my daughter Elizabeth, wife of William Chaplyn two hundred pounds; to my grand children Robert and Mary Crane, children of my son Thomas Crane, one hundred pounds apiece; to Diana, Elizabeth, Margaret, Frances and Bridget, daughters of my brother Thomas Crane deceased, five pounds apiece; to my kinswoman Frances Stafford,, widow, five pounds; to Susan Voyse wife of John Voyse of Great Coggeshall, five pounds; to my three kinswomen, the residue of the daughters of my sister Johan Foulsham, forty shillings apiece; to Robert Crane, son of my cousin Robert Crane of Braintree, twenty pounds at his age of one and twenty years; to William Fowleger, my servant, for his faithful service &c. thirty pounds; to my son Samuel all my goods and wares in the shop and warehouses, my debts &c., and the lands and tenements in Lowhard &c had of John Edes, clerk, &c.; sons Samuel and Thomas to be executors. Proved by the oath of Samuel Crane, the surviving executor. SAMUEL CRANE of Great Coggeshall, in the County of Essex, gentleman, November, 1669, proved 10 August 1670. To my sister Mrs Margaret Rogers, now of Ipswich, in New England (lands and tenements in various places) for life, and then to her children; my sister Mary Whiting, wife of Mr Henry Whiting of Ipswich, Suffolk, and her children; my sister in law wife of Daynes, late the wife of my brother Robert Crane; my sister Mr Elizabeth Chaplin, late the wife of Mr William Chaplin, of Bury St Edmunds; my brother Mr William Clopton and his children; my cousin Mr Lawrence Stisted of Ipswich, grocer, and my niece Mary, his now wife; my uncle Mr. Edward Sparhawke and his son Samuel and daughter Sarah Sparhawke; my kinswoman Mrs. Bridget Andrews, wife of Mr William Andrews, citizen and cheesemonger of London; John Garwood; my father in law Mr. Robert Feltham; my uncle Mr. John Crane, living about Horram in Suffolk, and his son John; my cousin Cooper, widow, and cousin Burgis, widow; children of my cousin Robert Foulsam, deceased; my cousin Robert Crane of Braintree and his son Robert; my cousin John Sparhawke; my cousin John Sherman; my cousin M' John Blomfield; my cousin Mr John Rogers and Mr William Hubbard, both in New England; Christian Whiting, daughter of Henry; Isaac Hubbard; others mentioned. Penn, 97 (P. C. C.). ROBERT CRANE of Hadleigh in the County of Suffolk, gentleman, 14 May, 18 Charles II. 1666, proved 22 May 1669. My sister Mary Crane to be executrix, to whom all my tenements &c in Kelvedon, in the County of Essex, the reversion of the jointure of my mother in law, the wife of M Robert Andrewes; if my sister die the premisses to be sold by Thomas Goulding and the product to be equally divided betwixt the children of my uncle Whiting and aunt Rogers in New England and the children of my cousin Thomas Goulding; to the aforesaid Thomas Goulding and his heirs forever my house in Brantray; my two messuages in Coggeshall to William Fowler and his heirs forever; to William Hawkins my two messuages on Fering Hill; to Mr Whiting of Sermer, for preaching my funeral sermon, five pounds; to the poor of Kelvedon five pounds. Proved by Mary Stisted als Crane, wife of Lawrence Stisted, sister of the deceased and his executrix. Coke, 51 (P. C. C.). The following rough table will serve to show the relationship of most of these parties: Samuel. Nathaniel. Ezekiel. Timothy. John. Mary. The following extracts from the Registry of Deeds of Suffolk County, Mass., refer evidently to the legacy of Robert Crane to his grandchildren, the sons of his daughter Margaret Rogers. By an Indenture made 24 October 1653 between Joshua Foote, late citizen and Ironmonger of London, then of Roxbury in the County Suffolk in New England, on the one part, and Robert Crane of Coggeshall in the County of Essex within the Commonwealth of England, on the other part, the former made conveyance to the latter of his dwelling house, lately purchased of Joshua Hues, situate in Roxbury, with four acres of land &c belonging, as security on his bond to pay 184£ 7s 2a, due to the said Crane &c. Suffolk Deeds I. 335. Testimony of Samuel Danforth, Thomas Weld William Park and David Richard 1-9-1655 that Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich and William Barthelmew did enter upon the dwelling house, formerly possessed by Joshua Hewes in Roxbury and since belonging to Joshua Foote deceased and did legally take possession of the said dwelling house &c. and order to give warning that the said house and land in the deed of sale made by the said Joshua Foote unto and for the use of Mr Robert Crane &c. 20 October 1653, do legally and properly belong unto Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich and to his brethren Samuel, Ezekiel and Timothy Rogers of Ipswich. Suffolk Deeds II. 210. It seems to me worth the while to add abstracts of the wills of Ezekiel, the son of Richard of Wethersfield, and of Nathaniel, the son of John of Dedham, and certain other notes gleaned in Salem Court House and elsewhere. *Morant, in his History of Essex (reprinted at Chelmsford, 1816), vol. ii. p. 164, refers to will of Samuel Crane of Great Coggeshall, gent., dated Nov. 1609.