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Le tout enrichi de Cartes & de Figures. Tome Premier, Seconde Edition, revue, corrigée & augmentée. A Amsterdam, Chez François l' Honoré, vis-à-vis de la Bourfe. MDCCV. Two Volumes. Tom. I. 10 prel. leuves including Frontispiece, and 376 pp. 2 copperplate maps and 11 plates. Tom. 11. Memoires de l'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la suite des Voyages de Mr. Le Baron de La Hontan: Qui contiennant la Defcription d'une grande étendue de Pais de ce Continent, l'intérêt des François & des Anglois, leurs Commerces, leurs Navigations, les Mœurs & les Coutumes des Sauvages, &c. Avec un petit Dictionaire de la Langue du Pais. Le tout enrichi de Cartes & de Figures. Tome Second. Second Edition, augmentée des Conversations de l'Auteur avec un Sauvage diftingué. A Amsterdam, Chez Francois l'Honoré & Compagnie. MDCCV. Title, and pp. 5-336. Table 2 pp. Small copperplate map and 9 plates. Old calf. (18s. 1625) LA HONTAN (BARON DE). New Voyages to NorthAmerica. Containing An Account of the feveral Nations of that vaft Continent; their Cuftoms, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers; the feveral Attempts of the English and French to difpoffefs one another; with the Reasons of the Mifcarriage of the former; and the various Adventures between the French, and the Iroquefe Confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A Geographical Defcription of Canada, and a Natural Hiftory of the Country, with Remarks upon their Government, and the Intereft of the English and French in their Commerce. Alfo a Dialogue between the Author and a General of the Savages, giving a full View of the Religion and ftrange Opinions of thofe People: With an Account of the Author's Retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his Remarks on thofe Courts. To which is added, A Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, which is generally fpoke in NorthAmerica. Illuftrated with Twenty-Three Maps and Cuts. Written in French By the Baron Lahontan, Lord Lieutenant of the French Colony at Placentia in Newfoundland, at that Time in England. Done into English. The Second Edition. In Two Volumes. A great Part of which never

Printed in the Original. London: J. and J. Bonwicke, м,ncc,xxxv. Two Volumes. Vol. I. 12 prel. leaves, and 280 pp. 10 copperplate maps and plates. Vol. II. 'New Voyages to North-America. Ĝiving a full Account of the Cuftoms, Commerce, Religion, and strange Opinions of the Savages of that Country. With Political Remarks upon the Courts of Portugal and Denmark, and the Prefent State of the Commerce of thofe Countries. The Second Edition. Written By the Baron Lahontan, LordLieutenant of the French Colony at Placentia in Newfoundland: Now in England. London: J. Walthoe, 1735.' 304 pp. 10 Copperplates. Old calf. 8vo. (18s. 1626)

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LAMB (R.) An Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its commencement to the year 1783. By R. Lamb, late Serjeant in the Royal Welch Fuzileers. Dublin: Wilkinson & Courtney, 1809. 6 prel. leaves, and pp. 5-438. Order,' 1 puge, at page 158. Calf. 8vo. (10s. 6d. 1627) LAMBRECHTSEN (N. C.) Korte Beschrijving van de ontdekking en der verdere lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland, weleer eene volkplanting van het gemeenebest der vereenigde Nederlanden in America, door Mr. N. C. Lambrechtsen van Ritthem, ridder der orde van den Nederlandschen leeuw, President van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. Te Middelburg, bij S. Van Benthem, мDCCCXVIII. 2 prel. leaves, and 102 pp. With Map. Uncut. 8vo. (10s. 6d. 1628) LARRANAGA (BRUNO FRANCISCO). Prospecto de una Eneida Apostólica, ô Epopeya, que celebra la predicacion del V. Apóstol del Occidente P. Fr. Antonio Margil de Jesus: Intitulada Margileida. Escrita con puros versos de P. Virgilio Maron, y traducida a verso Castellano: La que se propone al público de esta America septentrional por Subscripcion: Para que colectados anticipadamente los gastos necesarios, se proceda inmediatamente â su impresion. Su Autor Don Bruno Francisco Larrañaga. Impresa en México en la Imprenta nueva Madrileña de los Herederos del Lic. D. Joseph de Jauregui. Calle de S. Bernardo. Año

de 1788. 2 prel. leaves and 28 pp. Half morocco. (1l. 1s. 1629)


LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Aqui fe contiene/ vna difputa, o controuerfia: entre el/ Obifpo do fray Bartholome de las/ Cafas, o Cafaus, obifpo q fue de la ciudad Real de Chiapa, que es en-/ las Indias, parte de la nueua Efpa-/na: y el doctor Gines de Sepulueda/ Coronifta del Emperador nueftro fe/ñor: fobre q el doctor contendia: q las/ conquiftas de las Indias contra los/ Indios eran licitas: y el obifpo por/ el cotrario d'fendio y affirmo auer fi/ do y fer ípoffible no ferlo: tiranicas,/ injustas iniquas. La qual queftio/ fe vetilo difputo en prefencia d'mu/ chos letrados theologos juristas/ en vna cõgregacion q mando fu ma-/geftad juntar el año de mil qnietos/ cincueta en la villa de Valladolid./ Año. 1552./ [Colophon] Aloor y gloria de nueftro fe/ñor Jefu Chrifto y dela facratiffima virgen fancta/ Maria fu madre. Fue impreffa la prefente obra/ enla muy noble muy leal ciudad de Seuilla :/ en cafa de Sebastian Trugillo impreffor de/ libros. Frōtero de nueftra feñora de Gra/cia. Acaboffe a. x. dias del mes de Se-/tiembre. Año de mil quinien/tos cincuenta y dos.//(Here is contained a dispute or controversy between the Bishop Friar Bartholomew de Las Casas, or Casaus, formerly Bishop of the royal City of Chiapa which is in the Indies a part of New Spain, and the Doctor Gines de Sepulveda Chronicler to the Emperor our Lord, in which the Doctor contended that the conquests of the Indies against the Indians were lawful, and the bishop on the contrary defended and affirmed them to have been and to be impossible to be so, but tyrannical, unjust and iniquitous. Which question was examined and disputed in the presence of many learned theologians and jurists in a meeting which his Majesty ordered to be held in the year one thousand five hundred and fifty in the City of Valladolid. In the year 1552. [Colophon] To the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the most holy Virgin Saint Mary his Mother. The present work was printed in the very noble and very loyal City of Seville; at Sebastian Trugillo's, printer of books, and Opposite Lady of Grace. Finished the 10th day of the month of

