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vard my sonne equally to be devided betweene them all my messuages Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with their and every of their appurtenances scituate and being in the parrish of All Saintes Barkeing nere unto the Tower of London whereof I am possessed under two severall leases made by the Master brethren and Sisters of the Hospitall of St Katherine's nere the Tower of London unto John Elletson deceased; and all my deedes and writeings touching and concerning the same. And all my severall and respectiue estates right title interest terme of yeares and demaund which I have of and unto the same, and of and unto every part and parcell thereof. Nevertheless my will and meaneing is and soe I doe hereby appoint and declare that the said John Harvard and Thomas Harvard their executors Administrators and Assignes shall yearly and every yeare dureing the continuance of the severall tymes in the said severall leases graunted, paye or cause to be payed out of the rentes issues and proffits of the said last mencoed premisses at the feast of the nativity of our Lord God twentie shillings to fower poor people that are reputed of honest conversation dwelling in the parrishe of St Saviours aforesaid by five shillings apeece And that the said John Hervard and Thomas Hervard their executors Administrators and Assignes shall paye or cause to be payed the residue and remainder of the rentes issues and proffites of the said last menconed premisses unto such of the Children of Hugh Harsall late of the Burrough of Southwarke aforesaid Innkeeper deceased as have not their porcons paied and was given and bequeathed unto them by the last wills & testamtes of the said John Elletson and Hugh Harsall or either of them untill such tyme as the said Children shall have all their said porcons paied unto them and afterwards that the said John Hervard and Thomas Hervarde their executors adm'strators and assignes shall enioye the residue of the said rentes issues and proffits of the said last menconed premisses to their owne proper uses and behoofes equally to be devided betweene them Item I give to my said sonne John Hervard two hundred and fiftie poundes in money And I doe appoint two hundred pounds parcell thereof to be payed with the moneys due upon one obligacon of the penall some of fower hundred poundes beareing date the first daye of this instant moneth of Julie made by my sonne Thomas Hervard unto my Overseer Mr Mooreton for my use condicōned for the payment of two hundred pounds at or upon the first daye of January now next ensueing Item I give to my sonne Thomas aforesaid one hundred poundes in money Item to the Children of my Brother Thomas Rogers I give fortie shillings a peece. Item to the poore of this parrish of St Saviours I give fortie shillinges Item to M' Archer one of our Ministers I give twentie shillings. Item to Mris Moreton our other Ministers wife I give my best gould wrought Coyfe which of my two best shee please to make choice of Item my Sister Rose Reason and my sister Joane Willmore to each of them I give a ring at the discretion of my executors Item to old Mris Blanchard I give my best paire of Gloves Item to my Cosen Joseph Brocket the younger I give twentie shillings; and to my Cosen Mary Brocket I give my best scarlet Petticoate or the value thereof in money at the discretion of my executors Item I make and ordayne my two sonnes John and Thomas Hervard aforesaid ioinct executors of this my last will and Testament. Item for the overseers of this my last will and Testament I appoint my loveing frend Mr Moreton our minister of St Saviours aforesaid for one, and to him in token of my love I give three pounds and my paire of silver hafted knyves; And for my other Overseer I appoint my Cosen Mr Thomas Hervard Butcher of St Saviours aforesaid and to him like

wise in token of my love I give three pounds Item I give to my said executors and Overseers eight pounds by them to be bestowed on such Christian poore as they thinke fitt And I will that all my legacies formerly given and bequeathed except the two hundred pounds payable by the obligacon as aforesaid shalbe paied and deliuered by my executors wthin one moneth after my decease The residue of all and singular my goods Chattells and Psonall estate after my debts payed and funeralls discharged I give and bequeath unto my said sonnes John Hervard and Thomas Hervard equally to be devided betweene them In wittnes whereof I have unto every sheete being seaven in number put to my hand and have sealed the same this second daye of Julie in the eleventh yeare of the reigne of our Souaigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Kinge Defender of the faith &c. Annoq Dñi 1635. The marke of Catherine Yarwood.

