Imágenes de páginas


MAYHEW (JONATHAN). The Claims of the Church of England feriously examined: In a letter to the Author of an Answer to Dr. Mayhew's observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By a Protestant Dissenter of Old England. London: W. Nicholl, 1764. 28 pages. Half morocco. (4s. 6d. 1874) MAYHEW (JONATHAN). A Defence Of the Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, against An anonymous Pamphlet falfly intitled, a Candid Examination Of Dr. Mayhew's Obfervations, &c. And also against The Letter to a Friend annexed thereto, faid to contain a short Vindication of faid Society. By one of its Members. By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Paftor of the West Church in Boston. Boston printed: London: reprinted for W. Nicoll, M.DCC.LXIV. 120 pp. half mor. 8vo. (5s. 6d. 1875) MAYHEW (JONATHAN). Remarks on an Anonymous Tract, entitled An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations On the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts. Being a Second Defence of the faid Observations. By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Paftor of the West Church in Boston. Boston: Printed and Sold by R. and S. Draper, in Newbury Street; Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street; and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill. 1764. 86 pp. Advertisement.' 1 page Signed 'J. Mayhew.' Soliciting contributions in Europe, for the loss of the Library of Harvard College by Fire. Half mor. 8vo. (5s. 6d. 1876) MAYHEW (JONATHAN). Sermons to Young Men. In Two Volumes. By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. London, T. Becket MDCCLXVII. Two Volumes. Volume the First. xx and 275 pp. Volume the Second. Title, iv and text 304 pp. Old calf. (8s. 6d. 1877) MAYNAS. Copia de dos Cartas Escritas de vn/ Mifsionero, y del Superior de las Mifsiones de los Maynas, en el Rio Marañon, jurifdiccion de la Real Audiencia de Qui-/to, avifando al Padre ViceProvincial de la Compañia de/ Iesvs, del Nuevo


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Reyno de Granada; el vno, el estado del/ Pueblo en que afsifte; y el otro, el que tiene parte de aquella/ gloriofa Mifsion, que avia vifitado el año paffado de 1681./ Primera Carta./ 4 unfolioed pp. Folio. (1. 11s. 6d. 1878)

MEAD (JOSEPH). An Essay on Currents at Sea; By which it appears, There is Reafon to apprehend, that the Sea is not a Fluid in a State of Rest, except thofe Motions which are caufed by the Impulse of Winds, and that known by the Name of Tides: And consequently, That this Earth is not of a uniform Denfity, according to the Suppofition of Sir Isaac Newton; but that the Currents of the Gulph of Florida, alfo on the Coaft of Brasil, and the Northern In-draught on this Western Coast, are Currents of Circulation, kept up by different Denfities in this Earth, and its Motion round its Axis. By Joseph Mead. London: J. Marshall, M,DCC,LVII. Title having on the reverse 'Errata.' 5 lines, Text 48 pp. half mor. 8vo. (7s. 6d. 1879) MEAD (MATTHEW). The Almoft Chriftian Discovered or, the Falfe Profeffor Tryed and Cast. Being the Subftance of Seven Sermons, First Preached at Sepulchers, London, 1661 And now at the Importunity of Friends made Publick. The Fourteenth Edition. By Matthew Mead. Boston: Printed for Jofeph Edwards at the corner Shop on the North fide of the Town-Houfe, & Hopeftill Fofter in Cornhill. 1730. 4 prel. leaves and 194 pp. 12mo. (10s. 6d. 1880)

MEDINA (ANTONIO DE). Sermon/ predicado en/ el Castillo de San Felipe/ del Puerto del Callao, a fu Dedicacion y benedi-/cion; eftando defcubierto el Santifsimo Sacra-/mento, y en prefencia de todo el/ Prefidio./ Por el P. F. Antonio de Medina del Orden/ de Predicadores, Letor de Teologia del Conuento del Cuzco, à onze/ de Mayo de 1625. años./¶A Don Fernando de Castro Cavallero/ del Abito de Santiago, y Teniente de Capitan General, por el/ Excellentifsimo Señor Marques de Guadalcaçar. Virrey deftos Reynos del Pirù./ Con licencia./ Impreffo en Lima; por Geronymo de Contreras./ Año de 1625./ 18 folioed leaves, half mor. 4to. (10s. 6d. 1881)


