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but John Loft only. And my other Little Trunck that standeth in Benjamin Antrobus his closett with the outlandish things Thomas Lower shall have and if it be ordered in any other papers to any other, that must not stand so, but as now ordered. G. ff. And Sarah thou may give Sarah Freckelton halfe a guinea for she hath been serviceable to me an honest carefull young woman G. ff. Make no noise of these things but do them in the life as I have ordered them And when all is done and cleared what remains to the printing of my Books Benjamin Antrobus and Mary hath one 100 pounds of mine. take no use of them for it when you do receive it And in my chest in Benjamin Antrobus his Chamber there is a little Guilt Box with some gold in it Sarah Meade to take it and let it do it service among the rest so far as it will goe the Box is sealed up.

G. ff. I do order William and Sarah Meade and T. Lower to take care of all my Books and Epistles and papers that be at Benjamin Antrobuses and att R. R. Chamber and those that come from Swarthmore and my Journall of my life and the passadges and travells of ffriends and to take them all into their hands And all the overplus of them they may have and keep together as a Library when they have gathered them together which are to be printed; And for them to take charge of all my money and defray all as I have ordered in my other papers and anything of mine they may the my (sic) take, and God will and shall be their reward The 8th moth 1688. G. ff.

Thomas Lower and John Rouse may assist you And all the passages and Travels and sufferings of ffriends in the beginning of the spreading of the truth which I have kept together will make a fine History and they may be had at Swarthmore with my other Books and if they come to London with my papers then they may be had either at W: M: Ben: Antrobus his closett, soe it is a fine thing to know the beginning of the spreading of the Gospel, after so long night of Apostacy since the Apostles' days that now Christ reigns as he did in the hearts of the people. Glory to the Lord for ever Amen. The 8th moth 1688 G: ff:

30 December 1697: Appeared personally Sarah Meade, wife of William Meade of the parish of St Dyonis Back church, London, citizen and merchant Taylor of London, and did declare that she is of the number of dissenters commonly called Quakers; and she did declare in the presence of Almighty God, the witness of the truth of what she said, that she has known George Fox, late of Swarthmore in the County of Lancaster Gentleman, deceased, he marrying with her, the declarant's mother; and she has often seen him write and is well acquainted with his handwriting and she, having now seen and perused three papers hereunto annexed and marked No 1, 2 & 3, containing the last Will & Testament of the said George Fox deceased, the first beginning thus (I do give to Thomas Lower, &c) and ending thus (" Torkel shel com & case. G. ff."), the second beginning thus (and all that I have written, &c.) and ending thus (the Box is sealed up. G. ff.) and in the margin (give him a guinea), the third beginning thus (I do order William & Sarah Meade, &c.) and ending thus (glory to the Lord forever Amen. G. ff. the 8th mon 1688) she did declare that she did & does verily believe that the same three papers were and are all wrote by & with the proper handwriting of the said George Fox deceased And she farther declared that above a year before the death of the said George Fox (who died on or about the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord

one thousand six hundred & ninety) the said George Fox did deliver to her a parcel of papers sealed up & thus superscribed with his own hand, viz (Papers of George Fox which are to be laid up in the Trunk of his at William Meade's and not to be opened before the time) and on the next day after the deceased's death the said bundle was opened in the presence of the declarant and of several other persons and they the three papers hereunto annexed and marked No 1, 2 & 3 were found amongst other papers relating to his concerns. Sarah Meade.

30 Decembris 1697 dicta Sara Meade fecit declarationem suprascriptam George Bramston Surr.

coram me

30 December, 1697 Appeared personally William Ingram of the parish of St Margaret's, New Fish Street London, citizen & Tallow Chandler of London, aged about fifty seven years, and declared that he is of the number of Dissenters commonly called Quakers; and he did declare in the presence of Almighty God, the witness of the truth of what he said (then follows a declaration similar to the foregoing as to handwriting of deceased testator, &c.).

A similar declaration was made, the same day, by George Whitehead of the parish of St Botolph without Bishopsgate, London, gentleman, aged about sixty years and also of the number of Quakers, &c.

