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From September 5, 1775, to April 30, 1776.


LONDON: Reprinted for J. ALMON, oppofite












Wednesday, September 5, 1775. GREEABLE to adjournment, the Prefident and a number of the Members met, but there not being sufficient to enter upon business, the Congress was adjourned from day to day until Wednesday the 13th.

Wednesday, September 13, 1775Met according to adjournment. The province of Georgia having appointed delegates to represent that colony in Congress, and three of the delegates attending, their credentials were produced, read and approved, and are as follows,


The alarming and critical fituation of affairs upon the continent of America having at length roused the attention of this province, and the several inhabitants thereof being defirous of uniting with their fifter colonies in the great and important cause, a general election was held throughout the province for delegates to fit in Provincial Congress; and the faid delegates having fo met in Savannah on the fourth day of July, proceeded upon the confideration of such business, as appeared to be fit and necessary; and among other things they made choice of five delegates to represent this province in the grand Continental Congress, now fitting in Philadelphia, viz.

Archibald Bullock, Efqrs.

and John Houston,

The Revd. Doctor Zubly,

Noble Wimberly Jones, } Efqrs.

and Lyman Hale,

Now therefore be it known, and
we the several delegates for the differ-
ent parishes and districts in this pro-
vince, in Provincial Congress affem-
bled, do hereby declare the faid Ar-
chibald Bullock and John Houston,
Esqrs. the Revd. Doctor Zubly,
Noble Wimberly Jones and Lymari
Hall, Esqrs. duly and fairly elected,
as the delegates for this province;
and we do authorize and require the
faid Archibald Bullock and John
Houstoun, Eʻqrs. the Revd. Doctor
Zubly, Noble Wimberly Jones and
Lyman Hall, Esqrs. or any three of
them, immediately to repair to the
faid city of Philadelphia, and there
to take their feats as the representa-
tives of the province of Georgia, in
the General Congress now fitting, to
do, transact, join and concur with
the several delegates from the other
colonies and provinces upon this
continent, in all fuch matters and
things, as shall appear eligible and
fit, at this alarming time, for the
and defence of our
rights and liberties, and for the ref-
toration of harmony upon conftitu-




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