MEDRANO (SEBASTIAN FERNANDEZ DE). Breve/ descripcion del/ Mundo/ o Guia Geographica de Medrano. Lo mas principal de ella en Verfo., Dirigida A la Catholica Mageftad del Rey Nueftro Señor/ Don Carlos Segundo,/ Monarcha de las Efpañas. Debajo/ De la protecion del Excelentiffimo Señor/ Marques de Jodar./ En Brusselas, En cafa de Lamberto Marchant,/ Mercader de Libros/ M.DC.LXXXVIII./ 108 pp. Old calf. (10s. 6d. 1882) MEMOIRES/ tovchant/ l'Etablissement/ d'vne/ Mission Chrestienne/ dans/ le Troisieme Monde,/ Autrement appellé,/ La Terre Auftrale, Meridionale,/ Antartique, & Inconnue./ Dediez à Noftre S. Pere le Pape/ Alexandre VII./ Par vn Ecclefiaftique Originaire de cette/ mefme Terre. [Juan Paulymer] A Paris,/ Chez Clavde Cramoisy, ruë Saint/ Victor, proche la place Maubert,/ au Sacrifice d'Abel./ M.DC.LXIII. Avec privilege dv Roy./ 18 prel. leaves and 216 pp. With copperplate map of the World. Old calf. 8vo. (1l. 11s. 6d. 1883) MEMOIRES des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majesté Britannique, Sur les poffeffions & les droits refpectifs des deux Couronnes en Amérique; Avec les Actes publics & Piéces juftificatives. Contenant les Mémoires fur l'Acadie & fur l'ifle de Sainte-Lucie. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale. M.DCCLV. Four Volumes. Tome Premier. viii; lxxv; and 181 pp. 'Premier Memoire' etc. 61 pp. 'Memoire de Messieurs les Commissaires Anglois,' etc. cvii pp. 'Second Memoire,' etc. 120 pp. Map. Tome Second. xiii and 646 pp. Tome Troisième. rvi and 319 pp. Tome Quatrième, M.DCCLVII. 3 prel. leaves; xxv and 654 pp. Map. Fine copy. Calf extra. 4to. (3l. 13s. 6d. 1884) MEMOIRS of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman, Return'd from a Thirteen Years Slavery in America, Where he had been fent by the Wicked Contrivances of his Cruel Uncle. A Story founded on Truth, and addrefs'd equally to the Head and Heart. London: J. Freeman, MDCCXLIII. Halftitle, title, and 277 pp. Old calf. 12mo. (8s. 6d. 1885) MEMOIRS of the Principal Transactions of the Last War between the English and French in North

America. From the Commencement of it in 1744, to the Conclufion of the Treaty at Aix la Chapelle. Containing in Particular An Account of the Importance of Nova Scotia or Acadie and Inland of Cape Breton to both Nations. [By William Shirley.] London: R. and J. Dodsley, M.DCC.LVII. viii and 102 pp. half mor. 8vo. (7s. 6d. 1886) MEMOIRS of the Principal Transactions of the Last War between the English and French in NorthAmerica. From the Commencement of it in 1744, to the Conclufion of the Treaty at Aix la Chapelle. Containing in Particular An Account of the Importance of Nova Scotia or Acadie, and the Inland of Cape Breton to both Nations. The Third Edition. London, Printed. Boston, New-England; Re-printed and Sold by Green and Russell, at their Printing-Office in Queen-street. MDCCLVIII. iv and pp. 9-80. 8vo. (7s. 6d. 1888)