Tricesimo die mensis Decembris Anno Dñi Millimo Sexcenño nonageño septima emanavit comco Margaretæ ffox relictæ et Legariæ nominatæ in Testamento Georgii ffox nup de Swarthmore in com Lancastriæ sed in Proâ omniu Sanctoru Lombard Street London defti hentis &c ad administrand bona Jura et credita dicti dēfti juxta tenorem et effectu Testamenti ipsius defti (eo quod nullu omnino nõiaverit extorem) declaračone in presentia dei Omnipoten juxta Statutum parliamenti in hac parte editum et provisū de bene et fideliter administrand eadem p dictam Margaretam ffox prius facta. Pyne, 280.

[George Fox, born in July, 1624, married 27 8mo. 1669, in Bristol, Margaret, widow of Thomas Fell of Swarthmore Hall, Lancashire. She is said to have died at Swarthmore in 1702, near the eighty-eighth year of her age. Of her children by her first husband, Margaret is said to have been the wife of John Rous, Bridget of John Draper, Sarah of William Meade, Mary of Thomas Lower, Susanna of (William?) Ingram, and Rachel of Daniel Abraham.-H. F. w.]

Letters of administration on the estate of the Rev. GEORGE PIGGOTT clerk, late chaplain in the regiment of marines under the command of the Hon. Col. John Wynyard, at Jamaica in the West Indies, granted, 30 June, 1743, to the Rev. George Piggott, clerk, son and lawful attorney of Sarah Piggott, widow, the relict of the said deceased, for the use and benefit of the said Sarah Piggott, now residing at the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Admon. Act. Book, 1743.

[For this abstract the readers of the REGISTER are indebted to Robert Garraway Rice, Esq., of Acar Lodge, Bramley Hill, Croydon, Surrey.-H. F. W.

The Rev. George Pigot was settled as Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marblehead, 1728; he came to Marblehead from Providence, and in addition to his parochial duties officiated every month in Salem, where in a short time he gathered a congregation of between two and three hundred persons.

In 1730 Mr. Pigot made what proved to be an unsuccessful attempt to regain a right to the Baronies of Morley and Monteagle, to which he was an heir, and requested permission to return to England to attend to the matter, which was evidently not granted. His rectorship ended in 1736. During his rectorship there are recorded 454 baptisms, among them four of his own slaves, 95 marriages, 145 burials. In going from the house of a poor and sick parishioner whom he had been visiting in the winter of 1736, Mr. Pigot fell on the ice and broke his left arm, which

he fractured again the following summer; his health consequently became broken, and he obtained leave to visit England, and is supposed to have died there or on the passage. His wife was buried in the churchyard fifteen years after.

Samuel Curwen, Esq., in his Diary, writing of Cardiff, 1st August, 1777, says: "After my departure I learnt that a daughter of the late Parson Pigot of Marblehead was an inhabitant of this place."-GEORGE R. CURWEN.

The baronies of Morley and Monteagle in 1686, on the death of Thomas Parker, the third inheritor of the two baronies, fell into abeyance between the issue of his two aunts, Katharine who married John Savage, earl of Rivers, and Elizabeth who married Edward Cranfield, Esq. (Burke's Extinct Peerage, ed. 1846, p. 409). Rev. George Pigot, of Marblehead, wrote to the secretary of the London Society for Propagating the Gospel, August 1, 1730: “I think it proper at this juncture to notify the Hon'ble Society of one affair which might otherwise deserve their blame : It is that I have made a claim by Mr. Speaker of the House of Commons to be restored to my right to the Baronies of Morley and Monteagle, and that I do not know how soon I may have a call to make out the same. Therefore I request the Hon'ble Society to give me leave to come home upon a proper invitation." (Bp. Perry's Massachusetts Historical Papers, p. 262.) Mr. Pigot, in a letter Dec. 27, 1734, speaks of having a large family (Ibid. p. 304).


May 1, 1718," Mr. George Piggott" of Newport was admitted to the freedom of the colony of Rhode Island (R. I. Records, iv. 227). May 5, 1724, George Pigot " of Warwick was admitted freeman to that colony (Ïbid. p. 340). Was either of these the minister ?-EDITOR.

A year or two ago I met at the rooms of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Rev. Mr. Pigot, an English clergyman, who said he was a descendant of Rev. George Pigot, of Marblehead. He visited the rooms to obtain genealogical information concerning his ancestor. He had an elder brother in Australia who had sufficient property to maintain the dignity of a baron. He wished to obtain documentary evidence to substantiate the claim to the barony which he said was in abeyance in their line of the Pigot family.-JOHN COFFIN JONES BROWN.]

