defire of men: for tho men cannot believe what they will, yet men may, if they will; confider things serioufly and impartially, and yield or with-hold their affent, as they fhall


shall fee cause, after a thorow fearch

Volume and examination.


If any Man will offer a ferious Argument against any of the Principles of Religion, and will debate the matter foberly, as one that considers the infinite consequences of these things one way or other, and would gladly be fatisfied, he deserves to be heard what he can fay: But if a Man will turn Religion into raillery, and confute it by two or three bold jefts; he doth not make Religion, but himself ridiculous, in the opinion of all confiderate men; because he sports with his life.

So that it concerns every Man that would not trifle away his Soul, and and fool himself into irrecoverable mifery, with the greatest ferioufness to enquire into these things, whether they be fo or no, and patiently to confider the Arguments that are brought for them.

And when you are examining these matters, do not take into confideration


any fenfual or worldly interest: but deal fairly and impartially with your selves. Think with your felves that VI. you have not the making of things true and falfe; that the Principles of Religion are either true or falfe, before you think of them. The truth of things is already fixt; either there is a God, or no God; either your Souls are immortal, or they are not; either the Scriptures are a Divine Revelation, or an Imposture; one of these is certain and necessary, and they are not now to be alter'd. Things will not comply with your conceits, and bend themselves to your interests. Therefore do not think what you would have to be: but confider impartially what is. *

* Of this See more in the Sermon


And if upon enquiry, you be con- above men vine'd that it is the greatest Reafon and Prudence to believe that there is a God, and a Future State, and that the Scriptures are the Word of God; then meditate much of these these things; attend to the proper confequences of fuch a perfwafion; and resolve to live as becomes those


who believe there is a God, and aVolume pother life after this, and that it is XII. beit for you to obey the Precepts of his Word, being perswaded that whatever is there promised in cafe of Obedience, or threatned in cafe of Difobedience, will certainly be accompufh'd.

And labour to strengthen your self in this belief; because Faith is the fpring of all rational actions, and the root of all other Graces; and according to the strength and weakness of Faith, your Holiness and Obedience and Graces will flourish or decay.

And because the matters of Faith do not fall under our Senses, and the things of another World are invisible, and at diftance, and consequently not so apt to affect us, as present and sensible things, we should take the more pains with our selves, that by revolving frequently in our minds the thoughts of God, and representing to our selves the

Happiness and Mifery of another

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