laid hold of her, as he will one day of many who, like her, think themselves now very fecure and ftrong. But the firft-born of death will foon devour that fort of ftrength; and hunger-bitten they are already. I have been an eye-witnefs of her diftrefs under the fpirit of bondage, in which the continued two or three years; and likewise, as you well know, of her happy enlargement, which she enjoyed for a long time. "And I have narrowly watched her defcent from the mount of transfiguration. She has been now for fome time in the furnace; and I believe in my heart fhe will endure the fire, and come forth as gold. At prefent fhe walks very steady, humble, meck, and lowly, and appears to quit herfelf like one that feeth him who is invifible. She is the firft fruit of Achaia unto the Lord; at leaft fhe was the firft that publicly returned to give glory to God; and fhe was a ftranger; and cleanfed fhe is I verily believe. And, as there are many profeffors now ftanding where the once ftood, and others in darkness and diftrefs through legal bondage, I am in hopes that making the letters public will be a means to awaken fome of the former, and encourage the latter. That they may be a caution to feme, ftrength fuength and encouragement to others, stir up jealoufy in many, and be bleffed to comfort the weak and infant race, is, in this request, the view, and, when published, will be the earnest wish and prayer of Your truly fincere lover and friend, VESPERTILIO TUMULIS, PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY EPISTLES. To PHILOMELA, in the King's Dale. BELOVED OF GOD, MAY I not fay, "Hail! highly favoured, bleffed art thou among women, when he that is mighty hath done fo great things for thee, in remembrance of his mercy, as he promifed to our forefathers in the faith, to Abraham, and to his feed for ever?" It is jubilee with thee; the days of the Son of man are come, days of good things. And would it not be commendable in thee to act the part of the poor lepers in the fiege of Samaria; that is, to inform the King's household of it? Doft thou well to feast at the banquet thyfelf, and to go and hide all the reft? If the Lord forms a person for himself, it is that he may fhew forth his praife. The poor woman with her iffuc obtained virtue from the Covenant Head privately, and was going to withdraw, in hope of efcaping the cen With the heart Thus God premouth we must fure and displeasure of the Jews. the believed unto righteoufnefs. pared her heart; but with the make confeffion unto falvation. This was left undone till God created the fruit of her lips, and then she was called forth to make confeffion of her faith. By thefe means the word founds out, which raises curiofity in fome, defires in others, it encourages many, and provokes not a few to jealoufy and emulation. We must render to Cefar the things that are Cefar's, and unto God the things which are God's. To fmuggle foreign goods robs the prince of his revenue; and to hide the heavenly flame under a bufhel robs God of his praife. "Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, fave this ftranger. Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace." The nine were felffeekers, moved to pray for a temporal cure only; felf-intereft drove them to it, and bafe ingratitude kept them from acknowledging the cure; and, by this art of fimuggling the benefit, they cfcaped the reproach of Chrift, which Mofes fo highly efteemed, and did not lofe their reputation among the feribes and pharifees. But, alas! these could have no faith; for "how can you believe (faith the Saviour) who receive honour one of another, and not the honour that cometh from God only?" We are to weep with them that weep, and re joice with them that rejoice. I was in company with his excellency the Welsh ambassador at your groaning, when your bearing pains and birth throes were upon you; and we both took a part of your burden; and I am informed that you felt the fpirit of heavinefs get lighter upon you from that hour. But where is my part of the caudle ? I travailed in birth again and again till Christ was formed in thee. And now this work is done; but what account have I had of it? and, therefore, how can I rejoice? Ephraim is comforted; but there is a promise of comfort to his mourners. And again: "Yet, behold, therein fhall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both fons and daughters: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye fhall fee their ways and their doings, and ye fhall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerufalem; and they fhall comfort you when ye see their ways and their do ings." Ezek. xiv. 22. Where is my fhare of this promife? This part of the price is withheld. The comforts of hope, the teftimony of a good confcience, and the pleafing accounts of God's giving teftimony to the word of his grace, is the promifed reward of the labourers in the Lord's vineyard, and is no finall part of the penny a day. If I might intrude upon a little of thy time, I fhould be glad of fome fhort account of thy calamity when we fell into company at the G; and how thou cameft into that deplorable state. |