Imágenes de páginas

Chrift as Inftruments, 1 Cor. 4. 5.
To our felves, our concurrence be
ing neceffary, Ezek. 18. 31. Acts

3. 19.

Evidences of our being renewed,
are the minding thofe things which
belong to the regenerate State, and
the putting on thofe holy Difpofi-
tions, and practifing thofe Virtues
and Duties which are the natural
Effects thereof, 355, b, 5. Col. 2.
10, &c.

The Neceffity of Regeneration,
Mat. 18. 3. Joh. 3.3, 5.
See Joy.

Sometimes made a Pretence to
cover Wickedneís, 6, a, 14.

The Sum of Religion expreffed by
moral Duties, Ifa. 1. 16, &c. Mich.
6.8. Mat. 22.37, &c. Jam. 1. 27. Sa-
crifices and outward Performances
of no value when feparated from
the Subftantial and Moral Duties
of Religion, 47, a, I. 205, a, 1.
Prov. 15. 8. Notwithstanding the
lefler Matters in Religion ought not
to be left undone, Mat. 23. 23.
Religion a Work of fome Diffi-
culty, Luk. 13. 24. 701, b, 25.

Religion an inward Principle in the
Mind of Man, Pfal.51.6,10. Rom. 2.
28, 29. It ought to be our first
Care, Mat. 6. 33.

The Form of Religion may be fe-
parated from the Power, 182, b, 1.
All Pretences to Religion vain
without the Amendment of our
Lives, 87, a, 7. Jer. 7. 3, &c.

The outward Profeffion of Religion
not of its felf fufficient for Salvati-
on, 38, a, 23.

Our Religious Performances ac-
cepted only in and through the be-
loved Chrift Jefus, Eph. 1. 6, 7.

The Duties of Religion to be im-
parted as People are able to receive
them, Mar. 2. 21, &c.

We ought to practife the Du-
ties of Religion, that the Word and
Doctrine of God be not blafphe-
med, 602, a, 6.

See Chriftianity, Gospel.


Some things particularly recom.
mended to our remembrance: To
be holy, and do all God's Com-
mandments, Numb. 15. 40. Pía).
103. 18. The Sabbath-day, Exod.
20. 8. In our Profperity we fhould
remember our former Mifery, Deut.
5.15. Deut. 15. 15. Our Delive
rances from our Enemies, Deut. 7.
18. The Tryals wherewith God
has exercifed us, Deut. 8. 2. We
fhould remember our Creator in our
Youth, Eccl. 12. 1. God in his
Ways, Ifa. 64. 5. His Judgments
on others, Luk. 17. 32. We fhould
remember our Sins, to humble our
felves for them, and avoid them,
Deut. 9. 7. Ezek. 20. 43. Ezek.
36. 31. God's marvellous Works,
I Chron. 16. 12. Pfal. 77. II.
His Word, Joh. 15. 20. A&s 11.
16. The Poor, Gal. 2. 10. Such as
are in Bonds, Heb. 13. 3. The Re-
furrection of Chrift, 2 Tim. 2.8.

A Duty, 14, b, 3, 25. Its Nature,
14, a, 21. Expreffed by other Words,
as Converfion, 14, b, 28. Regene
ration, being born again, and of
God, being a new Creature, &c.
which denote a real Change, 354,
b, 4.

Sackcloth and Afhes, outward
Tokens of Repentance, 64, a, 5. True
Repentance difcovered by doing
Works meet for it, 9, b, 2. Luk.

19. 8.

Repentance muft not be delayed,
Luk. 13. 25. Luk. 21.34, 35. Rom.
13. 12. on Heb. 12. 17. No encou
ragement to delay it from the Pa-
rable of the Labourers, on Mar. 20.
15. Nor from the Example of the
Penitent Thief, on Luk. 23. 40.
There is no Repentance in the Grave,
Rev. 22. 11.

Repentance preached by John Bap
tift, by our Lord, and his Apoftles,
14, a, 36, 39, b, 45. `

Jefus Chrift purchased for us the
Grace or Favour of being admit

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ted to Repentance, 480, a, 35.

Divine Affiftance neceflary in or-
der to true Repentance, this being
neceffary to Salvation, 538, a, 27.
Jam. 1. 17.