WILLIAM HORSFORDE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset, gentleman, 30 June, 1621, proved 25 January, 1622. To be buried in the church of St Peters. To the poor of the Hospital of Dorchester five pounds. I give & bequeath my house and lands, with the appurtenances, in the parish of St Peter's, in the lane there going towards the Fryery, wherein George Hooper, needle maker, lately dwelt, and which I purchased of Mr Joseph Longe and Thomas Bullocke, unto Joane my wife for the term of her life; then to Joane my daughter and the heirs of her body, &c.; then to my own right heirs forever. My daughter Sarah and her husband, my son in law, John Hardey. To their children, John, Jane and Sarah Hardey and the child wherewith my daughter Sarah is now great, one hundred pounds, which was meant to be given unto them by my brother Hugh Horsforde deceased, and one hundred pounds besides. To my daughter Joane Horsforde four hundred & fifty pounds. My daughter Grace, the wife of Thomas Frye, and her children. My friends John Strode of Chantmarrell, Richard Bingham of Melcombe, Richard Kesier and William Clapcott, of Frampton, to be executors. Swann, 27.


[There was a William Horsford, spelled, in other places on the record, Horseford, Hosford, Hosseford, who was an early inhabitant of Dorchester, Mass. He is first mentioned October 8, 1633, when he is styled Goodman Hosseford"; freeman 1634; went to Windsor, Conn.; was a Commissioner to the General Court in 1637. With his old Dorchester companions and friends, Mr. John Witchfield, and Mr. John Branker" the schoolmaster," he became associated as ruling elders of the church in Windsor. They frequently delivered the weekly lecture before the church. Mr. Savage says, he probably removed to Springfield, and there preached from October, 1652, to October, 1656," when Moxon gave up in disgust. It seems that he returned to England with his second wife Jane, widow of Henry Fowkes. In 1656, being then in England, he gave land at Windsor to his two children. His wife also gave some of her land to Windsor church and to her husband's children, &c.


1671," says Mr. Savage, "she was at Tiverton, co. Devon." William had a son John, whose nine children were living at their father's decease, August 7, 1683. (See Savage, Hinman, Stiles's Windsor.)-WILLIAM B. TRASK.]

MORGAN HOLMAN of Barwicke within the parish of Swyre, in the County of Dorset, gentleman, in his will, dated 19 June, 1614, proved 19 April, 1623, mentions (among others) cousin Humphrey Jolyff, and speaks of land which he lately purchased of Nicholas Darbye, Lawrence and Roger Darbye. Swann, 33.

BOLD BOUGHEY, Esq., Warden of the Fleete, 17 October, 1669, published and acknowledged by testator the next day. Whereas since my marriage with Jane the widow & relict of William Celey, Esq., by whom I have had no children, and who either hath or pretended to have a reasonable good estate, which I have not wasted or intermedled with; since which marriage I have lived but an uncomfortable life; I do therefore give and bequeath unto my said wife, for her better support and as an addition to her own estate, the sum of twenty pounds per annum, to be paid to her yearly and every year during the life of Mris Challener alias Bamfield, her mother in law, now living, to be paid unto her by my executors by ten pounds at the end of every six months after my decease. To my daughter Martha Boughey the sum of one thousand pounds, to be paid unto her at the day of her marriage, or within such short time after as my executors can raise the same; and in the mean time I give unto her thirty pounds per annum for her maintenance; and if she happen to die before she be married, then I give and bequeath the said sum of one thousand pounds between my two sons John & Bold Boughey. Reference is made to an engagement of John Boughey, son and heir of the testator, to come into partnership with Edmond Peirce, Esq., in the business and office of Wardenship of the Fleete. To my son Bold Boughey three hundred pounds at his age of one and twenty, or when he shall be a Freeman of London and set up his trade of a Linendraper. Unto the poor prisoners of the Fleete five pounds per annum, to be paid on Christmas Eve during all the time that any of my name or family shall be Wardens of the Fleete. To my brother Thomas Boughey one hundred pounds to be paid him within twelve months after my decease. To my two nieces Priscilla and Margaret Roe ten pounds apiece, to put them out to some trades such as my executor shall think fit. To my good friends Mr Robert Leighton, Capt. William Oakes, Sir John Carter, Mr Griffith Boderdo, Mr James Johnsen, Charles Cornwallis, Esq., Mr Samuel Fisher, Mr Richard Beale and Mr Robert Wigmore, forty shillings apiece, to buy them rings. The same to my old servant Christopher Story. To my servant Thomas Corbett the like sum; and it is my desire that he be continued in his place of Tipstaff in the exchecquer so long as he shall "abare" himself honestly. My friends Edmond Peirce, Esq., and William Church, gentleman, to be executors, and to each ten pounds for their pains therein. My loving brother in law Robert Wiggmore, Esq., and Charles Cornwallis, Esq., to be overseers.

