Imágenes de páginas

JOHN CUTLER of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk, merchant, 10 November 1645, with codicil dated 6 January 1645, proved 29 January 1645. To Robert Cutler, my cousin, youngest son of my deceased uncle Samuel Cutler, one half of my manor of Blofields als Burnivalls and of all lands, tenements, hereditaments, rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging &c. in Trimly St Mary and Walton in the said County of Suffolk. If the said Robert die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten or, having such heirs, if the same shall die before they come to the age of one & twenty, then the said half to my cousin Martha Noore, the wife of Raphe Noore of Ipswich, merchant, sister of the said Robert (on certain conditions). The other half to the said Martha Noore. John Smithier of Ipswich, to be assistant to my executor in & about the getting in of my estate beyond the seas and elsewhere. To Elizabeth Smithier his daughter and all the rest of his daughters and to his three sons John, William and Henry and to Nicholas Kerrington, the said Mr John Smithier's wife's brother's son. The said Mr John Smithier and his wife and the longer liver of them shall dwell in my messuage or tenement wherein they now dwell in St Nicholas' Parish, Ipswich, rent free for three years. To M' Samuel Snelling, son in law to my cousin Mr Ralph Noore, and to my cousin Martha Snelling his wife, and Mary Noore and Alice Noore her sisters and Richard Noore her brother. To my cousin Thomas Cutler Secretary to the Company of Eastland merchants, resident at Ipswich. To Elizabeth Hubbard and Mary Ward, maidservants to my cousin Mr Raphe Noore. To Mrs Ward, widow, late the wife of Mr Samuel Ward, late town Preacher of Ipswich, and to Samuel & to Mr Joseph Ward her sons. To the poor of St Nicholas, Ipswich, to the poor of the parish of Whatfield, near Hadley in Suffolk. To Mr Lawrence, common preacher or lecturer of the said town of Ipswich. Mr John Revett, merchant, to assist my executor in getting in of my estate beyond the seas. To John Cressall, to Johan Nowell. To my cousin Margaret Skinner, wife of Jonathan Skinner, clerk, and all her children now alive. Others named. George Raymond one of the witnesses. Twisse, 3.

[There were several early emigrants to New England by the name of Cutler:-1. John Cutler, who came from Sprowston in Norfolk, with his wife, seven children and one servant, and settled in Hingham, Mass., in 1637 (REG. xv. 27); 2. James Cutler, who settled at Watertown as early as 1634; 3. Dea. Robert Cutler, who was here as early as 1636. See Genealogical Record of the Cutler Families, by Rev. Abner Morse, Boston, 1867.

Mr. Samuel Ward named in the will was the author of The Life of Faith. He was a brother of Nathaniel Ward, the compiler of the Massachusetts Body of Liberties. A sketch of his life is appended to the Memoir of Rev. Nathaniel Ward by the editor of the REGISTER. His son Joseph, also named in the will, was rector of Badingham in Suffolk.-EDITOR.]

MARIANE SEVIER of Yenstone, in the parish & peculiar of Henstridge in the County of Somerset, widow, 9 May 1607, proved 26 June 1607. To be buried in the churchyard of Henstridge. To the parish church of Henstridge ten shillings. To the poor folk of Henstridge parish ten shillings. To Deane Haskett, the daughter of Ellis Haskitt forty shillings. To Ellis Haskett's three other daughters and William Haskett his son four pounds, provided if any of them die before they come to the age of one & twenty years or be married then the money to remain to the survivors. To Margaret Sevier, daughter of Richard Sevier, a gown cloth and ten pounds; to Alce Sevier, another daughter, a gown and ten pounds. To Marie Royall

of Henstridge, widow, one featherbed and three pounds. To Annis Harte twenty shillings. To Cicely Royall, daughter of Marie Royall, three pounds; to Richard & to Dorothie Royall, son & daughter of Marie Royall, twenty shillings apiece. To brother in law Reynold Sevier three pounds & to John Sevier, his son, forty shillings. To Dorothie Pennie a gown. To Marrian Harris, wife to Richard Harris, five sheep. To John Moores nine sheep. To the children of John Wollfres nine sheep. Το Thomas Seavier the younger nine sheep. To the children of Gregorie Royall four pounds eight shillings and four pence, which money is in the hands of the said Gregorie, the father of the said children. To John & Dorothy Penny, my servants, ten shillings apiece. To Rose Collis, wife of John Collis, three pounds. To Marie Haskett, wife of Ellis Haskett, twenty shillings. To every of my godchildren twelve pence apiece. All the rest of my goods to Gregory Royall, whom I ordain & constitute sole executor &c. The overseers to be Ellis Haskett & Richard Chippman and I bequeath to them three shillings four pence apiece.

