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pursuit had nearly defeated all our purposes, the most material of which are a seizure of five of our Vessells on their voyage and bringing them to England, to wit. the Falkland, Enterprise, Abigail, Minerva, and Diana. This was done previous to the restraining act being pass'd, and by tedious application I got them released again but attended with the loss of all our men, the replacing of which occasion'd such delay as subjected us to the greatest severity of weather almost ever known in England.

The Thames was froze for a month that nothing could be done, but we have at last got the Nancy ready for departure and expect to be at Sea in 5 or 6 days.

The three first mentioned whalemen we got to Sea before the cold weather come on. they sailed the forepart of

January and had a fine time off.

The Minerva stranded upon the ways and is orderd to be sold for the most she will fetch. the Diana is unfit for Sea. The Flora has been sailed some time and the Francis is to take the Minerva's stores and the Diana's and to come after us in a few days.

I have wrote to Captain Wright concerning his part of the Nancy to whom must refer you, and at same time beg you will adjust this matter with him. This Ship was valued as she came last from Sea, in the Thames at £1700. I have offer'd Captain Wright £600 for his quarter. I dare not be very particular in writeing to you at this time, not knowing where this letter may fall. Should you be at Jamaica and the communication with London should be safe, I must refer you to our mutual friend, George Hayley Esqr. for intelligence of what has been done here. Mr. Smith by mutual concent is dismis'd from the Concern. Should any of our whalemen be seized by the late restraining act and carried to any port in the West Indies, you will doubtless direct the master to make a claim for yourself, a resident at Jamaica and for me a resident in London and appeal to the Lords Commissioners as the act directs, and bring the case to England where these claims may be supported and the property sav'd. I have desird Captain Wright to do the

same. wishing you all happiness with Mrs. Lopez and family, Mr. Rivera and family, I subsc[r]ibe, Dr. Sir, Your assured friend and Servant,




Cambridg, 14 March, 1776.

I AM sorry its not in my power to call upon you as I return. I have Companions that want to go the Upper Road to see the Country, and I cannot prevaile upon them to go by little Rusk [Rest?] I coud not obtain the liberty of meeting Mr. Brymer1 at the Lines as our Generall [Washington] had refused it to severall before and he told me it was out of his power, but allowed me to send in Letters. I wrote Mr. Brymer and Chamier2 they wrote me out and appointed a day to meet me. I made the second application for a personal interview but to no purpose. however the General sent Coll. Mifflin3 to the Lines to do any business I might have. I wrote Mr. Brymer fully and gave Coll. Mifflin full directions. he met Mr. Chamier and Brymer on the Lines where they both expected me. Mr. Brymer told Coll Mifflin he wanted to see me very much but as it was impossible desired him to acquaint me that since his letter to you wherein he promised to remitt me Bills for the Amount of the Certificate (conditionally) he had taken the advice of Consul and found he shoud be liable if he drew such Bills if Goverment refus'd paying the Certificate but that my Money was safe and if I w[ou]d write him my friends in London he woud order the money to be paid into their hands. this is all the satisfaction I receiv'd from Mr. Brymer. I wrote to him that Conditional Bills might be drawn. You are acquainted with him and can guess our

1 Martin Brimmer, a merchant of Boston, or John B. Brimmer, mentioned in a later letter.

2 Daniel Chamier, British Commissary General.

* Thomas Mifflin.

chance. I hope we shall get paid some day. You kno doubt have heard of the Troops, that they are about leaving Boston. about 60 sale fell down before I left it. I waited some days with an intention of writing Mr. Brymer my Friends in London but canot get no Flag. as it is expected their destination will be somewhere convenient to Long Island or Rhode Island, I shoud be oblig'd to you to drop Mr. Brymer a few Lines and mention my friends in London Messrs. Wallace, Davidson and Johnson and if payment of the Certificates are to be had order the Money to be paid there. The Papers you gave me that I promised to return I will take care off. I have a Brother in [Lo]ndon which I shall send Copys to as soon as I [return] to Maryland, and shall by a private oppertunity in[form] you as soon as I return. as I am much deeper in than you, be assurd that the Papers will be taken care off on both our Accounts, but you shall have a proper attested Copy. pray excuse my not calling. it was a disagreeable Rode alone.

if you should at any time have any commands with us or any plan of business can be brought about I shoud with pleasure correspondent with you. My Compliments to Mrs. Champlin, and I sincerely wish you and your Family may get happily fixd again. I am, Sir, Your Obedient Humble Servant,


[Endorsed,] Mr. Christopher Champlin, Little Rusk.



