Sam. xxiii. 1. Not that thofe were the last Words that ever David fpake, only they were written not Long before his Death, when he was come near Heaven. So was what is now put into the Reader's Hand, written by Mr. Flavell not long before his Tranflation to the World of Souls, where the Spirits of Just Men are made perfect. There was a more than ordinary Prefence of God with him to his laft; and in his last Days, not the laft Sermon that he preached (which was June 21. 1691). He did more than once furprize his Hearers with an Intimation that, that might be the last Time he should speak to them in the Name of the Lord. Aud was not then the Secret of the Lord with him? Dartmouth will know, and Devonshire will know, that there has been a Prophet among them. And now my Soul bleeds to look on the dear Flock of God, which are as Sheep without a Shepherd. The Lord Jefus, the great Shepherd of the Sheep, have Compaffion on them, and give them a Shepherd like to his bleffed Servant Flavell, who did for many Years feed them with Knowledge, and with UnderStanding. Dartmouth, March the 21st 1691. Increase Mather. AN ΑΝ EXPOSITION OF THE Affemblies Shorter Catechism. 1 Question. Of Man's Chief End. HAT is the Chief End of Man? WH A. Man's Chief End is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever. Q. 1. Seeing a Chief fuppofeth an inferior End; What is that inferior End for which Man was made? A. It was prudently, foberly, and mercifully, to govern, ufe, and difpofe of other Creatures in the Earth, Sea, and Air, over which God gave Man the Dominion; Gen. i. 26. And God faid, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness: and let them have Dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowl of the Air, and over the Cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping Thing that creepeth upon the Earth. So ·Pfal. viii. 6. Thou madeft him to have Dominion over the Works of thy Hands, thou hast put all Things under his Feet. Q. 2. What then is to be thought of thofe Men, who being wholly intent upon inferior Things, forget and neglect their principal End? A., They are dead whilst they live, 1 Tim. v. 6. But he that liveth in Pleasure, is dead whilft the liveth. They have their Portion in this Life, Pfal. xvii. 14. From Men of the World, which have their Portion in this Life, and their End is Destruction; Phil. iii. 19. Whofe End is Deftruction. Q.3. How can Man glorify God, fecing he is perfectly glorious in himself? B A. Man A. Man cannot glorify God by adding any new Degree of Glory to him, Job xxxv. 7. If thou be righteous, what givest thou him? but by manifefting his Glory with the Lips, Pfal. 1. 23. Whofo offereth Praife glorifieth me; or with the Life, Mat. v. 16. Let your Light fo fine before Men, that they may fe your good Works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven: Q4. Wherein confifts the Enjoyment of God? A. It confifts, Firft, in the facial Vifion of him in Heaven. Secondly, in full Conformity to him, 1 Joh. iii. 2. But we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we fall fee him as he is. Thirdly, in that full Satisfaction which refults from both the former, Pfal. xvii. 15. I shall be fatisfied when I awake with thy Likeness. Q5. Can none enjoy him in Heaven, who do not glorify him on Earth? A. No adult Perfon can fcripturally expect Happiness in Heaven, without Holinefs on Earth, Heb. xii. 14. And Holinefs without which no Man fhall fee the Lord. Rom. viii. 30. Whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified. Q.6. How comes the Glory and Enjoyment of God our Chief End? A. He is our Mafter, and rightful Owner, and Benefactor; we receive our Being and Prefervation from him; Of him, and through him, and therefore to him be all Things, Rom. xi. 36. Q7. Do all Men make God their chief End? A. No, they do not; fome make their fenfual Pleasure their chief End, Phil. iii. 19. Whofe God is their Belly; and fome the World, Col. iii. 5. Mortify therefore your Members which are upon the Earth, and Covetousness, which is Idolatry. Q. 8. What are the Signs of a Man's making himself his chief End? A. Those make themfelves their chief End, who afcribe the Glory of what they have, or do, to themfelves, and not to God, Dan. iv. 30. The King Spake and said, Is not this great Babylon which I have built? Ifa. x. 18. For