The witnesses were John Bryne, William Pittman, Richard Chippman, Ellis Haskett & John Royall. Huddleston, 62.

KATHERINE SAMPSON, of the parish and peculiar jurisdiction of Hengstridge, in the Diocese of Bath & Wells, maiden, 30 April 1627, proved 14 June, 1627. To be buried in the parish church of Hengstridge. To the said church, in money, twenty shillings. To the poor of the said parish ten shillings. For the love I bear to my cousin Nicholas Locke I do forgive him all the debts that he to me doth owe &c. To my mother my best band of linen and my best apron. I forgive my cousin John Sampson, out of the bond of forty shillings which he oweth unto me, twenty shillings thereof, and the other twenty shillings of the said Bond I do give unto my cousin Susan Sampson. To my sister Joane Sampson one silver spoon. To cousin Mary Sampson, my brother William's daughter, my best gown, my best petticoat, my best hat and sixteen pounds ten shillings which is due to me upon bond from Ellis Hasket and William Haskett, his son &c. To my two sisters Jane & Edith Sampson the residue, and they to be executrices. The overseers to be Richard Sampson the younger & Thomas Morris the younger. Brother Henry Sampson oweth me twenty six pounds. Richard Eburne, vicar, was one of the witnesses. Skinner, 63.

JOHN CARTER of the parish of St Mary Matfellon, alias Whitechapel, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, 14 February 1691, proved 16 June 1692. To my two attorneys in Barbadoes, Mr Peter Fluellin and Capt. George Paine, twenty pounds each to buy them mourning. To my executors M' Samuel Shepheard and Mr Samuel Perry twenty pounds each (for mourning). "Item I doe give, devise & bequeath unto my brother RoBert Skelton of New Yorke in America the full summe of five hundred pounds soe soone as Assetts shall come into my Executors hands to that value" &c. on condition that he pay to Samuel Shepheard seventy pounds that he owes to the said Shepheard. To Mr William Shawe, Mr Edwarde Shawe and Mr Francis Shawe, to each six pounds to buy mourning and to each of their wives twenty shillings to buy rings to wear for my sake. The residue to my sister Sarah Slaymaker, wife of Thomas Slaymaker, of the city of Oxford, cook. (By a codicil made the same day bequests to M2 Mark Bedford Whiteing, and his wife and two daughters, Angellick & Annett, to

Alexander Staples Esq and his wife, and son Alexander and his wife, and son John and daughter Dorothy. To John Hickman, Elizabeth Hickman, Hannah Hickman and Mary Staples (gold rings). To cousin Elizabeth Carter of Barbadoes, widow and her children Thomazine Gibbs, James Carter, and her other children James, Anne, William, Richard, Jane, Damaris, John & Agnes (gold rings). To cousin John How, of Barbadoes, his wife Elizabeth and daughter Mary, to every of them a gold ring of the value of ten shillings.

Fane, 103.

Mem. that on or about the first day of March 1691 John Lee, heretofore of Charlestown in New England, carpenter, lying sick on board the ship Swallow &c. I desire the captain, meaning and speaking of and to Gyles Fifield, Captain of the said ship, to take care of all my concerns and get in what is due me in England or elsewhere. I give two parts of my whole estate to my two children. The other part I give to the captain and desire he would bestow something of the ship's company. Witness Geo. Robeson, Samuel Boyes. 2 June 1692, the witnesses were sworn.

11 June 1692 Emanavit Commissio Egidio Fifield fidei commissario et legatario nominat in Test Nuncupativo Johannis Lee aliquandiu de Charlestowne in Nova Anglia sed in nave Le Swallow super alto mari deceden &c.

Fane, 112.

I, William Read of New England in the parts beyond the seas, mariner, have constituted John Harlock of Ratcliff, Stepney, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife my attorneys &c. On board the good ship Granado, Capt. Loader commander, on a voyage for Jamaica. 2 October 1691.

