Then constant FAITH, and holy HOPE shall die, Shall stand before the Host of Heav'n confest, CHRIST's PASSION. By Mr. COWLEY. I. FNough, my Muse, of earthly Things, And Inspirations but of Wind, Of the great crucified King. Mountainous Heap of Wonders! which dost rise Till Earth thou joinest with the Skies! Too large at Bottom, and at Top too high, To be half seen by mortal Eye. How shall I grasp this boundless Thing! What shall I play? What shall I fing? I'll fing the mighty Riddle of mysterious Love, Which neither wretched Men below, nor bleffed Spirits above, With all their Comments can explain; How all the whole World's Life to die did not disdain. : II. I'll II. I'll fing the searchless Depths of the Compassion divine, The Depths unfathom'd yet His own Eternal Son as Ransome for his Foe. I'll fing aloud, that all the World may hear 111. Methinks I hear of murdered Men the Voice, Sound from the Top of CALVARY; Look how he bends his gentle Head with Blessings from the And finful Man does fondly bind The Arms which he extends t'embrace all human Kind. IV. Unhappy Man, canst thou stand by, and fee Make Thou his Sufferings thine own, Thy Garments and thy Hair; Do'st Thou not see the Roses which adorn X Do'st i Do'st thou not see the livid Trace Look on his Hands, look on his Feet, look on his Side. V. Open, oh! open wide the Fountains of thine Eyes, Their Stock of Moisture forth where'er it lies, 'Twould all, alas! too little be, That he will till require some Waters to his Blood. A TRANSLATION of a HYMN Composed in Latin By JOHN PICUs, Earl of Mirandula and Who flourished about the Year 1480. A Lmighty God, whose Majesty alone Whom only Angels in that heav'nly Choir * In one GOD. Spare Spare us, O Lord! and wash us clean, we pray, Let not thy just Displeasure us destroy. For if our Sins with Justice thou should'st weigh, Or our Misdeeds in Judgment just repay; What living Frame were able to sustain Thy just Displeasure, in eternal Pain ? No, not that † Fabrick formed by thy Hand, And made perpetual by thy own Command. To ev'ry Man the first Man Guilt convey'd, And ev'ry one the same in Acts bewray'd. But Thou art he that lovest Men to spare, And not thy Justice with our Sins compare. Thou didst Rewards without Defert dispense, And Punishment much less than our Offence: For why? Thy Mercies all our Faults furmount, To save th' unworthy Thou thy praise dost 'count; Thine own Elect thy Love doth worthy make, And pardon'st all their Sins for thy Son's fake. Look down, we beg, with a propitious Eye On us, once Servants, now thine Enemy; For so we are, if thou mark'st what's amiss, Such of our Life the ungrateful Product is. Look on thy Gift, and not upon our Guilt, Behold the Blood for us our SAVIOUR spilt : Thy first Creation did our Service claim, But thy free Grace it doth us Children name : Wretches, alas! this Title we disgrace, And by our Sins thy Mercy do deface: We would deface, but Love doth us restrain, Thy Love, that once bestow'd is ne'er in vain : For, Lord, thy Wisdom other Ways did know, To magnify thy Pow'r to us below. But Thou thy Glory from our Fall do'st raise, And for Redemption, we thy Love must praise: For that inclin'd the God of Love to leave His Father's Bosom, us from Sin to save; To die, to rife, and from his Side to fend Water and Blood, what ADAM lost t' amend, (Thy Wisdom and thy Love do so contrive Through the worst Acts, the best for to derive.) Thy Love and Favour we so little prize, The Goodness which by Sins we do despise; That Love and Favour did our Sins forgive: rifing Soul surveys; Transported with the View, I'm lost That glows within my ravish'd Heart! II. Thy Providence my Life sustain'd, 1 re vet my feeble Thoughts had learnt III. Un |