-H. F. W. + I have minute of will of Thomas Crane (Essex Co.) 1655 (Book Aylett, 159, P. C. C.), but no abstract at hand.-H. F. W. EZEKIEL ROGERS "Borne at Wethersfeild in Essex in old England Now of Rowley in Essex in new England" 17 April 1660, sworn to 26 March 1661 Renders praise to God for three special blessings:"ffirst for my Nurture and Education under such a father Mr Richard Rogers, in Catechisme and knowledge of the holy scriptures the want whereof I see to be the main cause of the Errors of the times. Secondly that (whereas till I was aboue twenty yeares of age I made but ill use of my knowledge but liued in a forinal profession of Relligion) the lord pleased by occation of a sore sicknes which was like to be death to make me to see the worth and Neede of Christ and to take such houlde of him as that I coolde never let him goe to this houre whereby I am now encouraged to bequeath and committe my soulle into his hands who hath Redeemed it, and my Body to the Earth since he will giue me with these very eyes to see my Redeemer. Thirdly for my Calling even to be a minester of the Gospell the most glorious Calling in the worlde which the lord brought into noth without difficulty for in the time of the hottest Persicution of that Bloody Hirarchy and being inlightened concerning the euell and snare of Subscrip...n and Cerimonies I was advised to give over the thought of the minestry and to betake my selfe to the study and practise of But the lord mercyfully prevented that; for though it be a good and Nessecary Calling, I haue observed that the most through these o..e Coruption haue made it to them selues the very Temptation to couetousnes or lust or both, I therefore chose rather to lye hide abo.. a dozen yeares in an honerable famelly exerciseing my selfe in minesteriall dutyes for a bout a dozen yeares after my leaving the uneversity. Then the lord Gaue me a Call to a Publique charge att Rowley in Yorke shire whereby The Gentlenesse of -oby Mathewe I was fauoured both for subscription and Cerimonies and injoyed my liberty in the minestry about seaventeene ..ars in Comforthable sort Till for refuseing to reade that accursed Booke that allowed sports on God's holy Sabbath or lords day I was suspended and by it and other sad signes of the times driven with many of my hearers into New where I haue liued in my Pastorall Office about years with much Rest and Comforth beleeueing the way the Churches here to be according to the present light that God hath giuen the purest in the wholle world. Now Age and calling upon me to looke daly for my change I profese my selfe to haue liued and to dye an unfeigned Hater of all the Base Opinnions of the Anabaptists and Antinomians and all other Phrenticke dotages of the times that springe from them which God will ere longe cause to be as doung on the earth. I doe also protest against all the evell ffashions and guises of this age both in Apparr.. and that Generall Disguisement of longe Ruffianlike haire A Custome most generally taken up at that time when the Graue and modest weareing of haire was a part of the Reproch of Christ: as appeared by the tearme of Roundheads and was carryed on with a high hand not with standing the knowne offence of soe many Godly persons, and without publique expression of these reasons for any such libertie taken." Then follows his disposal of his estate: to wife Mary the dwelling house &c. during her natural life; to nephew Mr Samuel Stone of Connecticut thirty pounds; to "my cousen his son John ten pounds;" to dear brother and fellow officer Mr Phillips five pounds and Aquinas his Sum. in folio ; to my sometimes servant Elizabeth Tenney ells Parratt ten pounds; to loving neice Mrs Mary Matosius of Malden in Essex in old England ten pounds; to loving niece Mr Elizabeth C..ton wife of the Preacher of Roterdam in Holland ten pounds; to the wife of cousin Rogers of Billerica five pounds; sundry gifts to servants; all his Latin books to Harvard College and some English books, as appears in the Catalogue. The rest of the estate in lands not given to wife during her natural life, he gives to the Church and town of Rowley upon condition that they pay or cause to be paid &c. unto Ezekiel Rogers the son of Mr Nathaniel Rogers late pastor of the Church of Ipswich deceased the sum of eight score pounds. The real estate given to wife, for term of her life, after her decease to go to the church and town of Rowley to enable them the better to maintain two teaching elders in the church for ever, on condition that they settle an elder within four years and so from time to time when changes occur by death or removal any other way. On failure of this condition the said houses and lands to be to the use of Harvard College. Wife Mary to be sole executrix.* The amount of his estate as rendered in the Inventory was over 1535£, of which 400£ was in lands that were Thomas Barker's (his wife's former husband). This will is on file among the probate papers of Essex County; but I do not find any copy of it in the Registry or any record of probate or administration granted. In the March term of the Ipswich Court, 1665, Ezekiel Rogers, the son of Mr. