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from the extremity of that final Calamity whereby the Jewish Kingdom shall be utterly destroyed; and he shall hereafter inherit

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Eternal Life.

14. Now during these Calamities and Confufions, the Christians scattered abroad by the Persecution, shall preach the Gospel to the Gentiles: And as foon as the Gospel has been preached, and Churches established by them through the Roman Empire, the Jewish Nation and Polity shall be utterly destroyed with their City and Temple: (And in like manner, when the Christian Religion has made its progress through all the Nations of the Earth, the End of the World shall come.)

15. When therefore ye shall fee the Holy City compassed about with Heathen Armies, the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, (which let him that readeth, confider and X 3


understand;) that is, when

ye shall see Jerufalem be-
sieged by the Romans;

16 Then let them

flee into the Mountains..

16. Then let them which are in Judea, know which be in Judea, ing that the final Destruction of that Nation is coming, flee for their Lives.

17 & 18. And because this vengeance that shall fall upon the Jews, will be sudden and terrible; therefore let every one that hopes to escape make such speed in his flight, as not to return home to take any of his Goods with him; but let him flee, as Lot did out of Sodom, without so much as looking back.

19. But wo be to them, who through any impediment shall not be in a condition to make a speedy flight, as Women that are with Child, or give Suck. 20. Pray ye also that ye may not be forced to * This flee in the Winter, or on Seems spo- the *Sabbath, when either defcenfion the Seafon, or the Holiness to the Few-of the time, may retard and ish prejudiprevent your escape.

ken in con



17 Let him which is on the house-top, not come down: to

take any thing out

of his house.

18 Neither let

him which is in the field, return back to

take his clothes.

19 And wo unto them that are with child, and to them that give fuck in those days.

20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the fabbath-day:


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22 And except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be faved: but for the elects fake those days

shall be

23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Chrift, or there, believe it not.

21. For the Hardships and Calamities of that time, when the Romans shall over-run the Country, and Jerufalem small be befieged by them; will be greater than ever befel any People before, or shall ever happen af


22. So that if that Tribulation were to be as lasting, as it will be sharp and fevere, no one could poffibly escape: But for the sake of those Christians, who shall at that time be scattered through Judea, God will fo order things, that the extremity of the Calamity shall be short, and the City shall quickly be taken.

23. At that time, if any Man shall report that Christ appears in this or that place, to destroy his Enemies, and to deliver his Servants, believe it not.

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24. For there shall arife Impostors and Deceivers, who shall each pretend to be the Meffiah and shall work strange Wonders and Delufions; so as to deceive, not only the unbelieving Jews, but, if it were pofsible, even fincere Christians also.

25. Take heed now, and be not deceived: Behold, I have exprefly cautioned and



26. If therefore it shall be reported that Chrift appears visibly in the Defert, and is preparing to come and deliver his Servants; regard it not. And if they say he is fecretly in any private place, ready to shew himself and appear publickly, give no credit to it at all.

27 & 28. For as Lightping shineth through all places in an inftant, and as Eagles gather them

24 For there shall arise false Chrifts,

and false prophets, and shall shew great figns and wonders,

insomuch that (if it were possible) they shall deceive the ve

ry elect.

25 Behold, I have told you before.

26 Wherefore, if

they shall fay unto you, Behold, he is int in the desert, go not forth: behold, he is in the secret cham

bers, believe it not.

27 For as the of th lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the weft: so shall alfo

the coming of the Son of man be.

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29 Immediate

ly after the tribulation of those days,

shall the sun be

darkened, and the

moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the hea

vens shall be shaken.

30 And then shall

appear the fign of


selves with incredible
all parts
where the prey is to be
found; so the Power of
Christ in destroying his
Enemies shall demonftrate
it self evidently through
all the Land at once; and
his Kingdom shall be esta-
blished, not with Obferva-
tion in this or that par- + See Luk
ticular place, but by 17.1.20,
the wonderful effica- 21, 22,23,
cy of the Divine Pow-
er it shall appear and
prevail through the
world, as it were in a


29. For immediately

after these fatal Wars, and the Destruction of JeruSalem by the Romans; the whole Jewish Polity, Government, Laws, and Religion, shall be utterly diffolved.

30 & 31. And then

it will become evident,

the Son of man in
heaven and then
shall all the tribes and only Messias; and
of the earth mourn, the Jews shall lament

that Jesus was the true

and they shall see the

Son of man coming


& 24.


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