There is room for Repentance to
thofe who fin after Baptifm, on
Heb. 10. 26. Mat. 6. 12. I Cor. 11.
31. 1 Joh. 1.9. 1 Joh. 2. 1, 2.
Examples of fome who did truly
Repent, A&s 2.37,&c. The Ifraelites,
Judg. 10. 15, 16. David, 2 Sam.
12. 13. 2 Sam. 24. 10. Pfal. 51. Pe-
ter, Mat. 26. 75. Zaccheus, Luk.
19. 8. True Penitents fometimes
the most zealous and pious, Luk.
7. 44, &c.

Motives to Repentance. It is necef-
fary, 14, b, 18. Repentance the great
Condition of the Gofpel, 14, a, 36.
The Goodness of God a Motive to
Repentance, 15, a, 2. God defires that
we fhould repent, 15, a, 9. It caufes
Joy among the Angels, 249, b, 4.
Motives to fuffer Reproach for

the fake of Chrift, 936, a, 28.


Or Condemnation, is a judicial
Act of God, under which none but
obftinate and irreclaimable Sinners
and Unbelievers will fall, Mat. 7.
23. Mar. 16. 16. Joh. 3. 17, &c.
Rom. 2. 8,9. on 2 Cor. 13.5.


A Duty we owe to each other,
305, a, 12. It ought to be given
with Difcretion, Mat. 7. 6
Reproof not to be refufed, Prov.
10. 17. Prov. 13. 1, 18. Prov.
15. 12, 32.

To receive Reproof kindly, a to-
ken of Wisdom, Prov. 15. 5, 31.
Prov. 17.10.

The Mifchief of hating Reproof,
Prov. 12. 1, 15. Prov. 15. 10.
Motives to Practice, 305, b, 5.

Prov. 28.23.


See Submiffion!

Proper Subjects for Refolutions
and Examples of fome who made
wife and good Refolutions, Joh. 24.
15. Job 34. 32. Pfal. 101. 2.
Dan. 3. 17, 18. I Cor. 15. 58.

We fhould not truft too much
to our Refolutions, 144, a, 9. but de
pend on God for the Affiftance of
his Grace, Prov. 3. 5, 6. Jer. 10.
23. Phil. 2. 12, 13. 734, a, 2.

The Prodigal refolved to return
to his Father, and found acceptance,
Luk. 15. 18, &c.

A Refolution to do this or the o-
ther thing, fhould be made with
Submiffion to the Will of God,

552, a, 12.

Of Perfons, See Partiality.


A Duty, Exod. 22. 5, &c. Lev.
Ezek. 33. 15.
6.4, 5. 1 Sam. 12.3.

Luk. 19.8.

Of the Reftitution of all things,
472, b, 3. 625, b, 16.


Of Chrift. Our Lord afferts his

Power to raise himself, 465, b, 10.
God is often faid to raise him from
the Dead, 454, b, 11. Afcribed to
the Holy Spirit, 465, b, 21.

Our Lord foretold his Refurrection
155, b, 7. Jonah a Type of it,
Mat. 12. 40. The Refurrection of
Christ Prophefied of in the old Te-
ftainent, 725, a, 1.

Evidences of Chrift's Refurrection,
340, b, 18, 25. Luk. 24. 3, &c. The
Apoftles Witneffes thereof, 342, b,
2. Our Lord continued on Earth
forty Days after his Refurrection,
341, a, 8.

Chrift was the firft that rofe from
8. on i Cor. 15. 20.
the Dead never to die again, 628,b,

The Refurrection of Christ neceffa-
ry to our Juftification or Pardon,
610, b, 21. Rom 8.34. A Proof
of his being the Son of God, Rom.

1. 4.

Our Lord rofe with the fame Bo

Is a Purpose of the Heart to do dy, Luk. 24. 39, 40.

any thing, Acts 11:23.

Nn 2

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a, 18.

The Refurrection believed by the
Jews, 570, b, 10. 574, b, 5. 73,
b, 1. Denied by the. Sadducees,
203, a, 2. How proved by our Sa-
viour against them, Mat. 22. 31,

Of the Change that will be made
in the Body at the Refurrection, and
that the fame Body will be raised.
See Body.

The Refurrection afcribed to the
Father and the Son, 367, a, 21.
409, b, 2. 880, b, 35. And to the
holy Spirit, Rom. 8. 11. It will
be effected by the Power of God,
Mat. 22. 29.

