The American Historical Review, Volumen20John Franklin Jameson, Henry Eldridge Bourne, Robert Livingston Schuyler American Historical Association, 1915 American Historical Review is the oldest scholarly journal of history in the United States and the largest in the world. Published by the American Historical Association, it covers all areas of historical research. |
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affairs AMERICAN HISTORICAL American Historical Association appear Archives army Barbadoes bien Boone British Carolina century chapter Charles Chicago Church Civil colonies Columbia commercial Company Congress constitutional court Delisle deux documents Dutch early economic edited England English essays fact fait France French G'al German Geschichte Harvard Henry HIST Historical Review Historical Society ibid important Indian influence interest island issued j'ai John Journal July king Lafayette land letters London Lord Magna Carta manuscript ment military Monsieur le chevalier Normandy North Carolina Office original papers Paris Parliament party Pennsylvania period planters political present printed Professor published qu'il records relations Revolution Revue Rhode Island Richard Henderson Robert of Torigni Rochambeau Roman Russia savés shō social Spain Spanish Stafford sugar tion tout trade United University Valin Virginia volume Washington West William Wisconsin writing York
Pasajes populares
Página 773 - An Act for the better Securing and Encouraging the Trade of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America...
Página 751 - Parliament assembled do declare, that the People are, under God, the original of all just power; and do also declare, that the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, being chosen by and representing the People, have the supreme power in this nation...
Página 263 - European travellers who passed through America noticed that everywhere, in the White House at Washington and in log-cabins beyond the Alleghanies, except for a few Federalists, every American, from Jefferson and Gallatin down to the poorest squatter, seemed to nourish an idea that he was doing what he could to overthrow the tyranny which the past had fastened on the human mind.
Página 101 - America, may avail themselves, with all convenient speed, of the great benefits and advantages which must accrue therefrom to their commerce, manufactures, and navigation...
Página 93 - These bold and indigent strangers, saying as their excuse when challenged for titles that we had solicited for colonists and they had come accordingly," 85 and asserting that " it was against the laws of God and nature that so much land should be idle while so many christians wanted it to work on and to raise their bread...
Página 169 - A New and Further Narrative of the State of NewEngland, being a Continued Account of the Bloudy IndianWar, from March till August, 1676.
Página 472 - If this great work is well done there must be the fullest cooperation on the part of the States interested in it. It is entirely unnecessary to dwell upon the value and importance of foreign archives in a conference like this, and I shall therefore...
Página 698 - XLIII. (pp. 145) is a list of volumes of state papers relating to Great Britain and Ireland including the Home Office records from 1782 to 1837.
Página 754 - King's pleasure in those things as are requisite thereunto ; and what they do herein hath the stamp of the royal authority, although His Majesty, seduced by evil counsel, do in his own person oppose or interrupt the same ; for the King's supreme and royal pleasure is exercised and declared in this High Court of law and council, after a more eminent and obligatory manner than it can be by personal act or resolution of his own.
Página 752 - We do not request a choice by name, as 14 Edward II., 3, 5, 11, Richard II., 8 Henry IV., or 31 Henry VI.; nor to swear them in parliament, as 35 Edward I., 9 Edward II., or 5 Richard II. ; or to line them out their directions of rule, as 43 Henry III., and 8 Henry VI. ; or desire that which Henry III. did promise in his 42nd year: ' Se acta omnia per assensum magnatum de concilio suo electorum, et sine eorum assensu nihil.