MEMORIAL/ (+)/ de lo Svcedido en la ciudad de Mexico, defde el dia pri/mero de Nouiembre, de 1623. haf/ta quienze de Enero de 1624./ 28 folioed leaves. Folio. (17. 1s. 1889) MEMORIAL (A) Relating to the Tobacco-Trade. Offer'd to The Confideration of the Planters of Virginia and Maryland. Williamsburgh: Printed by William Parks, M,DCC,XXXVII. 25 pp. Signed 'Daniel Mac Kercher.' half mor. 8vo. (10s. 6d. 1890)

MEMORIALS (THE) of the English and French Commissaries concerning St. Lucia. London; Printed in the Year MDCCLV. Title and 550 pp. Fine copy. Old calf. 4to. (1. 1s. 1891) MEMORIALS (THE) of the English and French Commissaries Concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. London: Printed in the Year MDCCLV. 2 prel. leaves, and 771 pp. Map. Fine copy. Old calf. 4to. (1l. 10s. 1892) MENDOCA (JUAN GONÇALES DE). Historia/ de las Cosas/ mas Notables,/ Ritos y Costvmbres,/ Del gran Reyno dela China, fabidas affi por los libros/ delos mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de Religio-/fos y otras perfonas que an eftado en el dicho Reyno./ Hecha y ordenada por el mvy R. P. Maestro Fr. Ioan Gonçalez de Mendoça dela Orden

de S. Auguftin, y peniten-/ciatio Appoftolico a quien la Mageftad Catholica embio con fu real/ carta y otras cofas para el Rey de aquel Reyno el año. 1580./ Al Illvstrissimo S. Fernando/ de Vega y Fonfeca del confejo de fu Mageftad y fu/ prefidente en el Real delas Indias./ Con vn Itinerario del nueuo Mundo./ Con Priuilegio y Licencia de fu Sanctidad. En Roma, a cofta de Bartholome Graffi. 1585/ en la Stampa de Vincentio Accolti./ 16 prel. leaves, the 16th blank; and 440 pp. Vellum. 8vo. (15s. 1893)

MENDOCA (JUAN GONÇALES DE). Dell' Historia/ della China,/ Defcritta nella lingua Spagnuola, dal P. Maeftro Giouanni Gonzalez dí Mendozza,/ dell' Ord. di S. Agostino./ Et tradotta nell' Italiana, dal Magn. M. Francefco/ Auanzo, cittadino originario di Venetia./ Parti dve,/ Diuife in tre libri, & in tre viaggi, fatti in quei paefi,/ da i Padri Agoftiniani & Francifcani./ Doue fi defcriue il fito, & lo ftato di quel gran Regno,/ & fi tratta della religione, de i coftumi, & della/ difpofition de fuoi popoli, & d'altri luochi/ più conosciuti del mondo nuouo./ Con due Tauole, l'vna de' Capitoli, & l'altra delle cofe notabili./ In Venetia, MDLXXXVI./ Appreffo Andrea Mufchio./ 16 prel. leaves, the 16th blank, and 462 pp; 1 blank leaf, and 'Tavola,' etc. 40 pp. Vellum. 8vo. (15s. 1894) MENDOCA (JUAN GONÇALES DE). L'Historia/ del gran Regno della China,/ Compofta primier amente in ifpagnuolo da/ maeftro Giouanni Gonzalez di Men-/dozza, monaco dell' ordine di/ S. Agoftino:/ Et poi fatta vulgare da Francefco Auanzi/ cittadino Vinetiano./ Stampata la terza volta, & molto più dell' al-/tre emendata./ Con due tauole l'una dé Capitoli, & l'altra delle/ cofe più notabili. In Vinegia. 1587./ Per Andrea Mufchio./ 508 pp. Lo ftampatore,' etc. 1 page; Tavola,' etc. 77 pp. Errori' etc. 1 page. Old calf. (15s. 1895)


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MENDOCA (JUAN GONÇALES DE). Histoire/ dv Grand/ Royavme de la/Chine, sitvé avx/ Indes orientales, diuifée/ en deux parties./ Contenant en la Premiere, la fituation, antiquité, fertilité,/ religion, ceremonies, facrifices, rois magiftrats, mœurs,/

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