Memorandum that theis wordes vizt porčons in the seaventh lyne and John in the fourteenth lyne of the fourth sheete were interlyned and afterwards this will was read sealed and published to be the last will and Testament of the said Catherine Yarwood in the p'sence of us; Sealed and published by Katherine Yarwood aforesaid in the presence of us William Brayne Robert Greaton William Sheap.

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram mrō Johanne Hansley Cličo Surrogato veñabilis viri Dñi Henrici Marten militis legum etiam Deoris Curie Prerogative Cantuar mağri Custodis siue Comi Itime constituti vicesimo septimo die mensis Julii Anno Dñi millesimo sexcentesimo tricesimo quinto Juramentis Johiš Hervard et Thome Hervard filiorum dcē defunctæ et executorum in huiusmodi Testamento nominatorum Quibus comissa fuit administračo omnĩ et singulorū bonorū iuriu et creditoru dcæ def de bene et fideliter administrando eadm &c Ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat.

77, Sadler.

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the fiefteenth daie of July Anno Domini one thousand six hundred thirtie and six And in the twelueth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland ffraunce and Ireland Defender of the faith &c I Thomas Harvard of the pishe of Saint Olave in Southwarke in the County of Surry and Cittizen and Clothworker of London beinge att this presente sicke and weake in bodie but of good and pfecte mynde and memorie all laude and praise be given to Allmightie god therefore and consideringe with my selfe the frailtie and mutabilitie of this present life and the certaintie of death, And to the end that I may bee the better prepared and settled in my mynde whensoever it shall please god to call me out of this transitorie life I doe by the pmission of god make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge, That is to saie, ffirst and principally I comend my Soule into the hands of Allmightie god hopeinge aud assuredly beleevinge through the death and passion of Jesus Christe his only sonne and alone Saviour to obtaine Remission and forgivenes of all my Synns and to be made ptaker of everlastinge life My bodie I comitt to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried att the discrečon of my executors here under named, And as concerninge all such worldly goods Chattelles and Psonall estate as it hath pleased god to endue me wth in this life I give and bequeath the same in manner and forme followinge, That is to saie Inpri

mis I give and bequeath unto my deere and welbeloved wife Elizabeth Harvard the some of fower hundred poundes of lawful English money to be paied unto her within six monethes next after my decease More I giue and bequeath to my said lovinge all my plate and howsehold stuffe exceptinge only my best standinge bowle of silver guilte and my great Cheste with two lockes Item I give and bequeath unto my said lovinge wife Elizabeth Harvard one Annuitie or yearely payment of thirty poundes of good and lawfull Englishe mony to be yearely due goeinge out issuinge and payable unto my said wife out of all those messuages and Tenementes with thappurtenñces And the rentes issues and proffites of them scituate lyinge and beinge att or neere Towerhill in the parishe of All Saintes Barkinge in London which I hould ioyntly togeather with my brother John Harvard by vertue of a lease to us thereof made by the M. brothers and sisters of the Hospitall of Saint Katherines neere the Tower of London, To have and to hould the said Annuitie or Rente charge of Thirtie poundes p Anñ unto my said loveinge wife for and duringe the tearme of her naturall life to be paied unto her att fower feastes or tearmes in the yeare, That is to saie att the feastes of Saint Michaell Tharchangell, the birth of our lord god, Thannuntiacon of the blessed virgin Marie and the Nativitie of Saint John Baptist or within one and twentie daies nexte ensuinge everie of the same feaste daies by equall and even porčons, The first paimente thereof to beginn and to be made att the feaste of the feastes aforesaid which shall first and next happen and come after my decease, or within one and twentie daies then nexte ensuinge with power to distreyne for the same Annuitie in and upon the said tenementes or anie of them, if the same añuitie shall happen to be behinde and unpaied contrary to this my will, Provided that my ffather in lawe M'. Nicholas Kinge or his heires att any time duringe the tearme of my naturall life doe assure and conveie unto me and my heires or within six moneths after my decease to my executors hereunder named or to such pson or psons as I the said Thomas Harvard shall by anie writinge under my hand name and appointe, And theire heires and assignes, And to such use and uses as I shall thereby lymitt and declare and in such good sure and sufficiente manner and forme as by learned Councell shall be advised and required All that messuage or Tenement with thappurtenñces and the rente and Reverčon thereof scituate and beinge in or neere Shippyard in the pishe of Saint Saviours in Southwarke now or late in the tenure or occupacon of Owen Jones or his assignes Item I give and bequeath unto such childe or Children as my wife nowe goeth with or is with childe of the some of three hundred poundes of lawfull Englishe money to be paied and deliuered into the Chamber of the Cittie of London for the use of such Child and children within one yeare nexte after my decease to be imployed for the use and benefitt of such childe and children untill they shall accomplishe the age of Twentie and one yeares Item I give and bequeath unto such childe and children as my wife goeth with or is with childe of all that my moitie or halfe parte of the lease of the said Tenemtes. with thappurtenñces att or neere Tower hill in the said pishe of All Saintes Barkinge holden of and from the IIospitall of Saint Katherines and the moitie of my rentes and reverčons thereof, And all my estate tearmes of yeares and demaund therein charged with the said Annuity of Thirtie poundes p Anñ by me herein before given unto my said wife, Prouided all waies and my mynde and will is that if my said wife shall not be with childe att the time of my decease, or that such childe and children shall happen to miscarry or dye or departe this life before he she or theie shall accomplishe the age or

