Side Jordan. Ver. 9. For the Canaanites, and all the Inbabitants of the Land shall hear of it, and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the Earth: and what wilt thou do unto thy great Name? In Afa's, 2 Chiron. xiv. 11. And Afa cried unto the Lord his God, and faid, Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no Power: Help us, O Lord our God, for we reft on thee, and in thy Name we go against this great Multitude: O Lord thou art our God, let not Man prevail against thee. In Jehofaphat's, 2 Chron. xx. 6. And faid, O Lord God of our Fathers, art not thou God in Heaven? and ruleft not thou over all the Kingdoms of the Heathen? and in thine Hand is there not Power and Might, fo that none is able to withstand thee. And Hezekiah's, 2 Kin. xix. 15. And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and faid, O Lord God of Ifrael, which dwelleft between the Cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the Kingdoms of the Earth, thou haft made Heaven and Earth. Ver. 19. therefore, O Lord our God, &c. Novo Q3. But to what Purpose can we think to prevail with God by our Arguments and Importunity? A. They are not used as though we would God in put Remembrance of any Thing; or would prevail with God to do that for us which he is unwilling to give. Q. 4. Why then? A. For our own Profit, for the enlarging of our own Hearts, for the exciting of our Fervency, for the exerting of Faith, Hope, Zeal, Charity, &c. in Prayer, and fo to prepare our felves for the Mercy, that we may the more gratefully receive it, and the more fruitfully employ it. Q5. How many Arguments are in this Conclufion? A. Three. Q6. From whence are they taken ? A. From God's Kingdom, from his Law, and from his Glory. Q7. What Kingdom is here meant ? A. God's univerfal, effential and abfolute Kingdom,. wherein may be and is involved his fpecial Kingdom over the Church. Q. 8. What are the Arguments from hence? A. Because all that we can pray for in this Prayer, is for the Advancement and perfecting of this his Kingdom, by the the Destruction of all Perfons and Things that oppose it, and the Completion of his Dominion over all his Subjects; therefore he would grant all these Requests. Q9. What is another? A. (2.) Because he being fuch an abfolute Lord and Sovereign, has an undeniable Right, and unquestionable Authority to give and grant all we afk, and to effect and bring to pafs all we beg; for all Perfons and Things are his own, and at his Difpofal, Matt. xx. 15. Is it not lawful for me 10. de what I will with my own. Q. 10. What is meant by Power? A. God's effential, infinite, irrefiftible Power, whereby he can do what he pleafes, Pfal. cxxxv. 6. Whatsoever the Lord pleafed, &c. Q. 11. What is the Argument from hence? A. That we afk nothing from God, but what he can do with infinite Eafe; in defpite of all the Oppofition that Hell, Earth, and Heart can make to the contrary, Phil. iii. alt. According to the working, &c. Eph. iii. 20. Now unto him that is able, &c. Q. 12. What is meant by Glory? A. Not his effential Glory, which no Man or Angel can ever apprehend. Q. 13. What Glory then? A. His declared and acknowledged Glory; even the Accomplishment of all his Decrees by his Providence; and then the Love, the Adoration and the Praises, the Self-dedications of Angels and Saints returned to him for the fame. Q. 13. What is the Argument or Motive from hence ? A. That feeing the Subftance of every Request does directly tend to, and will perfectly end in this Glory of God, when they are fully answered; therefore he would gradually anfwer them while we are here, and perfectly at last, to the Advancement of his Glory now, and the Completion of it then, 1 Chron. xxix. 11. Thine, O Lord, is the Greatness, and the Power, and the Glory, &c. Jof. vii. 9, And what wilt thou do unto thy great Name, Ifa. xlii. 8. I am the Lord, that is my Name, &c. Ifa. xlviii. 1.1. For my own fake, even for my own fake will I do it, &c. Q. 15. Why is Amen added ? A. Because A. Because it is the ufual Conclufion of Prayers and Q. 16. But what doth this Word here fignify? A. It fignifies (1.) the Reality and Ardency of our Defire Q. 17. And what befides? A. Our Truft and firm Confidence that we shall be heard Q. 18. What are the Inferences from hence? A. That we ought to use in Prayer all fuch Arguments as Q. 19. What is another? A. That all we pray for must be in a Subferviency to A. That we must act according to our Prayers; do all we Q. 21. What may more be gathered hence? A. That we ought to begin, fo to continue, and conclude Q. 22. What more doth this Conclufion teach? Q23. Is there any Thing befides? A. That praying for Things agreeable to God's Will, we FINI S. OL |