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21 And they that had were abaut eaten thousand

men, beside women

and children.

22 And straight

way Jesus conftrained his difciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other fide, while he sent the multi

tudes away.

23 And when he

had fent the multi

tudes away, he went

up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was

there alone.

dren, yet such was the efficacy of the Divine Power evidenced in the wonderful increase of the Bread and Fish upon Christ's giving his Blessing, that not only all this Multitude had enough and were satisfied, but there remained moreover as many Fragments, as when they were gathered up, filled twelve Bread-bafkets.

22. When this was done, Jesus ordered his Difciples to enter into a Boat; and though they were very unwilling to go without him, yet he intending to try them with another Miracle, commanded them to row over the Lake beforehand, and leave him behind to dismiss the People.

23. Accordingly, when the Disciples were gone, he sent away the Multitude; and after that, he went up to pray upon a Hill, and there continued alone till Night.

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24. During

24. During which time, the Disciples were gotten into the midst of the Lake; where, the Wind coming contrary, and a Storm arifing, they were toffed up and down by the Waves, not without fear of being loft; Jesus suffering them to be alone in this Danger, that he might inure them to Hardships, and teach them to rely without distrust in the greatest Extremities upon the Providence of God.

25. However, when they had toiled the greatest part of the Night, Jesus took pity on them, and knowing in his Wisdom when they had been fufficiently tried by this Danger, he came to them towards Morning, walking upon the Lake.

26. But when the Dif

ciples faw him walking up on the Water, and had not yet Light enough to know who he was, they were affrighted, thinking him to be a Spirit or Apparition;

24 But the ship was now in the midft of the sea, tossed with with waves: for the wind was contrary.

25 And in the fourth watch of the

night, Jesus went unto them walking on the fea.

26 And when the disciples faw him

walking on the fea, they were troubled, faying, It is a spirit;

and they cried out for fear.

27 But,

and not knowing what to do, they cried out for fear. 27. But Jesus, not willing to keep them any lonof good cheer, it is ger in a Fright, spake to them, and told them who he was, and bad them take Courage, and not be afraid. 28. Then, knowing his fwered him and faid, Voice, they began to come to themselves: And Peter, who was forwardest upon all Occasions to make proof of his Faith, said; Lord, if it be you, give me leave to come out, and walk upon the Water with you.

27 But ftraightway Jesus spake unto them, faying, Be

I, be not afraid...

28 And Peter an

Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

29 And he faid, Come. And when Peter was come

down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind boi

ftrous, he was afraid: and beginning to fink, he cried out, faying, Lord save


29. Jesus, knowing the infirmity of his too forward Confidence, and being willing to take occafion at the same time to reprove his Weakness and to confirm bis Faith, bad him come down out of the Boat; and he came down and walked upon the Water towards Jesus.

30. But when he felt the Wind strong, and saw the Waves rage and beat about him, his Faith failed and he was afraid ; and beginning

ginning to fink, he cried out, Lord help me, I perish.

31. Then Jesus took him by the Hand, and helped him up, and reproved his Diffidence, saying; Wherefore were you so weak, as that after you had not only seen me walk upon the Water, but had also experimented my Power in doing the same your self, yet at the boisterousness of the Winds and Waves you should let your Faith fail, and suffer Distrust to arife in your Mind?

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32 And when they


32. Then they went both up into the Boat together, this tome into the and immediately the Storm fed. ceased, and the Air became calm, and the Waters fmooth.

33. And when the Men of the Boat saw this great Miracle, they fell down at Jesus's Feet, and worshipped him, saying; Verily you are the true Messias, the Son of God, the Redeemer of Ifrael.

33 Then they that were in the ship, came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the

Son of God.

34 And when they were gone over, they came into the land of Gennefaret.

35 And when the


men of that place had knowlege of him, they sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were diseafed,

36 And besought

him, that they might of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly

only touch the hem


34. Now when they had crossed the Lake, they came into the Land of Genaseret, where Jesus had been once before.

35. And the Men of that Country knowing him again, sent presently into all the Towns round about, and brought unto him all that were afflicted with any manner of Disease.

36. And being convinced of his Power by his former Miracles which they had seen and heard of, they defired that they might but touch so much as the Hem of his Garment; And according to their Faith, as many as touched him, with a firm Truft and Belief of his Power, were perfectly healed.



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