ages of twentie and one yeares then in such case or cases and not otherwise I doe giue and bequeath unto the severall persons hereunder named the seu'all legacies and somes of money hereunder menconed, That is to saie, To my said lovinge wife one hundred poundes. to my said brother John Harvard one hundred poundes. To and amongst the children of my unckle Rogers fforty poundes To my godsonn William Harvard ffiefteene poundes, To the eldest sonne of my Cossen Thomas Willmore ffower poundes to my Cossen Robert Harvard five poundes to John Brockett the sonne of Joseph Brockett ffortie shillinges, And then alsoe and in such case, I doe give and bequeath unto my said brother John Harvard my said moitie or half parte of the lease of the said Tenementes with the appu'tenñces att or neere Towerhill aforesaid and the rentes and the Revercons thereof, And all my estate tearme of yeares and demaunde therein charged with the said Annuity of Thirtie pounds p ann by me given to my said wife, Item I doe alsoe by this my will give and bequeath unto my said brother John Harvard the sume of one hundred poundes lawfull English mony, and my standinge bowle of silver guilt and my Chest with twoe lockes before excepted, Together with my best whole suite of appell and my best cloake, And all things belonginge thereunto, Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Nichollas Morton Minister and Preacher in the pishe of Saint Saviors in Southwarke the some of fforty shillinges in recompence of a Sermon which I desire he should preach at my funerall, for the better Comforte edifyinge and instrucĉon of such my freinds and neighboures and other people as there shalbe assembled, Item I giue and bequeath unto James Archer Minister twentie shillinges, Item I giue and bequeath unto M2 Osney Minister the some of twenty shillinges, Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Clarke Minister the some of twenty shillinges, Item I give and bequeath unto my said ffather in lawe M'. Nicholas Kinge the some of three poundes to make him a ringe, Item I giue and bequeath unto my Cossen William Harvard the some of Tenne poundes, Item I give and bequeath unto my said Cossen Robert Harvard the some of six poundes, Item I give unto the said Joseph Brockett my seale Ringe of gould, I will that there shalbe distributed by my executors on the day of my buriall the some of ffortie shillinges, that is to saie to and amongst the poore people of Saint Saviours in Southwarke the some of twenty shillings and to And amongst the poore people of the pishe of Saint Olave in Southwarke the like some of twenty shillings Att the discrecon of my Executors where moste neede shall appeare.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Mother in lawe Margarett King ffortie shillinges and unto her twoe daughters Margaret and Hanah the like some of ffortie shillinges a peece to make them Ringes. The rest residue and Remainder of all and singuler my goodes chattelles and worldly substance whatsoever not herein before given or bequeathed, I give and bequeath in forme followinge, that is to saie, Twoe full third pts thereof unto such childe and children as my said wife nowe goeth withall or is with childe of And thother twoe third ptes thereof I fully and wholly give unto my said lovinge wife Elizabeth, and my said lovinge brother John Harvard equally betweene them to be devided pte and porčon alike. And in case my said wife shall not be with childe att the time of my decease or that such child and children shall dye before theie shall accomplishe theire age or ages of twentie and one yeares Then in such case I give and bequeath the residue and remainder of my estate my debtes funerall expences, and my legacies beinge paied and pformed unto my said lovinge wife and my said brother equally betweene them to be devided pte and porčon alike, And my will and mean

