Rev. Prof. B. N. Martin, New York University. Rev. Burdett Hart, Fair Haven, Conn. Page 163, line 17, for "Such a work," read, "Such a work as Mr. Sawyer's." Page 232, line 3, for "plans," read, "laws." Page 257, line 3, omit the comma at the end of the line. Page 839, line 29, for "success," read, "successes." Page 856, line 24, omit "or." Page 943, line 11, for "denied," read, "derived." .1006 Augustine. Memoir of Saint..... 535 Awakening. Tracy's Great...... 535 Backus. Hovey's Memoir of Rev. 60 Bacon, (Rev. Dr. Leonard.) Moral Barnard's Educational Biography,. 568 Barnes, (Albert.) Life at Three Bautain. Art of Extem. Speaking, 826 Bible. Annotated Paragraph,. 784 Revision of the English... 144 Biographies. Arago, Bledsoe. Theodicy.. 192 480 541 276 Christianity a Strong System,..... 835 Christ. Wayland's Salvation by.. 267 ........ 154 823 Cleveland's Compendium of Amer- Conception Bay. New Priest in... 565 Conflict of Opinions. Thorndale, 279 Congregational Quarterly,..... 287 Connecticut. Colonial Records of 808 Courtship of Miles Standish,. Development and Evolution,... 882 Dictionary. Proposed New English 288 ...... 821 270 791 ords, 571 536 888 .1098 805 Fairbairn. Hermeneutical Manual, 783 Faith. Schedel's Emancipation of 259 First Things. Rev. Dr. B. Stow's 532 Fisher, (Prof. Geo. P.) Review of Review of Mansel's "Limits of 601 Review of Dr. Osgood on the 980 Fisk. Forces of the Pulpit, and Character of Jesus of Nazareth, 261 817 807 276 830 .1100 818 827 Hours with my Pupils. Mrs. Lin- Hovey. State of Impenitent Dead, 529 Hymn Book. New Andover...35, 69 Immortality of the Soul. Landis's 781 Impenitent Dead. Hovey's ...... 529 Inheritance of the Saints. Guthrie's 534 Jesus of Nazareth. Thoughts on Jones, (J. Henry.) Sepoy Mutiny, 357 Kiepert's new wall map of Palestine, 828 Kingsley, (Rev. C.) Miscellanies,. 557 Kingsley, (H. C.) Mr. Daniel Lord Germany. Madame de Stael's,...1097 Version and Biblical Revision,.. 489 Gibbs's Latin Analyst.. 144 Lawrence, (Prof. E. A.) Dr. Tyler New Haven. Colonial Records of 807 New Life. Bushnell's Serm's for the 382 Novelists. Masson's British.. ..1095 Oberlin-Wellington Rescue. Arti- cle by H. C. Kingsley, Esq.,..... 687 Obituary Notices. Annual, 1857. Old South Chapel Prayer Meeting, 810 Olmsted, (Prof. Denison.) Meteo- Revision. Gibbs's Biblical.... 552 489 450: 400 |