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gentleman, one Captain Hobson, who was willing to go that voyage and to adventure one hundred pounds himself. him I gave the command of the ship, all things being ready, and the company came together, attending but for a fair wind. They set sail in June, in anno 1614, being fully instructed how to demean themselves in every kind, carrying with them Epenow, Assacomet, and Wenape, another native of those parts, sent me out of the Isle of Wight for my better information in the parts of the country of his knowledge. When as it pleased God that they were arrived upon the coast, they were piloted from place to place by the natives themselves as well as their hearts could desire. And coming to the harbor where Epenow was to make good his undertaking, the principal inhabitants of the place came aboard, some of them being his brothers, others his near cousins; who, after they had communed together, and were kindly entertained by the Captain, departed in their canoes, promising the next morning to come aboard again, and bring some trade with them. But Epenow privately (as it appeared) had contracted with his friends how he might make his escape without performing what he had undertaken, being in truth no more than he had told me he was to do though with loss of his life; for otherwise, if it were found that he had discovered the secrets of his country, he was sure to have his brains knocked out as soon as he came ashore. For that 'cause I gave the Captain strict charge to endeavor by all means to prevent his escaping from them; and for the more surety, I gave order to have three gentlemen of my own kindred (two brothers of Sturton's, and Master Matthews) to be ever at hand with him, clothing him with long garments, fitly to be laid hold on if occasion should require. Notwithstanding all this, his friends being all come at the time appointed with twenty canoes, and lying at a certain distance with their bows ready, the Captain calls to them to come aboard; but they not moving, he speaks to Epenow to come unto him where he was, in the forecastle of the ship. He, being then in the waist of the ship between two of the gentlemen that had him in guard, starts suddenly from them, and coming to the Captain, calls to his friends in English to come aboard; in the interim slips himself overboard, and although he was taken hold of by one of the company, yet being a strong and heavy man, could not be stayed, and

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was no sooner in the water but the natives sent such a shower of arrows, and came withal desperately so near the ship, that they carried him away in despite of all the musketeers aboard, who were for the number as good as our nation did afford. And thus were my hopes of that particular made void and frustrate, and they returned without doing more, though otherwise ordered how to have spent that summer to good purpose. But such are the fruits to be looked for, by employing men more zealous of gain than fraught with experience how to make it.


Sir Richard Hakings undertook by authority from the Council of the second Colony to try what service he could do them as President for that year.

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HAVING received his commission and instructions, he departed in October, 1615, and spent the time of his being in those parts in searching of the country and finding out the commodities thereof. But the war was at the height, and the principal natives almost destroyed; so that his observation could not be such as could give account of any new matter, more than formerly had been received. From thence he passed along the coast to Virginia, and stayed there some time in expectation of what he could not be satisfied in; so took his next course for Spain, to make the best of such commodities he had got together, as he coasted from place to place, having sent his. ship laden with fish to the market before. And this was all that was done by any of us that year.


Of the sending of Captain Rocraft to meet with Captain Dermor in New-England.

ABOUT this time I received letters from Captain Dermor out of New-England, giving me to understand that there was one of my savages sent into those parts, brought from Malaga

in a ship of Bristol, acquainting me with the means I might recover him; which I followed, and had him sent me, who was after employed with others in the voyage with Captain Hobson, sent to Capawike, as is above said. By this savage Captain Dermor understood so much of the state of his country, as drew his affections wholly to follow his hopes that way; to which purpose he writes, that if I pleased to send a commission to meet him in New-England, he would endeavor to come from the New-found-land to receive it, and to observe such other instructions as I pleased to give him. Whereupon the next season [1619], I sent Captain Rocraft with a company I had of purpose hired for the service. At his arrival upon the coast he met with a small barque of Dieppe, which he siezed upon, according to such liberties as was granted unto him in such cases; notwithstanding the poor Frenchman, being of our religion, I was easily persuaded, upon his petition, to give content for his loss, although it proved much to damage afterwards. For Captain Rocraft, being now shipped and furnished with all things necessary, left the coast, contrary to my directions, and went to Virginia, where he had formerly dwelt; and there falling into company with some of his old acquaintance, a quarrel happened between him and another, so that before. he could get away he was slain; by which accident the barque was left at random, (the most of the company being on shore). A storm arising, she was cast away, and all her provisions lost. Something was saved, but nothing ever came to my hands.


