A View of Popery, Taken from the Creed of Pope Pius the Iv [by M. Altham]General Books, 2013 - 42 páginas This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1737 edition. Excerpt: ...a guilt upon-himfelf. In the mean time, the words immediately preceding, in ver. 26. allure us, that it is both by eating of the bread, and by drinking of the cup, that wejbew forth the Lord's death till he come: and therefore, tho' our tranflation is not exadtly literal, yet there is no corruption in the cafe. But I cannot difmifs this article, without quoting from the council of Florence a very extraordinary paragraph, which has a near relation both to this and the preceding. Concerning the eucharift they fay: The prieft, fpeaking in the name of Chrift, maketh this J'acra-ment. For, by virtue of the very words them/elves, the fubjlance of the bread is changed into the body of Chrift, and the Jubftance of the wine into his blood: yet Jo that whole Chrijl is contained under thefpe-cies of bread, and whole under the fpecies of wine: aljb in every part of the confecrated bojl and conje-crated t PaS-30.31. Sacerdos, in perfona Chrifti loquens, hoc conficit facramentum. Nam, ipforum verborum virtute, fubftantia panis in corpus Chrifti, & fubftantia vini in fanguinem, convertuntur: ita tamen, quod ta-tus Chriftus continetur fub fpecie panis, & totus fub fpecie vini; fub qualibet quoque parte hoftis; confecrata; & vini confecrati, fepara-tione fafta, totus eft Chriftus, Lgbbe, Concil, tern, XIII. fag. 537. 83 VII. crated wine, when a feparation is made, there is whole Chrift. Here they have told us how they difpofe of the body and blood of our bleiTed Saviour. But what contrivance the church has made for his foul and divinity, to make good what is affirmed in the Vth and Vlth articles of this creed; whether they mean, that there are as many fouls and divinities, as according to their doctrine there are bodies, of Chrift; one in every bit of... |
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