Norwich, 16 March 1776.

I HAVE just seen yours to Mr. Clement, who has given me one for Mr. Watson, which shall immediately forward to him by a vessel who sails this day for N. York. Mr. Clement2 informs me he had acquainted you of the order of the

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.

2 Jeremiah Clement.

Continental Congress of the 9th ulto.,1 for shipping the Cargo of wheat. Last tuesday I laid said Order before the Committee of this place, who, after mature deliberation, were of opinion that a Gen'l Order of the said Congress of the 26th ulto. prohibiting the sailing of any vessel for any part of Gt. Britain, Ireland or the British West Indies,2 intirely supercedes their Order of the 9th ulto. and so leaves it not with them to say whether the vessel with her Cargo shall sail or not. The Congress have publish'd another Order of the 6th [4th] currant,3 which seems to repeal that of the 26th ulto. 'tho' terms of it seem rather ambiguous. I shall however make another application to the Committee here on the strength of it, and immediately acquaint you should they think it gives liberty for shipping the Wheat. In the Interim, I am, Sir, Your most Obedient Servant, JAMES MCCOMB

[Endorsed, C. C.] at South Kingston, Rhode Island.


Boston, 1 May, 1777.


Messrs. Sam and Wm. Vernon having done us the favour of recommending us and the consignment of the Brigantine Sally and Cargo to your House, for which purpose we have order'd her to South Carolina, there to take a Cargo suitable for your Market, and make all possible dispatch for your City, and address himself to you for the Sales and returns of his Cargo, we have inclos'd a Mem'm of those articles which we chuse for returns. we have been advised to have our Invoice and Bills Loading made out for and in some Gentlman's Name at St. Croix, also to make the Brigantine a Danish Bottom, for the better security of our Property. however shall leave it with you to do as you judge most

[blocks in formation]

expedient. we have agreed with Capt. Harris to go the Voyage without receiving Primage. therefore you will not make him any allowance for this Custom. we have agreed to pay the People one Months Wages at Hamburgh. therefore if they demand it you will please to advance them that




Boston, 1st May, 1777.


You being appointed Master of our Brigantine Salley, and ready to sail, its our Orders you improve the first suitable Opportunity and proceed to South Carolina: we think it safest to run for Winyaw, where its most probabil you will here if the Coast off Ch's Town is clear of the Enemie. it is not, its best to run your Vessil into Winway, and there sell your Cargo; as we think the Season is so farr advanced, no time is to be lost in loading your Vessil, with Rice and Tobacco, if to be had reasonable and of a good quality, imagining that article will yeild as good or better profit then Rice. therefore it will be best to take near one half of your Cargo in that article, if it can be had upon good Terms, but you will doubtless consult Mr. Nath'l Russel what will be the most advantageous. If you have not Cargo sufficient to load your Vessil with what Mr. Russel puts on board belonging to your Owners, take as much Freight as will fill your Vessil. after being loaded, make all possible dispatch to the City of Hamburgh, going North about, and judge it will be safest to go to the Northward of Shutland, and keep the Coast of Norway aboard. when you come up with the Island of Heylego Land, near the mouth of the Elbe, doubtless you will meet with Pilot boats that will take charge of your Vessil and carry you up to Hamburgh. when you get up the River as far as Stade, where a Guard Ship lays, you must go on board of her and make report of your Cargo and where from, therefore its best to report from Florida with the manifest of your Cargo, belonging to Ireland, they never

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