I am now to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 21 July in which you direct £5000 Insurance on the Ship Francis, Captain John Buckley, her cargo and freight from Newport, etc., to London, which I have effected and herewith you have the Account thereof, premio, etc., of £2500, being one half thereof, is placed to your debit, in £62.15.3. I shall be very happy in advising you of her safe arrival which I hope may be in a few days. The Nancy is now in the dock and will as soon as she is ready sail from hence direct for Jamaica in Ballast. I have therefore made £3000 Insurance on her and her freight to Jamaica and London for account of her Owners, for one half of which I have debited your Account £94.7.9 as per particulars herewith, which I have no doubt you will approve. Youll please observe that I have only made. £3000 Insurance on her though the Sum insured on her last Voyage was £4000; but if you think proper to have another £1000 added on her from Jamaica to London please lett me know and it shall be done. I am very respectfully, Sir, Your most humble Servant, GEO. HAYLEY Since writing the above the bill on Meyler and Maxse of Bristol for £67.13. is return'd accepted. Sir, MAYN AND CO. TO AARON Lopez Lisbon, the 26th September, 1775 OUR last respects to you were under date the 19th June which we now confirm, and acknowledge receipt of your much esteemed favour of 9th June, with duplicates of what you wrote us the 20th April. We sincerely condole with you on the unhappy Contests that subsist between Great Britain and your Continent, to which we eagerly wish to see soon an amicable accommodation, and your trade to 1 flourish in its usual train, though we fear from the lengths both Parties have carried matters, a reconciliation is somewhat distant, and the future consequences be of disagreeable tendency. Inclosed is a letter from Captain Story for you, to whom we referr you for the particulars of the Spanish expedition against Algiers, in which he was employed, and though it proved very unsuccessfull to them, we hope he will find benefit from it as also the concerned in his vessell.1 By last Post, we had advice of the dismission of all the Transports, and of Captain Storys arrival at Barcelona from Alicante, and his intention to proceed to Cadiz, from whence we expect to hear from him, as also of his meeting with some good employment there, that will be productive of great advantage to the concerned. In failure thereof, he will either return to the Coast of Barbary to try what success he may have in the purchase of a Cargo of Wheat or Barley, if he finds it practicable, or proceed to Sicily for a loading of Wheat, where the extraction will be granted, and may be bought on reasonable terms; he will therefore pursue one or other of those plans, as he may think most. likely to conduce to our benefits; his rout we shall be carefull to advise you in course. We now beg leave to acquaint you that a Person lately arrived from the Rio de Janeiro informs us that Captain Lothrop and his mate died both there, of the Small Pox, in Prison. The sundry letters we received from him was forwarded to your friends Messrs. Hayley and Hopkins of London who, we suppose will think it worth their while to make application to the Court of Portugal about that affair, and we have already wrote you very explicitly on the subject. We are on all occasions with perfect regard and esteem, Sir, Your obedient Humble Servants, MAYN AND CO 1 See Cambridge Modern History, VI. 374. Parr, BulkeLEY AND CO. TO CHRISTOPHER CHAMPLIN Lisbon, 4 October, 1775. Sir: THE last we had the pleasure of writing you was the 14th June, since which we are without any of your most esteem'd favours. We are at this time only 58$675 in cash on your Account, too small a sum to be able to get a Bill for, but flatter ourselves shall soon be able to prevail on some of your debtors to bring in their payments, when we will without loss of time forward a remittance, and if possible per our next hand you Account Sales of your Adventure per the Peggy. Our market is glutted with America produce, and the stopage of importations from thence has had no manner of effect on this market, as throughout Europe we have had most abundant harvests; even Great Britain, which for nine years past has not exported a grain of Wheat, and for the two last years has imported it from abroad, this year abounds therewith, insomuch as to be enabled to export, which actually has taken place with a bounty, and one Cargoe of it is arrived here, from which we inferr this place will be plentifully supplyd, and at a moderate