Imágenes de páginas

Dar gusto, to give pleasure.
Dar tristeza, to cause sadness.
Darse, to give up oneself,

Darse abuxo, to fall down:

Dar abrazos, to embrace one another.

Dar a fiado, to trust.

Dar a entender, to give to understand.

Dar agua manos, to give water to wash one's hands..
Dar á la estampa, to cause any thing to be printed,

Dar á la mano, to put in hand.

Dar el alma, to die.

Dar de traste, to run a-ground.

Dar á luz, to bring to light.
Dar asalto, to give assault.

Dar asunto, to give cause to speak.

Dar audiencia, to give audience.

Dar barato, to sell cheap.

Dar barro d la mano, to furnish materials,

Dar baya, to jest at one..

Dar brega, to play a trick.

Dar buena vejez, to comfort old age.

Dar mala vejez, to vex old age.

Dar buenas palabras, to give fair words.

Dar calda, to heat the iron.

Dar calle, to clear the way.

Dar carta de pago, to give a receipt.

Dar con alguna persona en tierra, to throw one on the


Dur con la puerta en los ojos, to shut the door upon one.

Dar consigo en el suelo, to fall upon one's nose.

Dar con uno, to meet with the person one looks for.

Dar credito, to believe what is said.

Dar cuerpo, to give a substance to any thing.

Dar cuerpo, to exaggerate.

Dar de cogote, to fall upon one's back.

Dar de comer al diablo, to act contrary to religion.

Dar pan, y palos, to provide for the subsistence of others, and to act severely with them.

Dar de si, to stretch oneself.

Dar diente con diente, to be starved with cold.

Dar el lugar, to leave the place.

Dar el pésame, to give compliments of condolence.
Dar el sí, to consent to any thing.
Dar el voto, to vote for any one.
Dar encomiendas, to give orders.
Dar en el blanco, to guess right.
Dar en el punto, to hit the mark.

Dar en rostro, to reproach one with any thing.

Dar entrada, to give entrance.

Dar estado, to alter one's condition."

Dar exercicios, to instruct children.
Dar expediente, to conclude a business.
Dar favor, to protect.

Dar fianza, to caution one.
Dar forma, to form or dispose.
Dar fruto, to produce fruit.
Dar fuego, to unload a firelock.
Dar gána, to give courage.
Dar garrote, to strangle.

Dar guerra, to vex one.
Dar lado, to favourize.

Dar la enhorabuena, to compliment or congratulate.
Dar la muerte, to kill.

Dar la obediencia, to reverence, to bow before one.
Dar la piel, to die.

Dar las pasquas; to wish a good Christmas to one.
Dar la ultima mano, to finish or end any work.

Dar la vida, to die.

Dar licencia, to give leave.

Dar lugar, to make room.

Dar lumbre, to make fire.

Dar lux, to give light to a room,

Dar lux, to light a person to go out.

Dar mala espina, to torment one.
Dar malrato, to molest one.

Dar mano, to consent to every thing.

Dar muestras, to show one's good or bad qualities.
Dar música, to give a concert.

Dar nombre, to baptize.

Dar oidus, to listen attentively.

Dar orden, to command.

Dar órdenes, to confer the ecclesiastical orders

Dar orejas, to pay attention to what is said.
Dar pan de perro, to cudgel one soundly.
Dar parte, to share with another.

Dar perro por gato, to deceive by fair words.
Dar picon, to excite one to do something.

Dar pliego, to give a sheet of paper.

Dar paso, to clear the way.

Dar punto, to begin the holidays.

Dar puntos en la boca, to be discreet, to hold one's tongue.

Dar quartel, to give quarter.

Dar quejas, to complain.

Dar querella, to bring a bill in justice against one.

Dar señal, to give earnest-money.

Dar señal, to nod to one to come nearer..

Dar una panzada, to give an abundant meal to some


Darse una vuelta, to look at oneself with attention.

Dar sobresaltos, to fright one suddenly.

Dar sobre uno, to assault one.

Dar soga, to put one to despair.

Dar su espiritu, to give up the ghost.

Dar su merecido, to chastise according to the fault.

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Dar su recado, to beat one unmercifully.

Dar termino, to grant a delay.

Dar testimonio, to be a witness, to testify.

Dar tiempo al tiempo, to wait for an opportunity.

Dar tormento, to torture one.
Dar tras uno, to follow one, to go

Dar una vista, to look at any one.


Dar una zambullida, to fall into the water.
Dar un batacazo, to get a fall.

Dar un estallido, to make a noise.

Dar un impetu, to do something with precipitation.
Dar un tapaboca, to give a blow on the mouth.
Dar un xabon, to scold one.

Dar voces, to brawl.

Dios te dé buena ventura, God give you a happy success. No se me dá nada, this is nothing to me.

No te dé cuidado, fear not.


Different significations of the verb estar.

Estár, to be present.

Estár, to comprehend..

Estoy en lo que vm. me dice, I comprehend what you say.

Estoy á eso, I answer for that.

Estar, to be.

Estar leyendo, to read.

Estar escribiendo, to write.

Estar triste, to be sad.

Estar sordo, to be deaf.

Estar a exámen, to be examined.

Estar de priesa, to be in haste.

Estar en misa, to be present at mass.

Estarse, to stop, to stand.

Estarse muriendo, to be on the point of death.

Estarse cayendo, to be ready to fall.

Estar á la mano, to be at hand.

Estar á la trinca, to wait for the wind.

Estar a punto, to be ready for.

Estar a raya, to refrain oneself.

Estar de buen humor, to be in a good humour.
Estar de mal humor, to be cross or in a passion.
Estar de gorja, to be merry,

Estar en si, to reflect within oneself.

Estar en su juicio, to have a sound understanding
Estar lejos, to be far off.

Estar muy sobre si, to be vain.

Estarse mano sobre mano, to be idle.
Estarse en sus trece, to be very stubborn..
Estar en todo, to know every thing.


Different significations of the verb hablar.

Hablar, to speak.

Hablar, to harangue.

El abogado habló muy bien, that advocate spoke very well.

Hablar, to speak in behalf of somebody.

Hablar, to inform, to warn.

Hablar a borbotones, to speak quickly, to stammer.

Hablar abulto, to talk at random,

Hablar al alma, to speak sincerely.

Hablar al caso, to speak seasonably, in due time.

Hablar al gusto, to speak politely.

Hablar alto, to talk loudly.

Hablar á tontas, to speak foolishly.

Hablar bien, to speak elegantly.

Hablar con Dios, to pray to God.

Hablar con lengua de plata, to solicit any thing with money.

Hablar con el diablo, to be cunning.

Hablar con los ojos, to look sweetly upon one.

Hablar de burla 6 chanza, to jest at one, to mock him.

Hablar de hilvan, to speak unintelligibly.

Hablar de la már, to speak of things that can neither be understood nor executed.

Hablar de memoria, to speak at random.

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