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" I can assure you, that your whole life, be it ever so long, is little enough to prepare for death. Have a care of this vain, deceitful world, and the lusts of the flesh; be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your... "
Evangelical Biography: Being a Complete and Fruitful Account of the Lives ... - Página 150
por Erasmus Middleton - 1807
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The Nonconformist's Memorial: Being an Account of the Ministers, who Were ...

Edmund Calamy, Samuel Palmer - 1775 - 674 páginas
...flefli. Be furc you chufe God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but we (hall meet with comfort." — Never was penitent (inner more humble and debafing himfelf ; never was...
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A Call to the Unconverted: To Turn and Live; and Accept of Mercy, While ...

Richard Baxter - 1791 - 212 páginas
...flefh: Be fure you choofe God for your portion, heaven for your home, God s glory for your end^ 'his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but we mall meet with comfort." Never was penitent finner more humble and debafing, never was a fincere believer...
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The Nonconformist's Memorial: Being an Account of the Lives, Sufferings, and ...

Edmund Calamy - 1803 - 588 páginas
...with many other lives, in his HJ«T. of N England. The above Letter is found V. ill, p. "210. feajf fear but we shall meet with comfort." — Never was penitent sinner more humble in debasing himself; never was a sincere believer more calm and comfortable. He acknowledged himself...
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The History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting ..., Volumen2

Walter Wilson - 1808 - 652 páginas
...tluflesh : be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your, rule, and then you need never fear but we shall meet will; comfort." Never was penitent sinner more humble in debasing himself, never was a sincere believer...
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The History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting ..., Volumen2

Walter Wilson - 1809 - 646 páginas
...flesh : be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but...with comfort." Never was penitent sinner more humble in debasing himself, never was a sincere believer more cahn and comfortable. He acknowledged himself...
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The Practical Expositor: Or, Scripture Illustrated by Facts, and Arranged ...

Charles Buck - 1815 - 430 páginas
...flesh. Be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule> and then you need never fear but we shall meet with comfort." After a slumber he waked and said, " I shall rest from my labour." A minister then present said, "...
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Evangelical Biography: Or, An Historical Account of the Lives & Deaths of ...

Erasmus Middleton - 1816 - 548 páginas
...choose GOD for yeur " portion, heaven for your home, GOD^S glory for your " end, his word for yoar rule, and then you need never " fear but we shall...was his usual expression) that ever went to heaven. lie admired the divine condescension, to us, often saying, M Lord, what is man ? What nn» " I, vile...
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A Call to the Unconverted, to Turn and Live, and Accept Mercy, While Mercy ...

Richard Baxter - 1818 - 202 páginas
...Jlesh : Be sure you chuse GOD for your portion, .Hearenfor your home, GOD"1* glory for your end, his Word for your rule, and then you need never fear but we shall meet with comfort. 1 Never was penitent sinner more humble and debasing, never was a sincere believer more calm^and comfortablelie...
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The last hours of eminent Christians, from the commencement of the Christian ...

Henry Clissold - 1829 - 716 páginas
...death. Be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but we shall meet with comfort." His resigned submission to the will of God, in his sharp sickness, was eminent. When extremity of pain...
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The Life and Times of Richard Baxter: With a Critical Examination ..., Volumen1

William Orme - 1830 - 538 páginas
...flesh; be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but...comfort. " Never was penitent sinner more humble, never was a sincere believer more calm and comfortable. He acknowledged himself to be the vilest dunghill...
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