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich, deceased, brought suit against Mrs. Mary Rogers, the executrix of the above will, for not performing a promise and engagement made to the said Nathaniel in the behalf of his son, wherein the said Mr. Ezekiel Rogers, of Rowley, had obliged himself to provide for Ezekiel the son of Nathaniel, and to make his portion as good as the rest of the sons of the said Nathaniel. The plaintiff in his declaration says that his father for that reason gave him no portion in his estate, except a small pledge of his love, and discharged himself from any care concerning him, and, indeed, looked upon him as the elder brother, though but his fourth son. This case is valuable and important, since it furnishes evidence that the wife of the Rev. William Hubbard was Mary,† and not Margaret, as all our New England authorities have had it, and thus confirms Candler's statement, made in his account of the Knapp family. I fail to find the least bit of evidence, either that Nathaniel Rogers had a daughter Margaret or that William Hubbard had a *Rev. Ezekiel Rogers's will is printed in full in the REGISTER, vol. v. pp. 125-8.-Ev. + Candler in his Knapp pedigree gives the name of the husband of Mary Rogers as "Wm. Hobert," and in his Rogers pedigree as " Wm. Heley" (vide REGISTER, Xvii. 47). Mr. Waters makes it evident that the surname in the Knapp pedigree (Hobert, i. e. Hubbard) is correct. William Hubart or Hubbard of the County of Essex, England, who afterwards settled at Ipswich, Mass., married Judith, daughter of John and Martha (Blosse) Knapp, of Ipswich, England (see The Visitation of Suffolk, ed. by Metcalf, 1882, p. 149; REG. xvii. 47). He was father of Rev. William Hubbard, who married Mary Rogers. The first book in which I find the christian name of the wife of Rev. William Hubbard given is John Farmer's Genealogical Register, published in 1829, where on page 152 she is called "Margaret daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers." Subsequent writers have repeated Farmer's error.-EDITOR. wife bearing that name. This Mary Hubbard seems to be living as late as 26 March, 1685, when she joins her husband in a conveyance of certain land in Ipswich. The following are some of the depositions filed in this case. The testimony of MARY HUBBERT. I can affirme that aft my Father Rogers death my Brother Ezekiell Rogers was very desirous to have lived wth his Cousen Mr Ezekiell Rogers of Rowley & he rendred this as yo reason, w1 sundry complaints were made to his mother against him, that he knew he could please him, if he lived with him, wch he knew he should never doe, unlesse he lived there, in regd that sundry informations would be carried to his Cousen agst him, wch he should be able no otherwise to prevent. And farth' I know that our friends did endeavour to insinuate so much into my Couzen, but were discouraged therefrom by a report they heard from presseing it over farr, Wch report was, that one nere to my Cozen should say, nameing of him by some opprobrious terme, that he should not come there. Also when my Brother lived with him before, he wore his haire longer, by my Cosins sufferance, contrarie to my Fathers desire, then the rest of his Brethren; Farther my Bro: rendred this as the reason why he was not willing to live constantly at the Colledge, because he had not convenient maintenance allowed, my Cosin not allowing above five pound a year at ye most. To the truth of wt is above written I can attest upon oath if called thereunto. March 31. 1665. MARY HUBBERT. The Deposition of MTM MARGARET ROGERS aged about 55 yeares. This Deponent sayth that soon after her husbands death, goeing to visit her cousin Mr Ez. Rogers of Rowly, he told her that he would doe for her son Ezekiel according as here followeth viz. That he would give him his house where he then lived wth severall parcells of land, wch he then mentioned, & shewed yo place of them, altho she had now forgotten the particulars: She thinks also he promised her then to allow 10£ a year towards his education, yet (being long since she cannot speak so punctially thereunto). Further at another time since this Deponent went to the sayd Mr Ez. Rogers to speake wth him about her son Ezekiels hayre, yt was complayned of, to be too long: but when Mr Ez. Rogers would have had her son bound to let his hayre be no longer then to ye lower tip of his eares, she told him she would never yeild to such a snare for her child, tho he never had peny of him while he lived. Also this Deponent sayd y James Baily told her that Mr Ez. Rogers had appoynted him to pay fourty pound to her upon the account of her son Ezekiel, but she never knew but of ten pound thereof paid: Also that she would have been glad if her son Ezekiel might have lived with her Cousin Mr Ez. Rogers at Rowly, and was troubled that there was no way appearing to have it so, altho her son Ezekiel alwayes about those times seemed very desirous so to doe. The Deponent also saith that Mr Ez. Rogers told her he had appointed James Baily to pay her fourty pound in four years towards the education of her son Ezekiel, And further saith not March 3065. Sworne before me DANIEL DENISON. |