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to dispose. Item I bequeth to the high aulter of the said churche of Seynt Clementes for myn offerynges forgoten or negligently w'draweñ in dischargyng of my soule iijs iiija. It I bequeth unto Margarete my wife for hir parte purparte and porcion of all my goodes moevable and unmoevable in redy money xli sterl and all my stuff of household and plate hole as it shalbe the day of my decesse. It I bequeth unto my sonnes Thomas Hervy and Nicholas Hervy and to the Infaunte beyng in my wiffs wombe if she now be wt childe in redy money xlli evenly to be devided and departed amonges theym and to be deliued to theym and eury of theym whan they or eny of theym shall come to their laufull ages or mariages the which money I will my moder mawde Hoppy haue the keping to the use of my said childern till they shall come to their laufull ages or mariages. And if it fortune any of my said sonnes or the Infant in my wiffes wombe for to dye or decesse afore they or any of theym shal come to their laufull ages or mariages, than I will that the parte of hym or theym so decessyng remayne to hym or theym beyng on lyve. And if it fortune all my said childern to dye afore they come to their laufull ages or be maried thañ I will that my said moder dispose the same xlli to my said childern before bequethed før my soule my faderes soule my childern soules and for all my goode frendes soules in deedes of almes and of charitie as she shall thinke best for the helth and saluacion of my soule, It I will that my saide moder haue the keping of my said children duryng their noonage It I will that the saide Mawde my moder take haue & receyve the proffittes and revenues comyng and growying of my fermes called Gubbons and Waltons in the Countie of Essex and of my ferme in Madebrokes long mede and Wottons croftes lying in the pisshe of Retherhith in the Countie of Surrey towardes the sustentacion and fynding of my said childern duryng their noonage and the surplusage of the same revenues and proffittes coming & growyng of the same fermes I will it be evenly devided and depted amonges my said childern and Infaunt by the said Mawde my moder. It I bequeth to my suster Elyñ fflynte the wif of John filynte all my state and Tme of years which I haue to come of and in my ferme called preestes mshe sett and lying in the pisshe of Retherhed aforesaid. And I will that thendentur of the same ferme be deliued unto my said suster incontinent aft' my decesse. Itm I bequeth unto my cosyn Thomas Hervy myñ state and termes of yeres which that I haue to come of and into the tenementes called the Dogge and the Shippe in Estchepe in the pisshe of Seynt Clementes aforesaid and in seynt Leonardes. And I will that thendentures of the same houses be deliued unto my said cosyn Thomas assone aft my decesse as is possible. It I bequeth unto my sunt William Anderby xx3 in money. It I bequeth unto John ffelix xx2. It I bequeth unto Richard ffelix xx". It I will that my moder or hir Executo's fynde the said John ffelix to gram' scoole and to writting scole by the space of a yere aft' my decesse. The Residue of all my goods moevable and unmoevable aft" my dettes paid my burying done and this my p'sent testament in all thinges fulfilled I geve and bequeth unto the forsaid Mawde my moder she therew' to doo ordeyne and dispose hir owne freewill for eūmore. Which Mawde my moder I make and ordeyne executrice of this my p'sent testament. In witnesse wherof to this my p'sent testament I haue setto my seale. Youen the day and yer aforesaid." 36 Holgrave.



The xxixth day of the moneth of July In yere of of lord god mt ve and viij. I Thomas Hervy bocher of the pisshe of seynt Oluff in Suthwerk in the diocise of Winchester beyng hole of

mynde and memory thanked be almighty god sett make and ordeyne this my p'sent testament and last will in man' and fo'me folowing first I bequeth and recomend my soule unto almighty god my creator and savio', my body to be buryed in the church of seynt Oluff aforesaid And I bequeth unto the high aulter of the same churche for my tithes & oblacions here before necligently paid or forgoten ij. Also I bequith to my moder church of Wynchestre iiijd And I geve and bequeth to the aulter of our lady in the said pisshe church of seynt Orluff iiij. Also I bequeth to the ault of seynt Anne there iiijd. Also to the aulter of seynt Clement iiij. The Residue of all my goodes and catalles not bequethed nor geven after my fuñall expences doon and my dettes paied I will and geve unto Guynor my wif she to dispose theym after hir discrecion as she shall thinke moost convenyent. And of this my present testament and last will I make and ordeyne myn executrice my said wif Thiese witnesses S William Priour Curat of seynt Oluff aforeseid William Bulleyn grocer William Symsoñ and other.

