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through their great wickedness. And they have been called the betrayers of their parents, and have gone on in their treachery. And now have they added lewdness to their other sins, and the pollutions of naughtiness thus have they filled up the measure of their iniquities. But do thou upbraid thy sons with all these words; and thy wife, which shall be thy sister; and let her learn to refrain her tongue, with which she calumniates. For when she shall hear these things, she will refrain herself, and shall obtain mercy. And they also shall be instructed,(g) when thou shalt have reproached them with these words, which the Lord has commanded to be revealed unto thee. Then shall their sins be forgiven which they have heretofore committed, and the sins of all the saints, who have sinned even unto this day; if they shall repent with all their hearts, and remove all doubts out of their hearts. For the Lord hath sworn by his glory concerning his elect,(h) having determined this very time, that if any one shall even now sin, he shall not be saved. For the repentance of the righteous has its end: the days of repentance are fulfilled to all the saints; but to the heathen, there is repentance even unto the last day. Thou shalt therefore say to those who are over the Church, that they order their ways in righteousness, that they may fully receive the promise with much glory. Stand fast therefore ye that work righteousness; and continue to do it, that your departure may be with the holy angels. Happy are ye, as many as shall endure the great trial that is at hand, and whosoever shall not deny his life. For the Lord hath sworn by his son, that whoso denieth his son and him, being afraid of his life, he will also deny him in the world that is to come. But those who shall never deny him, he will of his exceeding great mercy be favourable unto them.

(g) So one MS. in Coteler. Edit. Oxon. And she, &c

(h) Day. Præfinita ista die etiam nunc si peccaverit Aliquis.


3. But thou, O Hermas! remember not the evils which thy sons have done, neither neglect thy sister, but take care that they amend of their former sins.. For they will be instructed by this doctrine, if thou shalt not be mindful of what they have done wickedly. For the remembrance of evils worketh death; but the forgetting of them, life eternal. But thou, O Hermas! hast undergone a great many worldly troubles for the offences of thy house, because thou hast neglected them, as things that did not belong unto thee; and thou art wholly taken up with thy great business. Nevertheless, for this cause shalt thou be saved, that thou hast not departed from the living God; and thy simplicity and singular continency shall preserve thee, if thou shalt continue in them. Yea, they shall save all such as do such things, and walk in innocence and simplicity. They who are of this kind, shall prevail against all impiety, and continue unto life eternal. Happy are all they that do righteousness, they shall not be consumed for ever. But thou wilt say; behold there is a great trial coming. If it seems good to thee, deny him again. The Lord is nigh to them that turn to him, as it is written in the books of Heldam and Modal,(m) who prophesied to the people of Israel in the wilderness.

4. Moreover brethren, it was revealed to me, as I was sleeping by a very goodly young man, saying unto me; what thinkest thou of that old woman from whom thou receivedst the book; who is she? I answered, a Sybil. Thou art mistaken, said he, she is not. I replied, who is she then, sir? He answered me, it is the Church of God. And I said unto him, why then does she appear old? She is therefore, said he, an old woman, because she was the first of all creation, and the world was made for her.(2) After this I saw a vision at home in my own house, and the

(m) Eldad and Me lad. Numb. xi. 26, 27.

(n) See Dr. Grabe's Annot. to Bishop Ball's Def. Fid. Nic. pag. 24. Fol, de S. Herma.

old woman whom I had seen before, came to me, and asked me whether I had yet delivered her book to the elders of the Church ?(o) and I answered, that I had not yet. She replied, thou hast well done, for i have certain words more to tell thee. But when I shall have finished all the words, they shall be clearly understood by the elect. And thou shalt write two books, and send one to Clement, and one Grapte. For Clement shall send it to the foreign cities, because it is permitted to him so to do: but Grapte shall admonish the widows and orphans. But thou shalt read in this city with the elders of the Church.




1. The vision which I saw, brethren, was this. When I had often fasted and prayed unto the Lord, that he would manifest unto me the revelation, which he had promised by the old woman to shew unto me; the same night she appeared unto me, and said unto me: because thou dost thus afflict thyself, and art so desirous to know all things, come into the field where thou wilt, and about the sixth hour I will ap pear unto thee, and shew thee what thou must see. I asked her, saying; lady, into what part of the field? She answered, wherever thou wilt, only choose a good and a private place And before I began to speak and to tell her the place, she said unto me, I will come where thou wilt. I was therefore, brethren, in the field, and I observed the hours, and came into the place where I had appointed her to come. And I

(0) Suum is added in the Lambeth MS.

beheld a bench placed; it was a linen pillow, and over it spread a cover of fine linen. When I saw these things ordered in this manner, and that there was nobody in the place, I began to be astonished, and my hair stood on end, and a kind of horror seized me, for I was alone. But being come to myself, and calling to mind the glory of God, and taking courage, I fell down upon my knees, and began again to confess my sins as before. And whilst I was doing this, the old woman came thither with the six young men whom I had seen before, and stood behind me as I was praying, and heard me praying and confessing my sins unto the Lord. And touching me, she said, leave off now to pray only for thy sins, pray also for righteousness, that thou mayest receive a part of her in thy house. And she lifted me up from the place, and took me by the hand, and brought me to the scat; and said to the young men, go and .build. As soon as they were departed, and we were alone, she said unto me, sit here. I answered her, lady, let those who are elder sit first. She replied, sit down as I bid you. And when I would have sat on the right side, she suffered me not but made a sign to me with her hand, that I should sit on the left. As I was therefore musing, and full of sorrow, that she would not suffer me to sit on the right side, she said unto me, Hermas, why art thou sad? the place which is on the right hand is their's who have already attained unto God, and have suffered for his name sake. But there is yet a great deal remaining unto thee, before thou canst sit with them. But continue as thou dost, in thy sincerity, and thou shalt sit with them; as all others shall that do their works, and shall bear what they have borne.

2. I said unto her, lady, I would know what it is that they have suffered? Hear then, said she wild beasts, scourgings, imprisonments, and crosses for his name sake. For this cause the right hand of holiness belongs to them, and to all others as shall suffer

for the name of God; but the left belongs to the rest. Howbeit the gifts and the promises belong to both, to them on the right, and to those on the left hand; only that sitting on the right hand they have some glory above the others. But thou art desirous to sit on the right hand with them; yet thy defects are many. But thou shalt be purged from thy defects: as also all who doubt not, shall be cleansed from all the sins which they have committed unto this day. And when she had said this, she would have departed; wherefore falling down before her feet, I began to entreat her, for the Lord's sake, that she would shew me the vision which she had promised. Then she again took me by the hand, and lifted me up, and made me sit upon the seat on the left side, and holding up a certain bright wand, said unto me, seest thou that great thing? I replied, lady, I see nothing. She answered, dost thou not see over against thee a great tower, which is built upon the water with bright square stones? for the tower was built upon a square by those six young men that came with her. But many thousands of other men brought stones; some drew them out of the deep, others carried them from the ground and gave them to the six young men And they took them and built. As for those stones which were drawn out of the deep, they put them all into the building; for they were polished, and their squares exactly answered one another, and so one was joined in such wise to the other, that there was no space to be seen where they joined; insomuch that the whole tower appeared to be built as it were of one stone. But as for the other stones that were taken off from the ground, some of them they rejected, others they fitted into the building. As for those which were rejected some they cut out, and cast them at a distance from the tower: but many others of them lay round about the tower, which they made no use of in the building. For some of these were rough, others had clefts in them; others were white and round, not

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