Inftances of Perfons raised from
the Dead. The Widow's Son, I

Kings 17. 22. The Shunamite's
Son, 2 Kings 4. 34, &c. The Man
who touched the Bones of Elisha,
2 Kings 13. 21. Jairus's Daughter,
Mat. 9. 25. The Widow's Son of
Nain, Luk. 7. 14, &c. Lazarus,
Joh. 11. 43, 44. The Saints at our
Lord's Refurrection, Mat 27. 52, 53.
Dorcas, A&s 9. 40. Eutychus,

Acts 20. 10.

At the Refurrection, good Men
will be equal to the Angels, Luk.
20 36.

The Good will be raised to Life,
the Wicked to Damnation, 369, a, 1.

Of the Time and Circumftances
of the Refurrection, 1 Cor. 15. 23,
35, &c.

The Confideration of the Refur-
rection fhould arm us against the
Fear of Death, 2 Cor. 5. 1, 2. And
comfort us under the Lofs of
Friends, 1 Thef. 4. 13, 14.

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Forbidden; alfo Arguments a
gainft it, 24, 2,7. 651, a, 25.

This Word fignifies Punishment,
as well as Retribution, 892, a, 11.
Reward, See Heaven.


Men fhould look on themselves as
Stewards to God, on A&ts II. 29.
They fhould take Care to be rich
towards God, and in good Works,
285, a, 1. They fhould honour God
with their Subftance, Prov. 3. 9.

Rich Men, their Duty, particu
larly with reference to the Poor
and Diftreffed, 17, a, 20. 25, a, 7.
26, b, 5. 31,b, 19. 139, a, 6. 961,
a, 6, b, 3. Job 29. 13, &c.

Rich Men, their Danger, 78,b, 1.
107, a, I. Deut. 8. 11, &c.

Cautions to the Rich, 32, b, }.
1c7, a, 1, b, 3. They fhould watch
against Pride, Prov. 18. 23. 1 Tim.
6. 17. And be careful that they do
not forget God, Deut. 6. 11, &c.

The Rich compared to a Flower
in the Field, Jam. 1. 10.

Both good and bad Men have
Gen. 13.2.
been Rich: Good Men, Abraham,
Ifaac, Gen. 26. 13, 14.
Jacob, Gen. 30. 43. Boaz, Ruth 2.
mathea, Mat. 27. 57.
1. Job, Chap. 1.3. Jofeph of Ari


Luk. 19.2. Some bad Men were
Rich: Efau, Gen. 36. 7. Nabal,
1 Sam. 25. 2. Haman, Esth. 5. 11.
See Job 21.7, 13. Pfal. 73. 3, 12.
Zech. 11. 5. Luk. 12. 16, 21.

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Man defcribed; he is perfect and
upright, fearing God, and efchew-
ing evil, Job 1. i. His defire is on-
ly good, Prov. 11.23. His Thoughts
are right, Prov. 12. 5. His delight
is in the Law of the Lord, Pfal. 1.
He fheweth mercy, lendeth, and
giveth, Pfal. 37. 21, 27. He giveth,
and fpareth not, Prov. 21. 26. He
confidereth the Caufe of the Poor,
Prov 29.7. He regardeth the Life
of his Beaft, Prov. 12. 10. His
Mouth is a Well of Life, and his
Lips feed many, Prov. 10. 11, 21
His Mouth bringeth forth Wif
dom, and he knoweth what is ac-
ceptable, 807, b, 7. He holdeth on
his Way, Job 17.9. He walketh
not after the Flesh, but mindeth
the Things of the Spirit. The Bo-
dy is dead becaufe of Sin, but the
Spirit is Life becaufe of Righteoul
nfs, Rom. 8, 1, 5, 10, He run

neth to the Name of the Lord,
Prov. 18. 10. He is glad in the
Lord, glorying and trufting in
him, Pfal. 64. 10. He wifely con
fidereth the Houfe of the Wicked,
Prov. 21. 12. He doth righteouf-
nefs, 1 Joh. 3. 7. The Righteous hath
hope in his Death, Prov. 14. 32.

A good and evil Man how de-
fcibed by our Lord, Luk. 6. 45.

The Righteous grieve for the Sins
of the Wicked, 547, a, 20.

Righteous Men are not of the
World, therefore hated by it, 960,
a, 13.

We can have no Evidence of our

being righteous, without doing
Works of Righteousness, 1 Joh. 3..
6, 10.

