The Asiatic Annual Register, Or, A View of the History of Hindustan, and of the Politics, Commerce and Literature of Asia, Volumen9Lawrence Dundas Campbell, E. Samuel J. Debrett, 1809 Includes: A history of British India, monthly chronicles of Asian events, accounts, travel literature, general essays, reviews of books on Asia, political analyses, poetry, and letters from readers. |
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Términos y frases comunes
18th regt Acting Sec Allahabad allowance appointed April army artillery assistant surgeon batta battalion Bengal bills British cadets Calcutta capt captain captain-lieutenant cavalry ceded ceded districts cents chaplains charge colonel commander in chief company's contractor corps court of directors deceased ditto ditto dominions duty elephants and bullocks Ensign establishment European excellency excellency's expence Fort St Fort William gentlemen George governor-general in council Govt H. M. ship Havildar Henry hereby given India instant James John July lady Lascars lency letter lieut Lieutenant lieutenant-colonel lord lord Lake lordship Lucknow Madras majesty's majesty's ship major manding March ment Messrs Miss nawaub neral Notice is hereby off-reckonings Oude pagodas paymaster-general paymasters payment pleased present presidency promoted provinces received regt respect revenue Scott Sept sicca rupees Signed sonaut rupees stations territories thereon will cease Thomas THOS tion treasury troops vice vizier William zillah
Pasajes populares
Página 50 - ... ships, vessels and goods, that are or shall be taken, and to hear and determine the same ; and according to the course of Admiralty, and the law of nations, to adjudge and condemn all such...
Página 21 - You are to permit Liberty of Conscience and the free Exercise of all such Modes of Religious Worship, as are not prohibited by Law, to all Persons who inhabit and frequent the Provinces under your Government, provided they be contented with a quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the same, without giving Offence or Scandal to Government.
Página 156 - With me, from native banks untimely torn, Love-warbling youths and soft-ey'd virgins mourn. O ! let the heart, by fatal absence rent, Feel what I sing, and bleed when I lament: Who roams in exile from his parent bow'r, Pants to return, and chides each ling
Página 96 - Nor would we confine this collection to Persian and Arabian manuscripts. The Sanscrit writings, from the long subjection of the Hindoos to a foreign Government, from the discouragements their literature in consequence experienced, and from the ravages of time, must have suffered greatly ; we should be glad, therefore, that copies of all the valuable books which remain in that language, or in any ancient dialects of the Hindoos might, through the industry of individuals, at length, be placed in safety...
Página 45 - ... the state of the country. I have repeatedly represented to your Excellency the effects of the ruinous expedient of anticipating the collections; the destructive practice of realizing them by force of arms; the annual diminution of the jumma of the country; the precarious tenure by which the aumils and farmers hold their possessions; the misery of the lower classes of the people, absolutely excluded from the protection of the government; and the utter insecurity of life and property, throughout...
Página 12 - ... as the depositary and guardian of all the feelings and principles which constitute that character. A gentleman is a man of more refined feelings and manners than his fellow men. An officer is, or ought to be, peculiarly and eminently a gentleman. But there is nothing so low and vulgar as the fame of a bully, and the renown of midnight brawls. They imply every quality of a highwayman but his courage, and they very often lead to his fate.
Página 13 - I must ,be unpopular among the enemies of justice; I knew that I ought to despise unpopularity and slander, and even death itself. Thank God, I do despise them ; and I solemnly assure you that I feel more compassion for the gloomy and desperate state of mind which could harbour such projects, than resentment for that part of them which was directed against myself.
Página 95 - We understand it has been of late years a frequent practice among our servants, especially in Bengal, to make collections of Oriental Manuscripts, many of which have afterwards been brought into this country, these remaining in private hands, and being likely in a course of time to pass into others, in which probably no use can be made of them. They are in danger of being neglected, and at length in a great measure lost to Europe as well as to India.
Página 99 - And whereas to pursue schemes of conquest and extension of dominion in India are measures repugnant to the wish, the honour, and policy of this nation...
Página 148 - But he finds it difficult to do justice to the merits of our Native soldiers, who have encountered every danger with the most exemplary valour ; who have submitted to every hardship and privation with the utmost fortitude and perseverance ; and, who, to promote the cause in which they were engaged, have on many occasions made a ready and cheerful sacrifice of every habit and prejudice which they had been taught to regard as dear and inviolable.