̓Αυτῶν, for ἑνὸς ἐξ ἀυτῶν, Baptizing with Fire, what? B page 63 17 347 38 364 339 20 Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, What, and why unpardonable, Censoriousness condemned, C 136 62 Ceremonies and positive Institutions, not of the same obliga- tion as Moral Duties, p. 125, &c. 128, c. 286, 287 fee Moral. Charity and Mercy, ought to be Universal, 45 46. Ought 32, 333 Chriftianity how the fulfilling of the Law, 36, Sr. A reasonable Service, 123 Cleanness and Uncleanness, the true Notion of it Stat- False Prophets, how they may be known, Fast ought to be kept in Secret, and without Oftenta- tion, 53,54 Forgiveness of Injuries, the Condition of our own Pardon, 52,53,218. How far it ought to be extended, 215 G Γέγονε, 355 Gentiles informed of Chrift's Birth, 8 Gentiles v. Fews. Γινώσκω, fignifies to Approve, -70 God more ready to give good things, than Men, 64,65 H הבבר and הקל how they ought to be Translated, Ifa.9.1. 26 Herod why terrified at Jesus's Birth, His killing the Children 13 Holiness, fee Obedience. Hofea 11. 1. Explained 13 Humility, its Blefssing, 30. Its Neceffity and Excellen- су, 208, 242. I Jesus, The meaning of the Name, 6. Why he would be him the Meffiah, 193 Fews rejected, and Gentiles received, 76, 267, 272, 277 278. Their Destruction foretold, 305 Infidelity not curable by more Miracles, 188 Fohn the Baptift, what it was that he Preached, 16. What Jesus's Character of him, 116, 117. The occafion Judgment, the Description of the last Judgment, 332.. Meekness, its Blessing, 31 Messiah, why Jesus would not be declared to be so, by his Difciples, 193 Micah 5.2. Explained 10 Minifters, their Duty, 160. Ought to be Eminent for Good Works, 35. And Humility, 292, 293. Evil Mi- 289 stinate, Moral Law Establish'd by Christ, 36. Moral Duties to be preferred before 188 See Repentance and Positive Ones, 126, N Nazarite, how it was Prophefied that Jesus should be so called, 15 Oaths of all kinds in Common Conversation forbid- den, 42, 296, 297. Obedience to Civil Powers, 282 Obedience, without it all Pretences to Religion are vain, 69 144, 148, 149. 1 Παλιγγενεσία, Parables, why used by Jesus, Parable of the Evil Spirit returning whence it came, Patience and Contempt of the World, Blessed, 31 33 106 Peter Peter, how the Church was built upon him, 192 Prayer ought to be Secret, and without Oftentation, 49 50 Prayer with Importunity and Faith, never unsuccesful, 64 67 Providence must not be tempted by running our selves into designs, 344. ! Pfalm 118.22. Explained, 272 Purity, its Blessing, Sadducees, their opinion, 282. Confuted.. 284, 285. Saviour, the meaning of that Name, Sin, the Heinousness of Drawing others into it, Σκανδαλίζεθαι, what it signifies, Suffering for Religion rewarded, Swearing in common Conversation forbidden, 41, 42. See Oaths. Swine, why Jesus suffered them to destroyed, 6 210 115 33.5 34 82 |