Men may be righteous and good
in very bad Times. Examples here-
of; Noah, Gen. 6.9. Lot, Gen.
13. 11, 13. Abraham, Gen. 18. 19.
20. Jofeph, Gen. 39. Samuel, E
Sam. 2. 25, 26. Daniel, Dan. 6. 10.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
Dan. 3. 16, &c. Jofeph of Arima-
thea among the Jews, 155, a, 7. Ni
codemus among the Pharifees, Joh.
3. 2, &c.

Bleflings for others, 583, a, 11.
The Righteous fometimes procure

Motives to become righteous and
them, which refpect this Life, and
holy. General Promifes made to
which are answered when God fees
it beft for them, Deut. 28. 1, &c.
Deut. 30. 9. Pfal. 84. 11. Pfal.
128. ì, &c. Prov. 10. 6. Prov.
12. 21. Ifa. 3. 10. on 1 Tim. 4. 8.
More particular Promifes made
to the Righteous, Direction and Suc-
Prov. 3. 6. Safety and Protection,
Pfal. 37. 5, 23
cefs, Pfal. 1. 3.
Pfal. 33. 18 Pfal. 34. 20. Pfal.
37 23, 24, 28, 31. Pfal. 91. 10.
Pfal. 33. 19. Pfal. 34. 10. Pfal. 37-
Prov. 12. 21. Supply of Wants,
Prov. 13. 25.
3, 19. Prov. 10. 3.
Satisfaction in reafonable Defires,
Pfal. 37. 4. Pfal. 145.49. Prov. 10.
1. 32. 17. Jam. 3. 18. Support
Peace and quiet, Pial 119. 165..


Na 3


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Sometimes ftands for moral Obe.
dience, and comprehends our whole
Duty, 849, b, 16. Mat. 5. 20. Some-
times the Duty we owe to our
Neighbour, Tit. 2. 12. Some-
times faithfulness in performing
Promises, in this Senfe God is faid
to be faithful and juft, 1 Joh. 1. 9.
We are called upon to awake to
righteousness, 653, b, 8.

There can be no fellowship be-
tween righteousness and unrighte-
oufnefs, 7.51, a, 27.

Motives to hunger and thirft af
ter Righteousness, 17, 2, 1. 386,

a, 15.


Motives to practife Right coufness,
Pfal. 11. 7. Pfal. 97. 11. Prov. 11.
5,6. Ifa. 32. 17. 304, a, 10. 879,
b, 7. See Holiness, Obedience.


A Place of Dignity and Honour,
111, b, I.

Chrift is exalted to the Right
band of God, 124, a, 22.


Inftituted in Memory of the Cre-
ation, Gen. 2. 2, 3. Exod. 20. 10,
11. And for a Day of reft, that
Men might not wear out themfelves
in continual Labours, Exod, 23.12,
Deut. 5. 14.

The Jews Superftitious in ob-
ferving the Sabbath-day, 68, a, 22.
In what Senfe profaned by the
Priefts, on Mat. 12. 5.

The Sabbath obferved before the
giving of the Law, Gen. 2.2, 3.
Gen. 4.3. Exod. 16. 22, &c.
Precepts relating to the Obferva-
tion of the Sabbath, Exod. 20. 8, &c.
Lev. 23. 3.
Lev. 26. 2. Ezek.
29. 19, &c.

Duties to be perform'd on the
Sabbath Day, Prayer, A&s 16. 3.
546, a, o, b, 9. Hearing the Word
of God, Acts 15. 21. The Cuftom
of holding Affemblies for publick
Worship thereon, transferr❜d to the
firft-Day of the Week, because our
Lord arofe from the Dead on that
Day, as may be collected from Acts
20.7. 1 Cor. 16. 2.

vation of the Jewish Seventh-day
We are not oblig'd to the Obfer.
Sabbath, Gal.

4. 10, 11. Col. 2.15.
But it appears to me that we are
oblig'd to fet apart one Day in f
religious Exercises, because fuch a
ven for publick Worship, and other
Reft is a Type of our Eternal Reft
in Heaven, Heb. 4. 4, &c.
and because Ifa. 66. 23. is a Pro-
phecy refpe&ting Gofpel-Times;
and because, though the Apostles
ing the Gofpel, yet a feventh-Day,
took all Opportunities for preach-
namely, the first Day of the Week,
feems to have been kept by Chri
ftians as a Day of publick Worthip
in the Apoftles Time. See Lord's


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