rate, which we communicate for your government in case you should think of engageing in your produce. We are most Respectfully, Sir, Your most humble Servants, PARR, BULKELEY AND CO Flour 38000, Rice 3$800 per Quintal Wheat 420rs, Corn 260rs. per Alqʼr. CHRISTOPHER CHAMPLIN TO THE COMMITTEE OF Gentlemen, HAVING recd from Mr. Jacob Watson of N. York one of the Freighters of my unfortunate Ship Peggy, William Barron Master, a Copy of the Resolve of the Honorable Continental Congress respecting the permitting said ship to proceed on her intended voyage with her Cargo of wheat taken on board at N. York, baring date at Philadelphia, 15 Nov., 1775,1 upon which I repaired hear with all the dispatch in my power, therefore as it apears from said Resolution of the Congress the ship ought to proceed [on] her intended voyage under your Inspection with the apointment of a new Master to be approved by you, and as I am the sole owner of said ship I presume it lays with me only to appoint. Willing that every possible objection shoud be removed with regard to the future destination of the ship I am induced to offer for your approbation a Gentleman wholy a stranger to me, and well known to you, to command said ship, one who is recommended to me to be a Person of Ability and Integrity, viz. Captain Seth Hardin of this town, who it cannot be supposed I have the least previous Influence over, and I flatter my self you cannot have any objection to him. as my ship is now ready to take on board said Cargo of wheat having repaired her Damages and fitted her for the Sea, I must therefore in the name of the Freighters and well as myself, require Permission of you to take on board said Cargo of Wheat, agreeable to the Resolves of the Congress; and as the Season is now so far advanced that its daily expected the navigation of your River may be stoped with Ice and my ship continues here at a great expence I must earnestly request the favor 1"Your Committee think there are just grounds to suspect, that William Barron, the master of the ship Peggy, would not be very solicitous to prevent the cargo, which might be useful to the ministerial army, from falling into the possession of the men of war, he having been before taken in the same ship, in Rhode Island, with a cargo from Chesapeak Bay, for Europe, nor can your Committee approve the conduct of the Owner of the Ship who continued the captain afterwards. Your Committee are therefore of opinion, that another master ought to be appointed to the said ship, who shall be approved by the committee of Norwich, and that the time of her sailing, as well as her tract be appointed by that committee, and the master sworn to use his best endeavours to prevent the said ship falling into the possession of any men of war or cutter, and to pursue as far as he can, the orders of the said committee in navigating the said ship, on which terms your committee are of opinion the said ship ought to be permitted to proceed with her cargo." Journals of the Continental Congress (L. of C. ed.), III. 354. you will please to take into consideration this afternoon these matters and give me your determination thereon that I may know how to proceed If it's agreeable I shall be ready to wait upon you and answer any questions you may think necessary for information. your compliance herewith will greatly oblige, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humb servant, Norwich in Connecticut, Dec. 5., 1775. CHRISTOPHER CHAMPLIN To the Gentlemen of the Committee for the Town of Norwich in Conecticut. P. S. I have requested the bearer Mr. Abial Chany to Wait upon you with this request. A True Copy on file. Test Elisha Lathrop, Clerk Pro tempore. [On the back of this letter is the following:] At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection of the town of Norwich legally convened in Norwich aforesaid the 6th day of December, 1775, at the Request of Chris: Champlin Esqr, owner of the ship Peggy now laying at Norwich landing, Capt. Ebenezer Bauldwin in the Chair, Elisha Lathrap was chosen Clerk Protempore. PARR, BULKELEY & Co. TO CHRISTOPHER CHAMPLIN Lisbon, 12th January, 1776. Sir: Our last respects was the 4th October, with Occurrences in trade, and being since deprived of the Pleasure of your favors, we come now to hand you Account Sales of 1540 bls flour, per the Peggy, Captain Barron your 1/3d Net Proceeds being Rs. 2631$4321 is placed to your Credit, without 1 Accounts in Portugal were kept in reis, a milreis being the exchange unit, worth an uncertain number of pence sterling. The dollar mark separates the figure into thousand reis. |