PROBATUM fuit suprascript testm cora Dño apud Lamehith xvo die mens Augusti Anno Dni Millimo quingētesimo octauo Jur Guynoris Relicte et executricis in huiōi testō noiate Ac approbat & insinuat Et cōmissa fuit admistra om bonorum & debit dicti defuncti prefate executrici de bene & fidelit admistrand Ac de pleno & fideli Inuētario citra p'imŭ diem Septembr Bx futur exhibend necno de plano et vero compto reddend ad sca dei eung in debita iuris forma iurat. 4 Bennett (P. C. C.)

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WILLIAM HERFORD citizen & tallowchandler of London, 31 August 1518, proved 10 Nov. 1518. My body to be buried in the parish church of St. Olave in the old "Jure" of London in the same place where my late wife Johan resteth buried. "And I haue bought & payed for the stone that lyeth on her. And therefor I woll haue the same stone layed on my body & I woll have a scripture graven & fyxed yn the same stone makyng mension off the tyme off my deceasse requiryng the people to pray for me.' To the high altar of the same church for tythes & oblations forgotten or negligently withholden iijs iiijd. Towards the gilding of the tabernacle of St John the Baptist at the south end of the high Altar of the same church XX. Towards the maintenance of Olave's Brotherhood within the same church xijd. To the company & brotherhood of Our Lady & St John Baptist Tallowchandlers of London my silver pot. To John Hone my best dagger the sheath garnished with silver as it is. To Richard Chopyn my purse garnished with silver. "It I beqweth to Nicholas Pynchyn my best Jaket." Touching the disposition of my lands & tenements in the parish of St. Stephen in Colemanstreet I will that my wife Agnes Herford shall have them during her life and after her decease they shall remain to my children and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten & for lack of such issue they shall remain to the company of Butchers of London forever, they finding forever in the same church of St. Olaves the day of my decease dirige on nyght and masse of Requiem on the morne by note dispendyng at eūry such obyte amongyst prestes and clerkes wex Ryngyng off belles & poù people 20 foreu1. And if the same Company of Bouchers make defaute of and yn kypyng of the same obyte yn man' & forme a bouesayd then I woll that the same landes and tenītes shall full & hole remayne to the cōpany & felyshippe of Talow chaundelers of London foreū they doyng and dyspendyng yerely therfore at an obytt yerly yn man and forme as the forsayd cōpany off Bouchers ar bounde to doo yn kepyng of the forsayd Obyte as they wyll answere before God." To my cousin Richard Baynbery


my tawney gown furred with black, to John Kyttelwell & Rob Kyttelwell either of them my single Ray gowns, to John Ryve my best dublett to William Knott my second Dublet, to William Pyper, George Chelsey & James Quick mine apprentices, so that they continue & serve out their terms well & truly to my wife their mistress, to either of them vi3 viijd. when their terms of prenticehood shall be finished. To my god children that at time of my decease shall be living xiia. The residue shall be divided amongst my wife & children accordinge to the laws & customs of the city of London. And Executors of this will &c. I make & ordaine my said wife Agnes & the said Nicholas. To Robert Whetecroft my riding coat. 102 Bennet (Commissary Court of London).

CRISTIANA HARVYE of Shenley in the County of Hertford widow, and John Harvye, son and heir apparent of the said Cristiana, give a bond 30 June 10 Elizabeth, of one hundred pounds, to Lawrence Greene, citizen and cutler of London, that they will carry out an agreement specified in a pair of Indentures bearing date 30 June 10 Elizabeth.

Claus Roll 10 Elizabeth, Part 13.