September. In the 1552. 62 leaves, signatures a to g in eights and h in 6 leaves, the last being blank. (2l. 2s. 1629*)


LAS CASAS (Bartholome de). Aqui fe cõtienē tre/ynta propoficiones muy juridicas: en/ las quales fumaria y fuccintamente fe/toca muchas cosas perteneciētes al de/recho q la yglefia y los principes chri-/ftianos tienen, o puede tener fobre los/infieles de qual quier efpecie que fean./ Mayormente fe affigna el verdadero y fortiffimo fundamento en que fe affi/enta y eftriba: el titulo y feñorio fupre=/ mo y vniuerfal que los Reyes d'Caftilla y Leon tienen al orbe de las que lla/mamos occidetales Indias. Por el ql/fon conftituydos vniuerfales feñores y/Emperadores enellas fobre muchos re-/ yes. Apunta fe tambien otras cofas co/cernientes al hecho acaecido en aql or/be notabiliffimas: y dignas d'fer viftas/ y fabidas. Colijo las dichas treynta p/ poficiones El obifspo do Fray Bartho-/ lome de las Cafas, o Cafaus: Obifpo/ q fue d'la ciudad Real de Chiapa: cier/to Reyno de los de la nueua España./ Año. 1552./ [Colophon] ¶ Impreffo en feuilla en cafa de febaftia trugillo./ (Here are contained thirty most lawful propositions, in which are summarily and succinctly treated of, many things appertaining to the right which the church and the christian princes have, or may have over the infidels of whatever kind they may be. Chiefly the true and strongest foundation is assigned on which is based and supported the title and supreme and universal lordship which the kings of Castile and Leon hold over the world of what we call the West Indies. By the which they are constituted universal lords and emperors in them, over many kings. Other most remarkable things are also pointed out relative to the transaction which has taken place in that world, and worthy to be seen and known. The Bishop Don Friar Bartholomew de Las Casas or Casaus, formerly Bishop of the royal City of Chiapa a certain kingdom of the new Spain, collected the said thirty propositions. In the year 1552.) 10 leaves, signature a. 4to. (21.2s. 1630) LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Aqui fe cõtiene vnos/ auifos y reglas para los confeffores q/oyeren

confeffiones de los Españo/ les que fon, o han fido en cargo a los Indios de las Indias del/ mar Oceano: colegidas por/ el obifpo de Chiapa don/ fray_Bartholome d'las/ cafas, o cafaus dela/ orden de Sancto Domingo./ [Colophon.] Aloor y gloria de nueftro fe/nor Jefu Chrifto y dela facratiffima virgen fancta/ Maria. Fue impreffa la prefente obra en la muy/ noble muy leal ciudad de Seuilla, en cafa/ de Sebaftian Trugillo impreffor de li/bros. Frōtero de nueftra feñora de Gracia. Acaboffe a. xx. dias del/ ¡nes de Setiembre. Aňo de mil quinientos cin/cuenta y dos.//. (Here are contained some devices and rules for the confessors who have heard the confessions of the Spaniards who have or have had the charge of the Indians of the Indies of the Ocean Sea; collected by the Bishop of Chiapa Don Bartholomew de Las Casas, or Casaus, Friar of the Order of Saint Dominick. [Colophon] To the honor and glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of the most Holy Virgin Saint Mary. The present work was printed in the very noble and very loyal City of Seville, at Sebastian Trugillo's, printer of books. Opposite Our Lady of Grace: finished the 20th day of the month of September. In the year one thousand five hundred and fifty-two.) 16 leaves, signature a, the reverse of the last leaf blank. (21. 2s. 1631)


LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). ¶ Breuiffima rela/cion de la deftruycion de las In-/dias: colegida por el Obispo do/ fray Bartolome de las Cafas, o/ Cafaus de la orden de Sacto Do/mingo./ Año. 1552. [Colophon] Fue impreffa la prefente o=/ bra enla muy noble muy leal ciudad de Seuilla/ en cala de Sebaftian Trugillo impreffor de/ libros. A nueftra feñora de Gracia./ Año de M. D. Lij./ (A very brief account of the Destruction of the Indies; collected by the Bishop Don Bartholomew de Las Casas, or Casaus, Friar of the Order of Saint Dominick. In the year 1552. [Colophon] The present work was printed in the most noble and loyal city of Seville at Sebastian Trugillo's, printer of books. At our Lady of Grace's. In the year 1552.) 54 leaves, signatures a to e in eight, f ten, and bo in four leaves being a separate tract commenc

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