itself. Others, I trust, will also purchase the work who have not honoured it with their Names. The Reader will find something of a connected series in the present Volume. The first six Discourses are designed to set forth the great Doctrine of Repentance towards God; the next two, unfold the Gospel Scheme of Salvation through Grace: the ninth and tenth are intended to rouse the careless and profligate to a serious consideration of the value of the soul and eternal things. The remaining Sermons embrace several subjects of a practical and devotional kind, and exemplify the christian character in various relations both in public and private life. In my doctrinal views, on some abstruse points, I have endeavoured to follow that middle course which is wisely prescribed by the Church of England. I have pursued this course, as a Clergyman, more than twenty years, sometimes called a Calvinist, sometimes an Arminian, "per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum," since my admission into Holy Orders by that truly orthodox and learned man, Bishop Horsley, who then presided over the See of Rochester. It has been my wish to bring forward sound and practical Discourses, such as tend to real edification, rather than the subtilties of metaphysical speculations, or the niceties of elaborate criticism. If any coincidence should be discovered between these Sermons and any that have already been printed, it is a circumstance of which I am altogether unconscious. There is one disadvantage which I am compelled to acknowledge, that I have had no literary friend near me, to aid me in correcting the style and press. But as it is my aim rather to be useful than to shine in ephemeral splen dour, these defects will, I trust, be kindly overlooked. I would say in the words of Bishop Taylor, that, "unless I deceive myself, "I intend the glory of God sincerely, and "the service of Jesus in this publication; "and therefore being willing to hope that I do "not seek myself or my own reputation, I "shall not be troubled, if they be lost in "the voices of busy people, so that I be "accepted of God, and found of him in "the day of the Lord's visitation."" But I trust, the Author and Giver of all goodness, will graciously vouchsafe to bless the present work, to the glory of his own name, and to the benefit and edification of his people on the earth, that through the knowledge of God, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent, they may eventually be brought to the enjoyment of eternal life. Clipston Rectory, August 10, 1824. SUBSCRIBERS. Those whose names are marked with an Asterisk have been the Author's Pupils. A. The Rev. F. Apthorp, Gumley, Leicestershire. B. Joseph Bainbrigge, Esq. Derby. T. P. Bainbrigge, Esq. Ditto. • W. H. Bainbrigge, Esq. Ditto. The Rev. G. Barker, Church Brampton, Northamptonshire. Joseph Berens, Esq. Kevington, St. M. Cray, Kent. The Rev. G. Boulton, Rector of Oxendon Magna. * Mr. P. Brooker, Lullingstone, Kent. The Rev. H. Bullivant, Rector of Marston Trussel. The Rev. T. Burnaby, Misterton, Leicestershire. John Burrough, Esq. Derby. Miss Bennett, Spalding. Mr. Berridge, Attorney, Leicester. Mrs. Barratt, Leicester. Mr. Bright, Melton Mowbray. C. The Hon. and Rev. R. Carlton, Rector of Boughton, J. Caldecott, Esq. Cold Brook Dale, Warwickshire. J. S. Coleman, Esq. Bitteswell, Ditto, J. Cradock, Esq. Gumley, Ditto, Mrs. Clayton Glynn, The Rev. F. T. Corrance, Great Glenn, Leicester shire. Mr. Crofts, Church Lawford, Warwickshire. Mr. Crofts, Jun. Ditto. Mr. M. Clayton, Frolesworth, Leicestershire. Mr. T. Cook, Leicester. The Rev. G. Corrie, Fellow and Tutor of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Mr. J. Cox, Derby. T. Cox, Esq. Ditto, D. The Very Rev. the Dean of Sarum, 1 copy, subscribed for 6. The Rev. J. De Chair, Brixworth, Northamptonshire. Messrs. Dicey and Smithson, Northampton. The Rev. J. Dashwood, Burton Overy, Leicestershire, Mr. R. Dale, Ashbourne. Mr. Dalton, Leicester. Miss Davie. Mr. J. Davenport, Market Harborough, Mr. Dabbs, Leicester. |