Imágenes de páginas

Mexico: Imprenta de la Testamentaria de Valdés, a cargo de José Maria Gallegos. 1834. 5 prel. leaves and 17 pp. 'Manualito' etc. 46 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (1/. 1s. 2132) PEREZ (MANUEL). Arte de el Idioma Mexicano. Por el P. Fr. Manuel Perez, del Orden de N. P. San Auguftin, hijo de la Santa Provincia del Santiffimo Nombre de Jesvs, actual Vifitador en ella. Cura Miniftro, por fu Mageftad, de la Parroquia de los Naturales del Real Collegio de San Pablo, y Cathedratico de dicho Idioma en la Real Vniverfidad de Mexico. Dedicalo a la dicha Santiffima Provincia. Con Licencia. En Mexico, por Francisco de Ribera Calderon, en la calle de San Auguftin. Año de 1713. 8 prel. leaves and 80 pp. 'Indice,' 3 pp. 4to. (4l. 14s. 6d. 2133) PEREZ (MANUEL). Farol Indiano, y Gvia de Curas de Indios. Summa de los Cinco Sacramentos que adminiftran los Miniftros Evangelicos en efta America. Con todos los cafos morales que fuceden entre Indios. Deducidos de los mas claficos Authores, y amoldados à las coftumbres, y privilegios de los Naturales. Por el P. Fr. Manuel Perez, del Orden de N. P. S. Auguftin, hijo de efta Provincia del Santiffimo Nombre de Jesus. Vifitador

actual de ella, Cura-Miniftro, por fu Mageftad, de la Parroquia de Naturales de S Pablo de Mexico, y Cathedratico de Lengua Mexicana en la Vniverfidad. Dedicala Al Santiffimo Efpofo de la Efpofa, y Madre de Dios, y Patron de Efta Nueva-Efpaña, Señor San Joseph. Con Licencia de los Svperiores. En Mexico, por Francifco de Rivera Calderon, en. la calle de San Auguftin. Año de 1713. 24 prel. leaves and 192 pp. Indice de los Capitulos,' 3 pp. 4to. (21. 2s. 2134) PERNETTY (DOM). Histoire d'un Voyage aux Isles Malouines, Fait en 1763 & 1764; avec des Observations sur le Detroit de Magellan, et sur les Patagons, Par Dom Pernetty, Abbé de l'Abbaye de Burgel, Membre de l'Académie Royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Pruffe; Affocié Correfpondant de calle de Florence, & Bibliothécaire de Sa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe. Nouvelle

Edition. Refondue & augmentée d'un Difcours Préliminaire, de Remarques fur l'Histoire Natu


relle, &c. A Paris, Saillant & Nyon, M.DCC.LXX. Two Volumes. Tome Premier. iv and 385 pp. Tome Second. Title and 334 pp. Approbation and Privilege 2 pp. With 18 folded plates at end. calf. 8vo. (8s. 6d. 2135) PERU. Conquefte van Indien./ De wonderlijcke ende warach-/tighe Hiftorie vant Coninckrijck van Peru, ghelegen in Indien, inde welcke verhaelt wordt de gheleghenthept,/ coftuymen, manieren van leven, overuloedicheyt des Goudts ende Silvers,/ ende voorts alle de fonderlingfte dinghen van den felven lande./ Infghelijcks van den/ fteden, plaetfen ende inwoonders deffelfs Coninckrijcx, daer beneven, hoet ghevonden/ ende eerft by de Keyferlijcke Mayefteyt hoochloflijcker memorien gheconque-/fteert ende vercreghen is, met alle de Oorloghen, ende ftrijden, die ghe-/ buert zijn, foo teghens d' Indianen, als oock om tgoe-/vernement d'een teghens den anderen./ De Caerte van America./ [Engraved on Copper on the title.] t'Amstelredam./ By Cornelis Claefz, woonende opt Water, by de Oude Brugghe,/ Int Schrijf Boeck. Anno. 1598./ Title, on the reverse, 'Tot den Lefer.' Text in 148 leaves very irregularly folioed; copperplate engraving of Cerro de Potosi' on the reverse of sig. Ee ij. Tafel oft Regifter des boeckx' 20 pp. Fine copy. Old calf. (21. 2s. 2136) PERU. Constitucion. Politica de la Republica