THOMAS HARVARD of the precinct of St Katherine's near the Tower of London, butcher, conveys to Henry Rawlins of Lee in the county of Essex, mariner 29 January 1621, for the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds already received, all those three several messuages and tenements, with all shops, cellars, rollers, warehouses, backsides, entries, lights, easements, commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the said three several messuages or tenements, or any of them, belonging, situate, &c. at the North end of Bermondsey Street, near Battle Bridge, in the parish of St Olaves, als. tooles in Southwark, &c. now or late in the several tenures or occupations of William Pilkington, William Hatcham and William Fells or their assigns, &c. to be delivered up the 2a day of July next. His wife Margaret unites. (What follows seems to indicate that this conveyance is a mortgage.) Claus Roll 20 Jac. I. Part 37.

HILL. 6 H. viij (1514) Apud Westm a die Sci Martini in quindecim dies. Int Johēm Kyrton Nichu Tycheborn Henr Tyngylden & Johem Fowler quer. et Ricũ Harvy & Cristinam uxem eius deforc de uno mesuagio & uno gardino cum ptin in Southwerk Et preterea iidem Ricus & Cristina concesserunt pro se & hered ipius Cristine qd ipi warant pdcis Johi Nicho Henr & Johi & hered ipius Johis Kyrton pdca ten cum ptin contr Johem Abbem monastri Sc Petri Westm & successores suos &c. &c. The consideration was twenty marks of silver.

Feet of Fines, Surrey.

Trin. 10 Elizabeth (1568). Hec est finalis concordia fča in cur Dñe Regine apud Westm in crastino Sce Trinitatis anno regni Elizabeth dei gra Anglie ffranc & hibñie Regine fidei defensoris etc a conqu decimo, coram (&c.), Int Laurenciu Grene quer et Cristianam Harvye viduam & Johem Harvye geñosum deforc de septem messuagiis septem gardinis & una acra trē cum ptin in pochia Sci Georgii in Southwarke etc. Consideration eighty pounds sterling.

Feet of Fines, Surrey.

Trinity Term 37 Elizabeth, Essex. Oliver Skinner quer. and Thomas Harvard and Johann his wife, Hugh Gullifer and Anne his wife, William Smarte, Henry West and Margaret his wife and William Spalding and Elizabeth his wife deforc,-for one acre of pasture with the appurtenances in Westham. Consideration 4011 sterling. Feet of Fines.

Hillary Term 37 Elizabeth, Surrey. Thomas Harvard & Johan his wife quer. and John Leveson mil. deforc,-for three messuages with the appurtenances in the parish of St Olave alias St Toolyes in Southwark. Consideration 160li st. Feet of Fines.

Easter Term 38 Elizabeth, Essex. Christopher Poyner gen. quer. and Thomas Harvey & Johan his wife deforc, for one messuage with the appurtenances in Foxyearth & Pentrowe. Consideration 801 st.

Feet of Fines.

Easter Term 38 Elizabeth, Essex. John Jefferson and Thomas Smyth quer. and Thomas Harvard & Johan his wife & Henry West & Margaret his wife deforc, for three parts of one messuage, one barn, one garden, one orchard and twelve acres of arable land with the appurtenances, into four parts to be divided, in Westham & Stratford Langthorne. Feet of Fines.

Mich. Term 39-40 Elizth (1597) Surrey. Thomas Harvard quer. and John Anwyke and Alice his wife and William Crowcher (Crowther?) and Agnes his wife deforc; for two messuages, two gardens with the appurtenances in the parish of St Olave, Southwark. Consideration 80 st.

Feet of Fines.

Easter Term 40 Elizabeth, Essex, David George quer. and Thomas Herverd and Johan his wife and William Spaldinge and Elizabeth his wife deforc,-for one messuage, one barn, one garden, one orchard, twenty acres of land (arable), four acres of meadow and six acres of pasture with the appurtenances in Westham. Consideration 1001i sterling. Feet of Fines.

Mich. Term 22 James I. Surrey. Robert Harverd quer. and Thomas Harverd deforc,-for three messuages, with the appurtenances in the parish of St Olaves in Southwark. Consideration 240 sterling.

Feet of Fines.

THOMAS ROWELL of the Parish of Westham in the County of Essex yeoman, 12 August 1583, proved 23 August 1583. My body to be buried in the churchyard of Westham.

