the fuel was ready, Polycarp laying aside all his upper garments, and undoing his girdle, tried also to pull off his clothes underneath, which aforetime he was not wont to do; forasmuch as always every one of the Christians that was about him contended who should soonest touch his flesh. For he was truly adorned by his good conversation with all kind of piety,(g) even before his martyrdom. This being done, they. presently put about him such things as were necessary to prepare the fire.(k) But when they would have also nailed him to the stake, he said, "let me alone as I am for he who has given me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to stand without moving in the pile.” 14. Wherefore they did not nail him, but only tied him to it. But he having put his hands behind him, and being bound as a ram chosen out of a great flock, for an offering, and prepared to be burnt a sacrifice, acceptable unto God, looked up to Heaven and said; "O Lord God Almighty, the Father of thy well beloved and blessed Son, Jesus Christ, by whom we have received the knowledge of thee, the God of Angels and powers, and of every creature, and especially of the whole race of just men who live in thy presence! I give thee hearty thanks that thou hast vouchsafed to bring me to this day, and to this hour; that I should have a part in the number of thy martyrs, in the cup of thy Christ, to the resurrection of eternal life, both of soul and body, in the incorruption of the Holy Ghost. Among which may I be accepted this day before thee, as a fat and acceptable sacrifice; as thou the true God, with whom is no falsehood, hast both before ordained, and manifested unto me, and also hast now fulfilled it. For this, and for all things else I praise thee, I bless thee, I glorify thee by the eternal,() and heavenly high priest, Jesus Christ thy (g) Vid. aliter apud Euseb. 1. iv. c. 15. Et in eum Vales. Annot. p. 64. (*) The pile that was to burn him. See Vales. in Euseb. p. 64. b. (1) Euseb. & Vet. Lat. Interp. beloved Son; with whom to thee(m) and the Holy Ghost, be glory both now, and to all succeeding ages. Amen." 15. He had no sooner pronounced aloud, Amen, and finished his prayer, but they who were appointed to be his executioners, lighted the fire. And when the flame began to blaze to a very great height; behold a wonderful miracle appeared, to us who had the happiness to see it, and who were reserved by Heaven to report to others what had happened. For the flame making a kind of arch, like the sail of a ship filled with the wind, encompassed, as in a circle, the body of the holy martyr. Who stood in the midst of it, not as if his flesh were burnt, but as bread that is baked, or as gold or silver glowing in the furnace. Moreover, so sweet a smell came from it, as if frankinscense, or some rich spices had been smoking there. 16. At length when those wicked men saw that his body could not be consumed by the fire, they commanded the executioner to go near to him and stick his dagger in him ;(7) which being accordingly done, there came forth so great a quantity of blood(o) as even extinguished the fire, and raised an admiration in all the people, to consider what a difference there was between the infidels and the elect. One of which this great martyr, Polycarp, most certainly was; being in our times a truly Apostolical and prophetical teacher; and Bishop of the catholic Church which is at Smyrna. For every word that went out of his mouth either has been already fulfilled, or in its due time will be accomplished. 17. But when the emulous, and envious, and wicked adversary of the race of the just, saw the great (m) In the H. G. Euseb. (n) Koμpixloga. Vid. Annot. Usser. num. 75. Vales. under stands by it one of the Launce men that were set to kill the beasts, if they grew unruly, at these kind of spectacles. Vid. in. Eusch p. 64. c. () So Eusebius. ness of his martyrdom; and considered how irreprehensible his conversation had been from the beginning; and how he was now crowned with the crown of immortality, having without all controversy received his reward; he took all possible care that not the least remainder of his body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do it, and to be made partakers of his holy flesh. And to that end he suggested it to Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to go to the governor, and hinder him from giving us his body to be buried. Lest, says he, "forsaking him that was crucified, they should begin to worship this Polycarp." And this he said at the suggestion and instance of the Jews; who also watched us, that we should not take him out of the fire: not considering, that neither is it possible for us ever to forsake Christ, who suffered for the salvation of all such as shall be saved throughout the whole world, the righteous for the ungodly; [1 Pet. iii. 18.] nor worship any other besides him. For him indeed, as being the Son of God, we do adore: but for the martyrs, we worthily love them, as the disciples and fol lowers of our Lord; and upon the account of their exceeding great affection towards their master and their king. Of whom may we also be made companions, and fellow disciples. 18. The Centurion therefore seeing the contention of the Jews, put his body into the midst of the fire, and so consumed it. After which we taking up his bones, more precious than the richest jewels, and tried above gold, deposited them where it was fitting. Where being gathered together as we have opportunity, with joy and gladness, the Lord shall grant unto us to celebrate the anniversary of his martyrdom, both in memory of those who have suffered, and for the exercise and preparation of those who may hereafter suffer. 19. Such was the passion of the blessed Polycarp, who though he was the twelfth of those who, togeth er with those of Philadelphia, suffered martyrdom is yet alone chiefly had in memory of all men insomuch that he is spoken of by the very Gentiles themselves in every place, as having been not only an eminent teacher, but also a glorious martyr. Whose death all desire to imitate, as having been every way conformable to the Gospel of Christ. For having by patience overcome the unjust governor, and so received the crown of immortality; he now, together with the Apostles, and all other righteous men, who have gone before, with great triumph, glorifies God even the Father, and blesses our Lord the governor both of our souls and bodies;(t) and shepherd of the catholic Church which is over all the earth. 20. Whereas therefore ye desired that we would at large declare to you what was done; we have for the present given you a summary account of it by our brother Marcus: having therefore yourselves read this epistle, you may do well to send it forward to the brethren that are farther off; that they may also glorify God who makes such choice of his own servants, and is able to bring all of us by his grace and help to his eternal kingdom, through his only begotten Son Jesus Christ; to whom be glory, and honour, and power, and majesty, for ever and ever-Amen. Salute all the saints; they that are with us salute you; and Evarestus, who wrote this epistle, with his whole house. 21. Now the suffering of the blessed Polycarp was the second day of the present month Xanthicus, viz. the seventh of the Calends of May;(u) being the great Sabbath about the 8th hour. He was taken by Herod, Philip the Trallian being high priest; Statius Quadratus proconsul; but our Saviour Christ reigning for evermore to him be honour, glory, majesty, and (t) Vid. Coteler. in marg. & Vet. Lat. Interpr. (u) Rather of April: See Annot. Usser. n. 105. & Pearson Chron Diss. 11. c. 18. n. 4 an eternal throne, from generation to generation. Amen. 22. We wish you, brethren, all happiness; by living according to the rule of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with whom, glory be to God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, for the salvation of his chosen saints. After whose example the blessed Polycarp suffered ; at whose feet may we be found in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. THIS epistle was transcribed by Caius out of the copy of Ireneus, the disciple of Polycarp; who also lived and conversed with Ireneus. And I Socrates transcribed it at Corinth, out of the copy of the said Caius. Grace be with all.* After which I Pionius again wrote it from the copy before mentioned; having searched it out by the revelation of Polycarp, who directed me to it; as also I shall declare in what follows: having gathered these things together, now almost corrupted through process of time; that Jesus Christ our Lord may also gather me together with his elect: to whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, bé glory for ever and ever. Amen. * Ad finem Exempl. Usser. p. 30. |