The above will was proved by Edmond Peirce, who took out letters 15 November, 1669, and by William Church, 25 June, 1672. Coke, 133.

[The testator of the above will, although he makes no mention therein of New England or New England people, is clearly enough the writer of the letter bearing date "London, 4th may 1662," and superscribed "For my Deare Sister Mrs Elizabeth Harris att Wroxbury These in New England," which was printed in the July number of the N. E. HIST. AND GEN. REGISTER, 1851 (vol. v. pp. 307-8). In it he

speaks of his family thus: "our youngest Broer Timothy is Chaplaine to the Kings Rigimt of Guards in Dunkirke, Thomas Imployed by me in business, our sister Katherine is married to one Mr Thorpe in London, our Sister Hannah is married to one Mr Wilding and lives in Shrewsbury. Mary is married to Mr Roe, who hath an Imployment under me in London, and lives well, Priscilla is married to an honest minister one Mr Bruce and at present Lives in London, is Chaplaine to mee, at the fleete. Our Sisters, except Katherine, are all mothers of children."

"I was married but it pleased god to remove my wife by death about foure yeares since I have only two sonnes and a daughter (viz) John, Bold and Martha living; my wife was with child of the tenth when she died."


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We are told that Robert Harris & Elizabeth Boffee were married Jan. 24, 1642," in Roxbury.-H. F. w.]

PETER HODGES late of East West Guersey in America, planter, and now in the parish of St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, in the County of Surrey, the one & twentieth of July, 1697, proved 21 December, 1697. To my dearly and well beloved friend Elizabeth Willis, of the said parish, spinster, whom I intended for my lawful wife, as well for the natural love and affection I have and bear to her as for divers other good causes and considerations me hereunto especially moving, all those two hundred acres of woodland in East West Guersey in America by me held and granted from the Governour of the said Island, together with the deed or writing by which the same premisses are granted, which is now left in the hands of Thomas Revell of Burrington in East West Guersey aforesaid; also all my horses, hogs and other cattle whatsoever in the said Island, marked with a half Gad; and also all and singular my estate, both real and personal, as well within the said Island of East West Guersey as any other place or places whatsoever, &c. To all or any of my Relations that shall lawfully claim any estate or interest in the said premisses, &c., I give and bequeath one shilling if demanded and no more. The said Elizabeth Willis to be executrix.

Wit: Joann Pryor Senior, Mary Pryor, Joann Pryor Junior, Hannah Richeson and John Parry Scr.

Pyne, 284. [Burrington should be Burlington. Thomas Revell was at this time a member of the West Jersey Council. See New Jersey Archives, ii. 146 et seq.—EDITOR.]

JAMES MONTGOMERY, of James River in Nantzimum in the Island of Virginia, and late chirurgeon of His Majesty's ship St Albans, being sick and weak of body in Richmond in the County of Surrey, 25 August, 1697, proved 24 December, 1697. My body to be buried in such parish as it shall please God to call my soul from thence. To my two loving brothers Robert and Benjamin, all such writings, obligatory bills and accounts which are my property in Virginia aforesaid. To my brother Benjamin one bed. Το my brother Robert all the residue of my estate (lands excepted). To Sarah, wife of William Cranbury, of the place above named in Virginia aforesaid, I give and bequeath one warming pan now in the custody of the said Sarah; and touching all such wages or pay as shall appear due to me for my service performed on board His Majesty's Ship St Albans above named I dispose thereof as follows (viz) to my sister Jane and to her youngest son now living, and to her daughters Jane and Elizabeth three pounds apiece, to be paid unto them or either of them on his or her respective marriage day. This money is to be raised out of such pay as shall appear due to me from the Right Honorable the Treasurer or Paymaster to His Majesty's Navy. To my godson James Buxton two pounds, and to his brother Richard one pound ten shillings. To Martha, daughter of my brother Benjamin, five pounds. To my nephews James and Benjamin five pounds apiece. To my

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