"Also I doe giue unto my sonne in Lawe Thomas Harford butcher dwellinge in London one redd cowe and he havinge the said Cowe to giue unto his mother in Lawe the some of xls." To John Bestone my wife's son all my wearing apparell. To Joane my wife all the rest of my goods & I make her Executrix.

Wit. John Hall curate, John Rowell yeoman Richard Cannon yeoman Isabell Spike widow. 306 Bullocke, Consistory Court of London.

Married, 1582, Nov. 19, Thomas Harvarde & Jane Rowell.

Register of St Saviour's Parish, Southwark.

JONE HARVARD wife of Thomas Harvard buried June 10, 1599. Register of St Savior's Parish, Southwark.

RICHARD YEARWOOD and Katherine Ellettsone were mard xxviiith of May 1627. Parish Register of Wandsworth, Surrey.

[This is the third marriage of John Harvard's mother. I am indebted to J. T. Squire, Esq., for his kind permission to extract the above from his MS copy of this Register, and to my friend J. C. C. Smith, Esq., who discovered this important entry.-H. F. w.)

PETER MEDCALFE of the parish of St Olave's in Southwark in the County of Surrey cloth worker 24 August 1592, proved 6 September 1592. To Mr Richard Hutton Deputy of the Borough of Southwark my best gown faced with Foynes. To my very friend Mr Thomas Lynne in Pater Noster Rowe my best gown faced with satin. To Richard Barker my gown faced with Budge or Damask at his choice. To Peter Keseler one of my gowns faced with budge. To the poor of St Olave's in Southwark forty shillings To the poor of Redderiffe in the County of Surrey twenty shillings. To my very good friend M' John Nokes a ring of gold with an agate cut. "Item I giue and bequeathe unto Robert Harvey a boye which I keepe the somme of ffyue poundes lawfull money of Englande to be paied unto hym at his age of one and twentie yeres. So that he be ordered and ruled by my executrix and that he do liue to accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres aforesaied." To Symon Harvye my servant my great anvil & two of my best vices with the bellows thereunto belonging. To my other servants viz Francis, Thomas & Peter being my household servants each of them 20 shillings. Others mentioned. Wife Margaret Medcalfe to be executrix. 71 Harrington (P. C. C.).

Admon de bonis non was granted 26 (September) to Christopher Medcalf, the next of kin.

JOHN GUY of the parish of St Saviour in Southwark, in the County of Surrey, brewer (17 June 1625, proved 28 June 1625) bequeaths to Richard Harford citizen & brewer of London the sum of thirty shillings to make him a ring for a remembrance.

64, Clarke.

ROBERT GREENE of the parish of St. Savior in Southwark in the county of Surrey, yeoman (8 November 1645, proved 19 January 1645) appoints as one of the overseers of his will Mr Thomas Harvard of the said parish Butcher, calling him friend & neighbor, and gives him five pounds. In a codicil, made 11 January 1645, he bequeathes unto Robert Harvard son of Thomas Harvard (above) the sum of ten shillings. The testator had a sister Jane Marshall of Billerica, Essex. Twisse.


RAPH YARDLEY citizen & merchant tailor of London 25 August 1603, proved 27 February 1603. After my debts paid and my funerals discharged I will that all and singular my goods chattels & debts shall be parted & divided into three equal parts & portions according to the laudable use and custom of the city of London. One full third part thereof I give and bequeath to Rhoda my wellbeloved wife, to her own use, in full satisfaction of such part and portion of my goods, chattells & debts as she may claim to have by the custom of the same city. One other full third part thereof I give & bequeath unto and amongst my children, Raphe, George, John, Thomas and Anne Yardley and to such other child or children as yet unborn as I shall happen to have at the time of my decease, to be equally parted, shared & divided between them, and to be satisfied and paid to my said sons at the accomplishment of their several ages of one and twenty years, and to my said daughter at the accomplishment of her age of one & twenty years or marriage, which shall first happen, &c. &c. And the other third part thereof I reserve to myself therewith to perform & pay these my legacies hereafter mentioned, that is to say, Item I give & bequeath to the poor of the parish of St Saviours in Southwark where I now dwell twenty shillings, to be divided amongst them by the discretion of the overseers of the poor there for the time being, and to such of the bachelors and sixteen men

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