inge is that the legacies by me in and by this my last will given and bequeathed unto my said wife and such childe and children as she nowe goeth with or is with childe of is and are in full Recompence and satisfacĉon of such parte of my estate shee they or anie of them shall or may claime or challenge by the custome of the Citty of London, And to the end they shall make noe clayme. or challege thereby, And if they shall make such Claime or challenge by the said custome Then I will that the said legacies by me to them given shall cease and bee voide and not be paied, And I doe ordaine and make my said welbeloved brother John Harvard And the said Nichollas Morton preacher executors of this my said last will and Testa ment in trust for the due pformance of this my said laste will and the pay ment of the legacies herein included and given and especially and before all of such debtes as in right and conscience I shall owe to anie pson or psons att the time of my decease as my trust is in them, And in recompence of theire paines therein to be taken, I give and bequeath unto either of them the sume of fiue poundes lawfull englishe mony apeece, And I doe nominate and appoint my said lovinge ffather in lawe Mr Nicholas Kinge and my lovinge Cossen Thomas Harvard and my lovinge freind Mr. John Spencer Merchante to be overseers of this my will desiring them to se the same pformed accordinge to my true meaning and to be aidinge and assistinge to my said Executors with theire best advice And for theire paines therein to be taken I give and bequeath unto every one of them three poundes apeece of like mony, And I doe hereby revoke and disalowe of all former willes and bequestes by me in any wise heretofore made And this to stand and continewe for and as my last will and testament, In witnes whereof to this my said last will and testament conteyninge with this sheete, Nyne sheetes of paper, I the said Thomas Harvard have sett my hand and seale the daie and yeare first aboue written Thomas Harvard Sealed and published by the said Thomas Harvard for and as his last will and testament the daie and yeare abovesaid in the p'sence of me Richard Greene Scr: Richard Barlowe.

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram magro Willmo Sames legum dcore Surrogato venerabilis viri domini Henrici Marten militis legum etiam dcõris Curie Prerogatiue Cant magri Custodis sive Comissarii ltime constitut, Quinto die mensis Maij Anno domini millimo sexcentesimo tricesimo septimo Jurament Nicholai Morton Cleric executoru in humōi testament nominat; cui comissa fuit administracio omni et singulorū bonorū iuriū et creditoru dict def de bene et fidłe ad° eadm ad scta dei evang: iurat, Reservata Ptate similem comissiōem faciend Johanni Harvard alteri execut etiam in dicto testament nominat cum venerit eam petitur. 69, Goare.

[At last, thanks to the mother that bore him, and who by her careful mention of him in her will as "my eldest son, John Harvard, clarke," has again, as it were, brought him to light, we are enabled to lift the veil that for nearly two hundred and fifty years has hidden our modest and obscure, but generous benefactor, the godfather of America's oldest University, the patron Saint of New England's scholars; to learn his parentage and birthplace, and to form some idea of his youthful surroundings. The will of his brother Thomas, to be sure (discovered by me on Washington's birth-day, 1884), furnished the first important evidence in regard to him. It will be noticed in that will, made 15 July, 1636, that he appoints his brother, John Harvard, and the Rev. Nicholas Morton, parson of St. Saviour's, joint executors; that this will was presented for probate 5 May, 1637, by Mr. Morton alone, and power granted only to him, a similar power being reserved for John Harvard, the

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