Witness Fred. Johnson, Ja Travers. Proved 12 September 1692.

Fane, 173.

JOHN SYMONDS of Yeldham Magna in the County of Essex, Esq. 20 March, 1691, with codicil dated 16 February 1692, proved the last of May 1693. I do confirm the jointure made to my wife (Jane) and give her my mansion house called the Poole, &c. Manors of Panfield Hall & Nichols in Panfield & Shalford, in the County of Essex, to my kinsman M2 Martin Carter and his heirs (& other lands). To my niece Elizabeth Pepys all moneys due to her by bond or otherwise by Martin Carter deca, father of the said Martin Carter. To my nephew Mr John Pepys, of Cambridge; to my sister Thomasin Pepys; to my nephew Thomas Pepys; to my nieces Anne Whaples and Elizabeth Pepys, to my niece Ellen Bacon. To each of the children of Martin Carter decd. (except the two eldest sons) fifty pounds. To my sister Mrs Judith Burgoyne, to my nephew and godson Mark Guyon, to my niece Jane Guyon, to my nephews Roger and Lucy Burgoyne, sons of Sir John Burgoyne, Baronet. To M' John Brooke our worthy minister. To the Society of Lincoln's Inn of which I am a member. My wife and sister Thomasine Pepys and nephew John Pepys to be executors.

(In the codicil) to my cousin Mr William Simonds of Ipswich in New England one hundred pounds. To M' Fisk forty shillings. To my cousin John Carter and his heirs (certain lands). My nephew Thomas Pepys of Felsted. Mr Fisk my chaplain.

Sworn to &c. die Lunæ vizt Decimo die mensis Aprilis A.D. 1693.

Coker, 86.

The testimony of the witnesses shows that Mr. Symonds had been cursitor for Lincolnshire and Somersetshire.

[John Symonds was the 2d son of John and Ann (Elyott) Symonds, and was born in Yeldham Magna, Sept. 4, 1618. He was a nephew of Samuel Symonds of Ipswich, deputy governor of Massachusetts. See Appleton's Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, pp. 19-102.-EDITOR.]

JANE COAKER of Kingsbridge in the County of Devon, widow, 6 June 1651, proved 1 August 1651. To the poor of Kingsbridge twenty shillings at the day of the funeral. To son Robert Coaker forty pounds within one month after my decease, and I release him of all debts owing unto me, and ten shillings a year to be paid him by my executor so long as they shall live together. To grandson James Coaker, son of William Coaker, my son, all my right &c. in the messuage wherein I live. To grandchild Jane Ball ten pounds within two years after my decease. To son Richard Coaker five shillings, to be paid him at his return into England. To daughter-in-law Agnis Coaker thirty shillings. To daughter Agnis Bound, wife of Thomas Bound, ten pounds within a quarter of a year, and to Jane Kingston five shillings. To daughter Johane Borton (wife of Henry Borton) twenty pounds within one month after my decease and ten bushels of barley malt. To Agnes Risdon, wife of Thomas Risdon, to godchild Thomas Phillipps, to Francis Hingston & to Johane Heyman, my godchildren. To grandchild Jane Coaker forty shillings. To grandchildren Anne Davie and Elizabeth Coaker ten shillings apiece. To grand children Leonard & Francis Kent fifty shillings apiece. To grand children Richard, Henry, Robert, William, Flower and John Coaker ten shillings apiece. To grand child Henry Borton six silver spoons. To grand child Jane Coaker three pounds besides the forty shillings before bequeathed. Residue to son-in-law John Hardie, who is made sole executor. The will was proved by John Hardye.

Grey, 157.

[The foregoing will may refer to Richard Coaker who was of New England in 1640.-H. F. W.

It may not be relevant, but I offer that the following grants are of record in the Virginia Land Registry :-John Corker, 6 acres in James Island, Feb. 10, 1637, Book No. 1, p. 521; John Cocker, 1150 acres in Surry county, March 20, 1677, Book No. 4, p. 301.-R. A. BROCK.]

