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barbarity and danger extinct. Civilization triumphant and progressing. A great people, all inspired by the thought of Webster that when our eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven, that we may ever behold the gorgeous ensign of the Republic spread all over in characters of living light; Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.

I congratulate you, my fellow citizens of Dayton, on this day. I congratulate our State that the old wooden military Block House-Old Fort Yamhill, finds its final foundation resting place in this beautiful park, beside the placid waters of the old River of Yamhill. Here the old soldiers of our country, and here the Indians of Grand Ronde-now citizens of our common land, may come and dream of the days of long ago, when the war clouds hung low, and here Pioneers may recall the times of their early hardships and their struggles to build themselves a home on the soil of Oregon.

May the old historic Fort here stand till the worms of time crumble it into the dust from whence it came, and may the Old Flag ever float above it.

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