be faith, By the Strength of my Hand have I done it; and by my Wisdom for I am prudent; therefore they facrifice to their own Net, and burn Incenje nnto their Drag. Heb. i. 16. Q.9. Why are the glorifying and enjoying of God put together, as making up our chief End? A. Becaufe A. Because no Man can glorify God, that takes him not for his God; and none takes him for his God, that takes. him not for his fupream Good; and both these being effentially included, in this Notion of the chief End, are therefore juftly put together. Q. 10. What is the firft Truth inferred from hence? A. That God hath dignified Man above all other Creatures on Earth, in giving him a Capacity of glorifying God here, and of enjoying him hereafter. Q. 11. What is the second Truth inferred hence? A. That the Soul of Man is not annihilated by Death, but advanced by it, Phil. i. 21 To die is gain, v. 23. Having a Defire to depart, and to be with Chrift, which is far better. Q. 12. What is the third Truth inferred hence? A. That it is the Duty and Wisdom of every Christian to renounce, deny, and forfake all inferior Interefts and Enjoyments when they come in Competition with the Glory of God, and our Enjoymont of him. Luke xiv. 33. So likewife whofoever he be of you, that forfaketh not all that he bath, cannot be my Difciple. Q13. What is the fourth Inference hence? A. That we are to abhor and renounce all thofe Doctrines and Practices that debase the Glory of God, and exalt and magnify the Creature. Of the Scriptures as our Rule. Queft. 2. WHAT Rule hath God given to direct us, how we may glorify and enjoy him? A. The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament, is the only rule to direct us, how we may glorify and enjoy him. Q.1. How can the Scriptures be called the Word of God, feeing the Things contained therein, were spoken and written by Men? A. They are truly and properly called the Word of God, because they came not by the Will of Man, but holy Men of God fpoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, 2 Fet. i. 21. Q. 2. What are the principal Arguments to perfuade us that the Scriptures are of Divine Authority and Inspiration? A. Three B 2 A. Three Things especially convince us; First the Holinefs of the Doctrine therein contained; Secondly, the awful Efficacy thereof on the Soul. Thirdly, The uncontroulable Miracles by which they are fealed, put it beyond all rational Doubt, that they are the very Word of God. Q3. What is the Holiness of the Scriptures? and how doth that prove them to be God's Word? A. The Holiness of the Scriptures doth appear in two Things. First, In commanding and encouraging whatfoever is pure and holy; Phil. iv. 8. Whatsoever Things are pure. Secondly, In forbidding all Unholinefs, under Pain of Damnation, 1 Cor. vi. 9. Know ye not, that the unrighte ous fhall not inherit the Kingdom of God, &c. This fhews that they came not from Satan, being cross to his Defign; nor from Men, it being against his corrupt Nature; and therefore from God only. Q4. What is their Authority and Efficacy on the Soul? and how doth that prove them divine? A. Their Authority and Efficacy on the Soul, confists in three Things: Firft, In the Power they have to fearch and difcover the Secrets of Men, Heb. iv. 12. The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged Sword, piercing even to the dividing ajunder of Soul and Spirit, of the Joints and Marrow; and is a Difcerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart. Secondly, In their converting Efficacy, changing and renewing the Soul, Pfal. xix. 7. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the Soul. Thirdly, In their chearing and restoring Efficacy, when the Soul is caft down under any inward or outward Trouble, Pfal. xix. 8. Statutes of the Lord are right, rejoycing the Heart. No hu mane Power can do fuch Things as thefe, John xvii. 17. Sanctify them through thy Truth, thy Word is Truth. Q5. How do Miracles confirm it? The A. Because all proper Miracles are wrought only by the Hand of God, John iii. 2. And no Man can do thefe Miracles that thou doeft, except God be with him; and fo are lis Seal to whatever he affixes them, and it confifts not with his Truth and Holiness to fet it to a Forgery. Q.6. What was the End of writing the Word? A. That the Church to the End of the World might have a fure, |