Of my employment of Captain Dormer after his failings to come from the New-found-land to New-England.

CAPTAIN Dormer being disappointed of his means to come from New-found-land to New England, took shipping for England, and came to me at Plymouth [1619], where I gave him an account of what I had done, and he me what his hopes were to be able to do me service, if I pleased to employ him. Hereupon I conferred his informations together with mine own I received by several ways, and found them

to agree in many the particulars of highest consequence and best considerations. Whereupon I despatched him away with the company he had gotten together, as fast as my own ship could be made ready for her ordinary employment, sending with him what he thought necessary, hoping to have met Captain Rocraft, where he was assigned to attend till he received further directions from me. But at the ship's arrival they found Captain Rocraft gone for Virginia, with all his company, in the barque he had taken, of which before. Captain Dormer arriving, and seeing Rocraft gone, was much perplexed. Yet so resolved he was, that he ceased not to follow his design with the men and means which I had sent him; and so shaped his course from Sagadahock in forty-four degrees, to Capawike, being in forty-one and thirty-six minutes, sending me a journal of his proceeding, with the description of the coast all along as he passed. Passing by Capawike, he continued his course along the coast from harbor to harbor till he came to Virginia, where he expected to meet with Rocraft (as afore). But finding him dead, and all lost that should have supplied him, he was forced to shift as he could to make his return, and coming to Capawike and Nautican, and going first to Nautican and from thence to Capawike, he set himself and some of his people on shore, where he met with Epenow, the savage who had escaped, of whom before. This savage, speaking some English, laughed at his own escape, and reported the story of it. Mr. Dormer told him he came from me, and was one of my servants, and that I was much grieved he had been so ill used as to be forced to steal away. This savage was so cunning, that after he had questioned him about me and all he knew belonged unto me, conceived he was come on purpose to betray him, and conspired with some of his fellows to take the Captain. Thereupon they laid hands upon him; but he being a brave, stout gentleman, drew his sword and freed himself, but not without fourteen wounds. This disaster forced him to make all possible haste to Virginia, to be cured of his wounds. At the second return he had the misfortune to fall sick and die of the infirmity many of our nation are subject unto at their first coming into those parts. The loss of this man, I confess, much troubled me, and had almost made me resolve never to intermeddle in any of those courses.


The reasons of endeavoring to renew our first Patent, and to establish the form of Government by way of Corporation at Plymouth.

AFTER I had made so many trials of the state and commodities of the country, and nature and condition of the people, and found all things agreeable to the ends I aimed at from the first, I thought it sorted with reason and justice to use the like diligence, order and care for our affairs in the Northern Plantation, the Company of Virginia for the Southern, with some alteration of the form of government, as more proper (in our judgment) for affairs of that kind, and like enlargement of the borders, beginning where they ended at forty degrees, and from thence to forty-eight northwards, and into the land from sea to sea. Of this my resolution I was bold to offer the sounder considerations to divers of his Majesty's honorable Privy Council, who had so good liking thereunto, as they willingly became interested themselves therein as patentees and counsellors for the managing of the business; by whose favors I had the easier passage in the obtaining his Majesty's royal charter to be granted us, according to his warrant to the then Solicitor General, the true copy whereof followeth, viz.

To Sir Thomas Coventry, Knight, his Majesty's Solicitor General:

Whereas it is thought fit that a Patent of Incorporation be granted to the adventurers of the Northern Colony in Virginia, to contain the like liberties, privileges, power, authorities, lands and all other things within their limits, namely, between the degrees of forty and forty-eight, as were heretofore granted to the company in Virginia, excepting only that whereas the said Company have a freedom of custom and subsidy for twenty-one years, and of impositions forever, this new Company is to be free of custom and subsidy for the like term of years, and of impositions after so long time as his Majesty shall please to grant unto them. This shall be therefore to will and require you to prepare a

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