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SARAH ELMES, of the parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark, in the County of Surrey, widow 25 August 1653, proved 20 April 1654. To son Anthony Elmes five pounds. To son Radolphus Elmes (now in parts beyond the seas) the sum of ten pounds if he shall be living at the time of my decease. To son Jonathan Elmes ten pounds within one month after my decease. To grand child Jonathan Elmes, son of the said Jonathan, ten pounds, and to such child as Mary, the wife of the said son Jonathan, now goeth withall ten pounds. To son Henry Elmes ten pounds within one mouth. To my two grand children Curtis and Henry Elmes (minors) sons of my said son Henry, ten pounds apiece. To my two grand children John and Sarah Maries, children of my daughter Margaret Maries, of the parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark, widow, twenty pounds apiece at the age of one & twenty years or day of marriage. To my loving cousin Sarah Best twenty shillings (for a ring) and to sister Elizabeth Sturmey, twenty shillings and good friend Mr Hamond of Pudding Lane twenty shillings (for rings). Daughter Margaret Maries to be sole executrix and M' John Chelsham and loving cousin M3 Ralph Collins overseers.

Alchin, 83.

[The testatrix of the above will was undoubtedly the mother of Rhodolphus Ellmes (see Savage), of Scituate, who came in the Planter, 1635, aged 15, and married, 1644, Catharine, daughter of John Whitcomb.

See deed of Rodolphus Emes of Scituate to John Floyd, Oct. 2, 1656, for money lent and paid for passage, in Suffolk Deeds, vol. ii. p. 294.-H. F. W.]

EDWARD WINSLOW, of London, Esq., being now bound in a "Viage" to sea in the service of the Common Wealth, 18 December 1654, proved 16 October 1655 by Josias Winslow, son and executor. All my lands and stock in New England and all my possibilities and portions in future allotments and divisions I give & bequeath to Josia, my only son, and his heirs, he allowing to my wife a full third part thereof for her life. To the poor of the church of "Plimouth" in New England ten pounds. To the poor of Marshfield, where the chiefest of my estate lies, ten pounds. I give my linen which I carry with me to sea to my daughter Elizabeth; and the rest of my goods which I carry with me to sea to my son Josias, he giving to each of my brothers a suit of apparell. Son Josias to be executor and Col. Venables my overseer of my goods in the voyage and my four friends, Doctor Edmond Wilson, Master John Arthur, Master James Shirley and Master Richard Floyd, to be overseers for the rest of my personal estate in England.

The witnesses were Jo" Hooper, Gerard Usher servant to Hen: Colbron.

Aylett, 377.

[Edward Winslow, the third governor of Plymouth Colony, was the son of Edward and Magdalen Winslow, of Droitwich in Gloucester, England, and was born Oct. 18, 1595. (See REGISTER, XXI. 209-10, where his pedigree is given.) He was one of the Mayflower passengers. He was appointed by Cromwell one of three commissioners to superintend the expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies, and died May 8, 1655, on the passage between Hispaniola and Jamaica. An article on his life, by G. D. Scull, Esq., was printed in the REGISTER, Xxxviii. 21–6. also REGISTER, iv. 297; xvii. 159; and xxxvii. 392.-EDITOR.]


JOHN STOUGHTON Doctor "in devinitie" & curate of the parish of St Mary Aldermanbury, London, beginning "Laus Deo the fowerth daie of May 1639" [on which day he died], proved 20 May 1639. To my poor kindred twenty pounds to be disposed of according to the discretion of my wife Jane Stoughton, one of my executors. To the parishioners of the parish of St Mary, Aldermanbury aforesaid five pounds, to be bestowed unto the poor of the said parish.

To my two daughters Jane & Marie five "hundreth" pounds, to say, to my eldest daughter Jane "fower hundreth marks which twoe hundred three score and six poundes thirteene shillings and fower pence, and the remainder beinge twoe C. hundreth thirtie three poundes six shillings and eight pence to my youngest daughter Marie Stoughton, to be paied them att theire age of one & twenty yeares or the day of theire marriage, which shall first happen &c. If both depart this life before they attain the age specified or day of marriage that then "two hundreth and fieftie poundes thereof shall come unto my wife and two hundred pounds thereof to my nexte of kynn, and twentie fiue poundes thereof to Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge and the other five and twentie poundes to Master Hartlipp a Dutchman."

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To four or five persons such as my loving wife & one of my executors shall think fit twenty shillings apiece for a ring, provided M' Janeway be one of them. The executors to be my dear and loving wife Jane Stough

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