Peruana Jurada en Lima el 20 de Noviembre de

1823. Lima: 1825. Imprenta del estado por J. Gonzalez. cxii and 52 pp. Indice 2 pp. Unbound. (5s. 2137)


PETERS (BERNHARD MICHAEL). Eine befonders merkwürdige Reife von Amfterdam nach Surinam, und von da zurück nach Bremen, in den Jahren 1783 und 1784. von Bernhard Michael Peters, einem Jeverländer. Wobei die Reifen und Lebensgefchichte John Thomfons eines Engländers, feines vertrauten Freundes und Reifegefahrten auf der See. Bremen, 1788. Two Volumes. Erfter Theil. 4 prel. leaves and 214 pp. Zweyte und letzte Theil. 1790. 6 prel. leaves and 188 pp. boards. (7s. 6d. 2138)



An Historical and Critical

Account of Hugh Peters. After the Manner of Mr. Bayle. London: J. Noon. MDCCLI. 72 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 2139) PETITIONS from the Old and New Subjects, Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, to the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. London: Printed in the Year 1791. 2 prel. leaves and 55 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 2140) PHILIPOT (THOMAS). The Original and Growth/ of The Spanish/ Monarchy/ United with the House of Austria./ Extracted from thofe Chronicles,/ Annals, Regifters and Genealogies, that yeild any faithful Reprefentation/ how the Houses of Caftile, Aragon and/ Burgundy became knit and combin'd/ into one Body./ To which are added feveral Difcourfes of thofe/ Acceffions and Improvements in Italy, Africk, with the Eaft and Weft-Indies,/ that are now annexed by Alliance or Con-/queft to the Diadem of Spain./ By Thomas Philipot, M.A./ Formerly of Clare-Hall in Cambridge./ London, Printed by W. G. for R. Taylor, in St. Martins le/ Grand neer St. Leonards Church yard. 1664./ 4 prel. leaves and text 264 pp. With portrait of Phillip the IV. of Spain. Small 8vo. (18s. 2141) PHILIPS (MILES). The Voyages and Adventures of Miles Philips, A Weft-Country Sailor. Containing A Relation of his various Fortune both by Sea and Land; the inhuman Ufage he met with from the Spaniards at Mexico, and the Salvage Indians of Canada and other barbarous Nations; and the Sufferings he and his Companions underwent by their Confinement and Sentence in the Spanish Inquifition. Together with A Natural Defcription of the Countries he vifited, and particular Obfervations on the Religion, Cuftoms and Manners of their refpective Inhabitants. Written by Himself in the plain Stile of an English Sailor. London: T. Payne, 1724. 6 prel. leaves and 216 pp. Wanting pages 17, 18, 101, to 116, 203, to 206, inclusive. Old calf. 12mo. (14s. 6d. 2142) PHILLIP (WILLIAM). The/ True and perfect De-/ fcription of three Voy-/ages fo ftrange and woon

derfull, that the like hath neuer been/ heard of before:/ Done and performed three yeares, one after the other by the Ships of/ Holland and Zeland, on the North fides of Norway, Mufcouia and/ Tartaria, towards the Kingdomes of Cathaia and China; fhewing/ the difcouerie of the Straights of Weigates Noua Zembla,/ and the Countrie lying vnder 80 degrees; which is/ thought to be Greenland; where neuer any man had/ bin before; with the cruell Beares, and other/ Monsters of the Sea, and the vnfup-/portable and extreame cold/ that is found to be in/ thofe places./ And how that in the laft Voyage, the Shippe was fo inclosed by the/ Ice, that it was left there, whereby the men were forced to build a houfe in the cold and defart Countrie of Noua Zembla wherin/ they continued 10 monthes togeather, and neuer faw nor/ heard of any man, in moft great cold and extreame/ miferie; and how after that, to faue their liues, they/ were conftrained to sayle aboue 350 Duch-/miles, which is above 1000 miles English,/ in little open boates, along and ouer the maine Seas, in moft great dannger,/ and with extreame labour, vn-/fpeakable troubles, and/ great hunger./ Imprinted at London, for T. Pauier./ 1609./ 2 prel. leaves; viz. Title the reverse blank, To the Right Wor-/fhipfull, Sir Thomas Smith Knight, Gouer-/nour of the Mufcouy Company, &c.' Signed William Phillip.' 2 pp. Text in 97 unfolioed leaves. Signatures B. to V. in fours, and X. in 3 leaves. Morocco extra, by Riviere. 4to. (4l. 4s. 2143) PHILOPONUS (HONORIUS). Nova Typis/ Transacta Na-/vigatio./ Novi Orbis India Occi-/dentalis/ Admodvm Re-/verendissimorvm P.P./ ac F.F. Reverendiffimi ac Illustriffimi Domini,/ Dn. Bvellii Cataloni Abbatis montis/ Serrati, & in vniverfam Americam, five Novum,/ Orbem Sacræ Sedis Apoftolicæ Romanæ à Latere/ Legati, Vicarij, ac Patriarchæ Sociorumq; Mo-/nachorum ex Ordine S. P. N. Benedicti ad fuprà/ dicti Novi Mundi barbaras gentes Chrifti S. Evan-/gelium prædicandi gratia delegatorum Sacerdo-/tum. Dimiffi per

S. D. D. Papam Alexandrum/ VI. Anno Chrifti, 1492./ Nvnc Primvm/ E varijs Scriptoribus in vnum colle-/cta, & figuris ornata./ Avthore/ Venerando Fr. Don Honorio Philopono/ Ordinis

S. Benedicti Monacho. 1621./ 3 prel. leaves including the engraved title, and 101 pp. with 3 seq. pp. There are 18 copperplate engravings. Vellum. Folio. (2l. 12s. 6d. 2144) PHILOSOPHIC SOLITUDE: Or, the choice of a rural life: A Poem. By a Gentleman educated at Yale College. The Third Edition. New-York: Printed by John Holt at the Exchange. [1769?] 40 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (10s. 6d. 2145) PHILOTHEUS. A True and Particular History of Earthquakes. Containing A Relation of that dreadful Earthquake which happen'd at Lima and Callao, in Peru, October 28, 1746; publifh'd at Lima by Command of the Vice-Roy, and now tranflated from the Original Spanish; alfo of that which happen'd in Jamaica in 1692, and of others in different Parts of the World. Accurately defcribing The dreadful Devaftations that have been made by thofe horrible Convulfions of the Earth; whereby Mountains have been thrown down, or remov'd to great Distances; Cities, with all their Inhabitants, fwallow'd up in a Moment; whole Flocks and Herds, with their Keepers, ingulph'd in the termendous Chafms and Openings of Valleys; large Forefts funk, and for ever buried in an Inftant. Extracted from Authors of the moft unexceptionable Credit and Reputation. By Philotheus. London: for the Author, 1748. and 176 pp. Old calf. 8vo. PIECES Justificatives des Mémoires concernant les Limites de L'Acadie. A Paris, de L'Imprimerie Royale. M.DCCLIV. Title and 646 pp.



(7s. 6d. 2146)

Old calf. (il. 5s. 2147)

PIGGOTT (S.) An Authentic Narrative of four years residence at Tongataboo, One of the Friendly Islands, by Geo. V- Who together with 28 other Missionaries was sent thither by the London Society in the Ship Duff, under Captain Wilson in 1796, and survived them all; and lived as one of the Natives for two Years. With an Appendix by an Eminent Writer, By the Rev. S. Piggott, A.M. Domestic Chaplain to the Right Hon. Viscount Lord Galway, and perpetual Curate of St. James' Church, Latchford, Warrington. London: Long

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